RELIANCE (NT102) Emergency Transmitter


Modes: CW (A1) and MCW (A2H).
Power out: CW 100 watts ; MCW 120 watts  *
Antenna current into artificial aerial: 3.7 to 4.8 amps depending on mode and frequency.
Frequency range: 365 to 525 KHz. Default spot frequencies were 410, 425,454, 468, 480, 500 and  512  KHz
MCW modulation frequency: 850 Hz
Modulation depth:  85%
Frequency control:  Master oscillator. It did not use crystals. Six spot frequencies were available.
Power input - Operates on 110 or 220 VDC mains or 24 volt emergency battery power.

1) This transmitter also goes by the designation RT102.
2) There are references on the web to the "Reliant" transmitter, however, no data or photo has ever turned up to substantiate this. It is believed that the "Reliance" transmitter is being called a Reliant transmitter since the names sound very close.

*  Depending on the method of modulation.  Plate modulation increases power. .Grid modulation will typically reduce power output. .

Reliance photo courtesy Marconi Marine International
The Marconi Reliance as seen in the radio room  of MV Quebec VCXL in April 1971. (Photo from the collection of Paul duMesnil by way of Spud Roscoe) 
Reliance transmitter in colour. (From the collection  of Chelsea Cottage) 
Nameplate from above photo.

Contributors and Credits:

1) Sandy Blaize  <ebjr37(at)>
2) Spud Roscoe <spudroscoe(at)>
3) Ad Wouterson  PA2PCH <a.wouterson(at)>
6) David Samways <gdas1(at)>
7) Reliance Transmitter colour photo from Roger  <>]
8) Ross Bradshaw []

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