Athabaskan Rescues a USN Navy Pilot
by Jeff Esau


During Athabaskan’s tour of duty in Korea,  her crew had the opportunity to rescue a USN navy pilot on 18 Feb 1953.  Lt Robert Stamatis, a Panther pilot whose aircraft flamed out at 30,000 ft has just  taken off from the carrier USS Philippine Sea.  The Athabaskan sent out a 27-foot whale boat to rescue Stamatis, who ditched in the Sea of Japan near the destroyer rather than risk freezing or drowning by bailing out, which apparently occurred to a fellow pilot the previous week.

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Lt. Stamatis being transferred in a bamboo stretcher on a halyard to the USS Valley Forge, the closest carrier in the vicinity. (Photo via Jeff Esau. Member, Canadian Association of Journalists and Professional Member, Periodical Writers Association of Canada)
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