DDE 218 ERA - PEOPLE (4)


C2ER George Squance and LSFC Joe Grigg turning over a donation from Cayuga's welfare committee to the Halifax Police Boys' Club around 1964. (A Halifax Herald photo submitted by Joe Grigg)

Halifax, 1961: Divisions on the jetty.  Commander Petley-Jones inspects. Behind him is C2PRI Sidney Gould,  Lcdr Wright XO and Coxswain (unidentified) . (Photo submitted by Sidney Gould)

In Pearl Harbour sometime between  December 1952 to August 1954.
(L-R) Ray Walker, Unknown,  Bill Gornick (s/p?) Johnny Molnar, Unknown, Unknown. (Photos in this table by Raymond Harold Walker. From the collection of Kelly Walker)

Hawaiian hula girls aboard Cayuga sometime in the 1952 to 1954 era. (Photos by Raymond Harold Walker. From the collection of Kelly Walker)

Sometime between June 1950 and June 1951, twoUS Navy WAVES  (Women Accepted for Volunteer Emergency Service) were invited aboard HMCS Cayuga as publicity to encourage Canadian girls to join the Navy. Here, they are requesting to permission to come aboard. Cayuga was in Hawaii at the time.  (Photo from the collection of  Bobbie  J. Leschingski) 
CPO 1 Hugh Cochrane Dunbar is pointing out something to WAVES  Bobbie Leschingski (left, nee Smith) and  Sonya Sondergard (right).  Hugh was a twenty year man who retired from HMCS Discovery in the mid fifties.  (Photo from the collection of  Bobbie  J. Leschingski) 

Contributors and Credits:

1) Kelly Walker <kwalker@mymts.net>
2) Bobbie  J. Leschingski  <bjleski(at)>

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July 17/15