Some of the earliest equipment shown was reviewed in "The Marconi Review"  in date ranges from 1928 to 1930. This means that the equipment was designed and in service well ahead of the dates on which it was reviewed.  In the earliest days of radio the word "set" was used to designate an assemblage of components. This could mean two or more pieces of equipment that are interconnected to provide a particular function.

Definition of frequency bands used in this web site:

MF stands for Medium  Frequency (wave) which at sea,  was 410 to 515 KHz
IF was Intermediate  Frequency which covered 1.6 to 3.8 MHz
HF was High Frequency and covered 4 MHz and above.

This link will help to explain British equipment nomenclature.

Marconi Company organizational tree.

No 1 Decremeter
No 2 Decremeter
No. 2 Wavemeter Dual range wavemeter Usually called Type 2 wavemeter. 
No. 4 Receiver Cross referenced to type MR-4 receiver in this list  
No. 5 Receiver    
No. 8 Receiver Cross referenced to type 231 receiver in this list  
No. 9 Receiver    
11A Direction Finding Set  
11B Direction Finding Set  
11F Direction Finding Set  
11G Direction Finding Set  
12A Direction Finding Set
16 type Crystal Set Receiver
20 type Crystal Set Receiver
27 Receiver
31  Crystal Receiver
38 Tuner/Amplifier    
55 Detector Amplifier
70 Tuner
71 Detector Amplifier
86 Receiver
91 Detector/Amplifier. Uses FE1 valve
100 Morse Key
110A Life boat radio Need info
123 Receiver Receiver
127 Receiver Tuner
145 Receiver
226 Receiver   Marine receiver  
231 - See No.8 Receiver Receiver  
240 - Lifeboat Receiver Receiver- need info  
241A - Lifeboat Transmitter Transmitter
335 Transmitter Emergency Transmitter
352 and 352A Receiver Marine Receiver system  
359 DF set
361 Marine Receiver  Circa 1938
372 Marine Receiver
381 Transmitter Need specs and photo
394 Receiver Family  Covers 394, 394A, 394F and 394G receivers  Off site link.
398  Transmitter Need specs and photo
579 DF system DF system
730 Receiver
1910 catalog Documentation for many early 
1910 Receiving Unit and Instrument catalog.
Marconi U.K. reprinted this catalogue on an
anniversary in the nineties.  The original 
cover is missing A searchaable index of 
devices featured in the catalogue can be
found here. 
1919 Direction Finder (circa 1919 ) 
48795 Wavemeter    
55013  Generator High Voltage Generator
A2 Two valve ampolifier  
'C' Receiver  1916
DFM2 Direction Finding Set
DFM3 Direction Finding Set
DFM4 Direction Finding Set Marconi Review Pub. Vol 1; Oct 1928 to Dec 1929; Issue 8, Pg 7
DF24 Direction Finder  
DFG3  Direction Finder - need info 1930
DFG4 & 4A  Direction Finder - need info 1930-32
DFG5 & 5A Direction Finder - need info 1930-36
DFG6A Direction Finder - need info 1930-32
DFG8A & 8B Direction Finder - need info 1930-32
DFG9  & 9B Direction Finder - need info 1930-32
DFG10  Direction Finder  1934
DFG12 Direction Finder - need info For Newfoundland airport.  1931-41
DFG20/1 Direction Finder - need info 1939-41
DFG20/2 Direction Finder - need info 1940
DFG24/2 HF Direction Finder
DFG25 HF Direction Finder  
DFG28 HF Direction Finder
DFM2 Direction Finder - need info 1927
DFM3 Direction Finder - need info 1931
DFP4 Direction Finder - need info 1940
Duplex Telephone Set
Eighteen inch Coil
'H' Receiver
Jigger  RF transformer 1989, 1900 
Key - Marconi's First Wireless key
Key - Marconi's Second Wireless key
Key - Marconi's Third  Wireless key  
Key - Marconi's Fourth  Wireless key  
Lifeboat Transmitter    
'L' receiver See photo of  station BZM   
Marconi (Fleming) Valve 
Mark III Tuner Tuner  
MC-1 Transmitter Transmitter 1,500 watts
MC-1 Wavemeter
MC-2 Wavemeter
MC-4 Wavemeter
MC--8A  Transmitter Transmitter 500 watts
MC-13 Transmitter  Transmitter 1,500 watts
MP-4 Wavemeter
MP-7 Wavemeter
MR4B Receiver Cross referenced to No,4 receiver
Multiple Tuner - Long Tuner Catalog reference - 108R
Multiple Tuner - Short Tuner Smaller version of the Multiple Tuner - Long


QG Transmitter Spark Gap Transmitter 1.5 kw  
R 220  Reception Set.   (Need info) 
RG-34 Receiver
RG-35 Receiver
RG27 Marine Receiver   
Receiver Cross Reference Early 1920s to 1950
Rotating Beam Receiver Marine DF  (circa 1923) This is a DF system. 
SWB-8 HF transmitter  
SWB-11 HF transmitter   
SWB-14 HF transmitter  Circa 1939 
SWB-18 HF transmitter  Circa 1939 
Telephone Set, Cabinet Type.    
TGY-1 Transmitter MF/HF transmitter Part of outfit TW12EP
Ten inch Spark Coil Transmitter 
TF-643 Wavemeter Instrument WWII era
TN1 Naval Transmitter  Older than 1928
TN3 Naval Transmitter  Marconi Review Pub. Vol 1; Oct 1928 to 
Dec 1929; Issue 11, Pg 23
TN4 Naval Transmitter 
TN5A Naval Transmitter  Marconi Review Pub. Vol 2; Jan 1930 to 
Dec 1930; Issue 20, Pg 11
TN7 Naval Transmitter  Marconi Review Pub. Vol 1; Oct 1928 to 
Dec 1929; Issue 4, Pg 16
TN 10 Naval Transmitter  
TN19 Naval Transmitter
TN21 Naval Transmitter
TN100 Naval Transmitter  
TN250 Naval transmitter  
TN1000 Naval transmitter  
Tx - One Quarter kw Ships Set Transmitter - 250 watts The power level and a word suffix is the model number.
Tx - One Half kw Ships Set Transmitter - 500 watts The power level and a word suffix the model number.
Tx - 1.5 kw Set Transmitter - 1,500 watts The power level and a word suffix the model number.
Tx - 1.5 kw Disc Transmitting Set Transmitter - 1,500 watts The power level and a word suffix the model number.
Tx - 1.5 kw Plain Discharger Set Transmitter - 1,500 watts The power level and a word suffix the model number.
Tx - 1.5 kw Combined Telegraph Transmitter - 1,500 watts The power level and a word suffix the model number.
Tx - Plain Discharger 5 kw Transmitter - 5000 watts The word and the  power level is the model number.
Tx - Battleship 5 kw Transmitter -  5,000 watts The word and the  power level is the model number. 
Tx - Special 5 kw Transmitter  - 5,000 watts The word and the  power level is the model number. 
Tx -  25kw set Transmitter - 25 kolowatts  The word and the  power level is the model number. 
Tx- Type 1 Naval transmitting set 
Tx-Type 2 Naval transmitting set 
Tx-Type 3 Naval transmitting set 
Tx-Type 4 Naval transmitting set 
Tx-Type 5 Naval transmitting set
Tx-Type 6 Naval transmitting set 
Tx Type 7 Naval transmitting set 
Tx Type 8 Naval transmitting set 
Tx Type 9 Naval transmitting set 
Tx Type - 10 Naval transmitting set 
Universal Receiver  
 V2A Long range receiver  
YA1 Portable Tx/Rx Tx/Rx
YB1 Portable Tx/Tx Tx/Rx
YC3 Portable Transmitter/Receiver Tx/Rx
YC4 Transmitter /Receiver Tx/Rx



Alert Auto Alarm Receiver  
Atalanta General purpose receiver
Argonaut VHF radiotelephone  
Autokey Alarm Keyer   
B28 Receiver Refer to CR100/1
Challenger Transmitter Need specs
Commander Transmitter  Need specs.
Conqueror SSB main transmitter  
CR100 series General purpose rcvr Manual available on-line
CR150 HF receiver   
CR150/6 HF receiver  
CRD150/20B HF receiver Part of SSR2 diversity system 
CR200/B29 LF/MF receiver  
CR300 series Marine receiver
Crusader SSB transmitter  
Dynatron  Type 2235 Entertainment receiver Made for Marconi Marine by Dynatron 
EC958 & EC964 Oil rig receiver  
Electra General purpose rcvr Manual available on-line
Elettra Aerial Multicoupler(?)  Need info
FM16 MFDF Royal Navy version of Lodestar II.
Gannet Receiver  
Globespan MF/HF transmitter  
Guardian DF receiver  Part of a DF system
Guillemot  Type 1167 Transmitter  
H1060 Oil rig transmitter  1 kilowatt
Herald ? Need info
HR22 HF SSB Receiver
HR110 ? Need info
HR24 Dual diversity receiver Need specs and photo.
HS113 Transmitter
Kestrel Radiotelephone, Circa  1960 Need info and photo
Lifeline Portable emergency. Tx  Need photo.
Lifeguard  Auto alarm receiver
Lodestar MF/DF set Assuming this set uses valves
Lodestar II MFDF set Assuming this set uses valves
Lodestone  Model RD101 MFDF
Lodestone III  Model 758D  MFDF   
Lodestone IV Model 758E  MFDF   
Mercury General purpose rcvr Manual available on-line
Monitor Marine band receiver  
Oceanguard Auto Alarm Looking for a photo and specs.
Oceanphone VHF radio. 10 to 14 watts Need info
Oceanspan 2 MF/HF transmitter  
Oceanspan 6 MF/HF transmitter
Oceanic  SRE receiver Type 1075 Looking for photo and specs
Reliance Emergency transmitter   
Renown Type 950E Receiver for DF and radiotelephone
Renown Type 1060A MF/HF receiver Loohing for an acrual photo. 
Salvare Life boar radio station The first model in this family did not have a dash 1 suffix
Salvare 2 Life boat radio station 
Salvare 3 Life boat radio station
Salvare 4 Life boat radio station
Salvor II Emergency transmitter 
Salvor III Ttransmitter  
Salvita Life boat transmitter Looking for photo 
Salvita 2 Life boat transmitter Looking for photo
Salvita 3 Life boat transmitter
Seaguard Auto alarm receiver  
Seaguide  DF Receiver Looking for photo and specs. 150 Khz to 350 Khz, 1.5 Mhz to 3.5 Mhz and 150 Khz to 22 Mhz
Seagull II aka as type (060A Need info
Seahorse Need info
Seamew Radiotelephone Need specs
Seaspan Transmitter Looking for photo and specs
Seapilot DF system. 
Seaview II ? Need info
Trader  MF Transmitter   
SSR-2 SSB Diversity receiver  Used with CRD150/20B 
TV-5 Transmitter/Receiver
Type D Auto Alarm   
Transarctic MF/HF transceiver  
Valiant LF/MF/HF Receiver Model RS302
Vigilant Auto Alarm  
Worldspan Transmitter Need specs and photo. 


Apollo General purpose rcvr The first generation of a solid state, marine receiver.
Argonaut S and SP  VHF radiotelephone  
Atlantic  HF SSB receiver  Rebranded Eddystone 1838
Autokey 2 Alarm keyer   
Autokey N Alarm keyer 
Bantam  Handheld radio  Need photo and specs.
Coast Alert II 2182 KHz Auto Keyer  
Coastcall II Selective calling system
Commandant and Commandant SD  SSB transmitter  
Corvette 20S VHF marine radiotelephone
Falcon I and II SSB transmitter/receiver
Kestrel III  Radiotelephone
Lifeguard III Auto Alarm  
Lifeguard N Auto alarm for 500 KHz
Lodestar 3 and 3D D/F unit
Marlin SSB Transceiver  
Nautilus and Nautilus D  VHF FM transceiver  
Nebula General purpose receiver
Oceanic Solid state marine receiver This is a Dansk M3000 rebranded for Marconi Marine
Oceanlink  Transceiver ?  Circa 1986. Need photo and specs.
Pacific X HF Receiver This is a rebranded  Eddystone EC1837/1S 
Pantenna III  Antenna system  
Salvor 4 Rerserve transmitter Looking for specs 
Sentinel Marine receiver  Rebranded Eddystone Model 1004 .
Survivor Lifeboat transmitter/receiver
Survivor 2 Lifeboat transmuitter/receiver This is a hybrid - tube transmitter with solid state receiver.
Survivor 3 Lifeboat transmitter/receiver
Talisman Diversity receiver
Transocean  SSB transceiver
Warden x Autoalarm . Need specs and photo for Mk 1 (original)  and Mk 3
Warden 2 AutoalarmFor 2182 kHz
Waeden 3  AutoalarmF - need info
Warden 4 Autoalarm receiver For 2182 KHz

The Marconi Marine Company published  a weekly “periodical  magazine  called Marconi Mariner in which new equipment  and other news was featured. It published from late 1960’s to the mid 1980’s.  In the equipment documents of this web site, frequent mention is made of Marconi Mariner.   Ross Bradshaw G4DTD,  provides instructions on how to access these magazines.

To access this cache of periodicals, click on the  following URL:
 Click on the page that comes up, scroll down a bit then select the issue you want to read.
 Note that  the issue might be too big to display so click the DOWNLOAD button


cdn_marconi_ad_1961_s.jpg This ad, placed in a periodical in September 1961 by Marconi Marine was intended to announce the selection of Marconi Marine equipment by a long time customer. Also included in the ad were Canadian Marconi  locations where service could be obtained for Marconi Marine equipment. 
This extract, taken from page 1 of the book "Wireless At Sea" by H.E.. Hancock (1950),  shows all the third party service depots  in the Western hemisphere  where service could procured for Marconi Marine (International) equipment. . 

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