
219_in_tokyo_s.jpg Coming alongside a jetty in Tokyo harbour for  a visit.  Although she is on her third tour of duty in the Korean theatre, this was ATHABASKAN's first visit to the Japanese capital.  (RCN Photo 0-4310 submitted by George Moore).
19_xmas_1956_s.jpg As she appeared on the front of her Christmas card of 1956. (RCN photo submitted by Tom Spowart)
219_at_sea_s.jpg At sea. (RCN photo colourized by Jerry Proc)
4shipss.jpg "Tribals Galore" - Taken in Halifax around 1962, ATHABASKAN 219
is berthed together with three of her sisters at Jetty 5 north. From the
jetty outward, the ships are CAYUGA, NOOTKA, ATHABASKAN 219 and MICMAC. To have these four Tribals together was an unusual and unique situation during that time. (DND Photo HS-69141)
219_image1_wk1155_ver2s.jpg Athabaskan in her Korean war livery. (National Defence Canada  photo #WK1155 from the collection of Ronald Mark) 
219_image2_5_57010_ver2s.jpg Athabaskan at sea in the early 1960s time period. (Canadian  Forces photo 5 57010  from the collection of Ronald Mark)
 5 57010
219_at_graving_dock_esquimalt_v986122_s.jpg At the government Graving Dock in Esquimalt BC. (Esquimalt Municipal Archives. Photo V896122)
219_at_sea6_v986128_s.jpg Somewhere at sea  as a Flotilla Leader.during the Korean war era.. Note that Athabee is not sporting a pendant. RN tradition dictates that a flotilla leader didn't have a pendant. (Esquimalt Municipal Archives. Photo V986128)

This undated photo of Athabaskan was likely taken in the 1964-65 time frame as determined by the submitter. (Submitted by Rob Donald)

Contributors and Credits:

1) Rob Donald <arrdee@sympatico.ca>
2) Ronald Mark <rondmar(at)telus..net>
3) David Shirlaw, Seawaves Magazine  <dave.shirlaw(at)seawaves.com>

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Aug 14/15