
Athabaskan's Trainbuster's certificate. (Courtesy Jeff Esau). 

219_president2_s.jpg Syngman Rhee, Korea's first president from 1948 to 1960, presented this letter to Athabaskan for her meritorious and heroic service as part of the United Nations naval force that served in Korea. Click on image to enlarge.  (Submitted by Jerry Morley)

US Armed Forces scrip.
Japanese Yen scrip
British Armed Forces scrip.
Scrip is any substitute for currency which is not legal tender and is often a form of credit. Besides scrip, US and Canadian currency was also used to pay for goods at canteens. 
All images in this table courtesy Ronald Mark. 



To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, the President of the Republic of Korea  sent a personal letter of of gratitude and respect to Korean veterans  whose name was on record. This personal letter was sent by Lee Myung-ba and was addressed to specific individuals, but this example was modified to collectively include all Korean war vets. 
Early in 2013, and in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the Korean War, this Certificate of Appreciation was sent by Leon Panetta, US Secretary of Defence, to all Korean war vets whose name was on file.  This certificate example was modified to collectively include all Korean war vets. 
Korean Medals: (L-R) Korean, Voluntary Service, United Nations.

The Korea medal was issued to all Commonwealth forces who served in Korea. It was a British Medal. The United Nations Medal was issued by the UN. These two  medals were automatically issued to all serving personnel after their return home and before the ceasefire. After the ceasefire in July 1953,  those personnel that served in the area were only issued the United Nations and later the Volunteer Service medals.

The Volunteer service medal was petitioned by Military groups and was issued in 1991 .Individuals had to apply for this medal by writing to the Canadian Department of National Defence.

All images in this table courtesy Ronald Mark. 

Contributors and Credits:

1) Jeff Esau
2) Jerry Morley  <>
3) Ronald Mark <rondmark(at)>

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Jan 20/13