Frequency range:  200 to 500 meters
Circa : 1919

Description: The type 101 receiver consists of an inductivel coupler with two detectors. It was intended for land stations which used a 5kw tramsnitter. The 101 design was derived from the United Wireless Type 'E' tuner. The 101 used a loose coupler mounted behind the fromt  panel and incorporated two rectifiers - namely, cerusite and carborundum. These were mounted on the front panel. Less than 100 of the 101 tuners were manufactured.

Type  101 tuner. Click on image to enlarge. (Richard Groshong collection)
101 tuner rear view. Click on image to enlarge.  Clearly seen is the large internal. loose coupler which is operated by a system of pulleys and cables,  (Source: Richard Groshong collection)

101_rx_schematic1.jpg Type 101 receiver schematic. Click on image to enlarge.   Electronic drafting had not yet been standardized in 1918. The draftsman neglected to connect the leads together between the coils. Both the primary and secondary coil sets would definitely have been connected in series.  There would have been no connection between the primary and secondary as is shown. (Provided by Lewis Bodkin)
 Credits and References:

1) 1917 Practical Wireless Telegraphy by Elmer Bucher page 153-154
2) Jim Kreuzer`s chapter on American Marconi from his article
" Marconi -The Man and His Apparatus" , printed in the AWA Review vol. 9 1995
4) Lewis Bodkin <05bodkin555(at)>

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