No. 1 and No. 2 DECREMETERS


A Decremeter is an  instrument for measuring the logarithmic decrement of electromagnetic waves.  When a tuning circuit was connected to the antenna of a spark transmitter  ,the amplitude of the oscillations was suppressed. This was called `damping`.    The determination of the decrement of the damping of the antenna oscillations is a measure  of the tuning qualities of a radio-transmitter and, in a sense , permits predetermination of the interference to be expected from the transmitter.


No.1 100 to 700 meters
No.2  400 to 3000 meters.
Can also be used as a wavemeter.


No. 1   16 x 10.25 x 5 inches
No. 2.  18.5 x 11.5 x 5.25 inches

No.1 Decremeter (History of Science Museum , London)
No.2 Decremeter (Image via Marconi catalogue)

Decreneter circuit.Some text on the operation of the Decremeter can be found here

Contributors and Credits:

1) Lewis Bodkin  <05bodkin555(at)>

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June 30/21