
If you would like to be listed on this page, please contact Jerry Proc, e-mail: and supply any information, comments or a story about your years of service aboard Cayuga.

In addition, Records of Service can be obtained from Library and Archives Canada at the following address:

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Ottawa, ON
K1A 0N3

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Application Form For Record of Service 

Amos,  Edward

Sailed in Cayuga 1955/1957 with rank LSTD2. Mess # 11 upper after starboard. Would like to join the Cayuga web page.

Ed Amos. Retired

Berry,  Mike  OSWU 46968-H

I served in Cayuga under Commander Beckett from approximately 1961 to 1964 and met some wonderful guys that I can still remember: Guy Munn, Wally Zinck, Al Hunter, Rick Henn and of course who could forget Chum Guy and Nobby Clark. They were "Great Guys". I too was on board that terrible night in Philly with the night cook, shame on me but I don't remember the lad's name, from Nova Scotia.. I think I ran into Wally Zinck in NS around 1994, walked into an Irving and asked if anyone here had heard of him and a guy walks in the door just then and says I'm Wally Zinck. Imagine that ! The nice smile was still there after 30 years.

Mike Berry
221 Ellerdale St
Saint John, New Brunswick
Email: mberry115(at)

Bishop, Don

I served in the R.C.N. from Jan.1956 to Jan. 1961. In 1959 it was my privilege to serve on H.M.C.S. Cayuga and was aboard during the boiler room fire while sailing from Montreal to Halifax. Was also part of the crew that transferred to Cayuga from St. Laurent when Cayuga came around from the West coast.

Both ships tied up side by side in Halifax and the crews just marched off St. Laurent to Cayuga and vice versa.
An extremely fast and efficient crew exchange. From a personal view, it was quite a change to go from the "Sally" and it's comfortable bunks to a WWII destroyer and start slinging  a mick. However, Cayuga was an excellent ship and I have many fond memories of my time sailing in her.

My rank upon discharge was L.S.E.M.

Don Bishop

Bjorndahl, Don

Madoc, Ontario

Cansdale, Bob

I thought I would retire from Cayuga as it felt I was there for a long time. Served under Benson, Hoyle, Page, and Petley-Jones. The most memorable announcement made was during the course of preparing meals and especially soup. The ship would make a hard turn to port or starboard, the end result was always the same. Soup all over the galley, from the deck, bulkhead and deckhead and then the announcement which was "the ship is maneuvering and may roll."

The time came when I was to leave the ship. The event started when we left Bermuda for Halifax to get ready for a Baltic cruise in January. We left Bermuda knowing that we were going through a huge storm which lasted two days and abated on Christmas Day with the Atlantic being as smooth as glass. We lost all the upper deck lifesaving apparatus, storage lockers as well as damage to the more sailing for months.
Previous to this event, we had been rammed by a friendly destroyer abreast of the torpedo tubes. Guess she just wanted to get close to us.

All in all Cayuga was good to me for shipmates and experience which I enjoyed. Went to Japan, Korea, Vietnam, Okinawa, Santiago, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Panama, Bermuda and Boston as well as a few other places. On one trip to Pearl Harbor, three Japanese destroyers tied up on the next jetty to us, the first time the Japanese had been back since December 7th, 1941.

There's a lot more good memories of the Cayuga, but only a small place to put them.

Bob Cansdale
Kemptville, Ontario
E-mail being   <rcansdale(at)>

Cox, Al

Found the "mascot" picture and it brought back a memory. I  had forgotten - - that particular dog ended up being brought home to Dauphin, Manitoba in 1954-55 by one of the ship's company. For some reason he ended up on my doorstep and became my pet until 1956. I named him" Major".  As luck would have it, I joined the navy in 1959 and was assigned my first sea draft. You guessed it - HMCS Cayuga ! Served aboard as OSRP
1960 to '61 then on to Athabascan and back to Cayuga in '62 for short stay until refit. Next was a 2's course.  Spent 15 years serving on several other ships and left as P2RP for a new career in the Forest Service.

Best regards,
Al Cox , Peggys Cove Road,
Peggys Cove , Nova Scotia
E-mail:  grumpy2u42(at)

Doyle , Bill

I was a member of Cayuga ships company in 1951/1952. The skipper was Commander James Plomer and the
medical officer was Ferdinand Waldo Demara Jr, the "Great Imposter" a.k.a. Doc Cyr. I would appreciate hearing  from any former crew member who served on Cayuga during those years.

Bill "Dolly" Doyle

Dunbar, Hugh Cochrane CPO1 RCN

My dad, Hugh Dunbar, served in the Cayuga from 15 September 1949 to 27 May 1951; on Athabaskan from 02 Sep 1952 to 1 Feb 1953; on Fraser (1939) and Skeena in the late thirties (1936, 37, 38, 39). He was made PO in 1940, CPO2 in 1943 and CPO1 in 1943. Retired in 1957.

He was born in 1919 and though it is a little late to think that anyone who knew him is alive today, you never know. He was an ASDIC and a torpedo man.

Well liked, I believe, and served a typical career with the expected medal issue (eight medals).
He was a really nice guy. I wish I knew him now and would love to hear more about him.

Geoffrey Dunbar

Fillion, Joe

I sailed in Cayuga 1960-1962. Originally joined the Navy in 1953. After rentry, I stayed in the Navy until 1989, a total of 36 years. Was Coxswain of Annapolis 1978 until 1980 when I was named Command Chief Petty Officer, I was in this position until 1986 when I was Commissioned from the ranks.

Cayuga was a great ship with a great Lower deck crew. I recall when we were alongside in Philadelphia and a young Cook hung himself in the Galley, it very sad. There is not many of us left that slung a "Mic", take care,

Joe Fillion <joefillion(at)>

Hawtin, Leonard

Served on CAYUGA 60-61 as LSEM. Ollie Saunders took my duty watch 14 of March when they had the fire in the OPs room and I think Dave Mason was the P.O. in the boiler room when they had the fire. Your site brings back old memories.
RCN 1952=1977

Hollier, Gord

We left Esquimalt the fall of 1953 sailing to Japan on our way to Korea.
The Captain was L/CD-R Hayes, (Crash Hayes)
E-mail:  gord.hollier(at)

Lichtenstein, Bill

I was an electrician and went from the Bonnie to Cayuga in the Fall of 1962. We went on a cruise to Plymouth, Rotterdam and then to Portsmouth. The squadron then had a rush trip (4 days) back to Slackers to replenish ship and join the Cuban crisis off Shelburne watching 17 Soviet subs. This was a scary time. From there, it was off to Stad on a two's course.

The Electricians shared the 'after lower' with the Stokers, These were a great bunch of guys and  I'll never
forget my life at sea especially learning to sling and sleep in a 'Mic'. Trying to keep ones spaghetti on the plate
and on the table rather than on one's lap during speed trials was also challenging. These great memories rate right
along with "UP SPIRITS".

Get in touch if you wish ---
Bill Lichtenstein ABLM2  31622-H    March 1959 to March 1964
Originally from Fort Frances, Ont.  but now living in South Surrey, B.C.
E-mail: pawsnclaws(at)

MacDougall, Gordon

I transferred to Cayuga from Crusader. She was on her last tour in Korea. Interesting to read about
the dog. She was brought aboard by CPO Buckingham who had a sister who also lives in Gibsons,
BC where I live. He has passed on now (leaving the next generation to become the "oldtimers"!)
I would dearly like to get in touch with anyone who remembers those times in either the Cayuga or
Crusader. I was a signalman.
Later,  Gordon MacDougall,LSCV1
E-mail: nodrogm(at)

McKay, Walter C. (Bud)      11025-E    ABAA3  Mounting P2-Midship Bofor port side

I served in HMCS Cayuga from May 1950 to June 1952 . On the first trip to Korea, our skipper was Capt. Jeffery Brock. On the second trip, the captain was Cmdr. James Plomer.

In July of 1950 we did exercises with the 7th Fleet out of Pearl Harbor. The invitation to join came with a requirement - the ability to maintain 20 knots. Capt. Brock's reply  was - "is that ahead or astern?" He was a good skipper and had the ability to handle Tribal Class Destroyers with absolute ease. Those were tough years.  During her tour of duty, Cayuga acquired the sobriquet "The Galloping Ghost of the Korean Coast the Fighting 218". The ship's company were all good men who took care to watch out for each other.

E-mail: <budmckay(at)>

Milne , Larry

At age 18, and in 1960, I was Captain for the day. I would like to reach out to my other Cayuga shipmates.

Noa, Howard

I was a Stoker aboard Cayuga in the 1953-54 time frame and would like to hear from any former shipmates.
Contact me by e-mail or telephone.
E-mail  <bettenoa(at)>   OR  (604) 826-8081

Noseworthy, Ed   ABEM

I too served in the Cayuga from 1960  to 1962 and still remember Ollie Saunders and Chum Guy. Saunders could hypnotize me with the flick of his finger. Also remember that night in Philadelphia.  My buddy and I were from BC and were coming back from  shore leave about  2 am when we decided to check out the galley. That's when we found the night cook hanging from a hammock rope and called the Officer of the Watch..

Coming from a frigate to a tribal was something else speed wise.   She was a beautiful   !!!
Email: <edandjean(at)>

Ollerhead, Alfred

Served under Captain Brock 1950-1951 in Korea. I salute all the brave mates that I served with and all those who gave their lives for us to live in peace and harmony. I reside in Bishop's Falls, Newfoundland and can be reached via e-mail at:  <Gussieo88(at)>

Sheridan, Bob

I served in Naden, New Glasgow, James Bay, and in Cayuga from July to October, 1955.  In company with Athabaskan, we sailed to Monterey, Honolulu, Hilo, then Long Beach before returning to Esquimalt.  I was an Administrative Writer, ABAW2 in Cayuga.  I still have the report of proceedings hand written by Commander Davidson in which he says "Hilo is no place for sailors".  I served from 1952 to 1957, then went to San Francisco City College for two years after my discharge.  Presently living in Langley, BC.  Would like to hear from former shipmates.

Bob Sheridan
E-mail:  r_jsheridan(at)

Zinck, Wallace

Brings back great memories served on the ship 1961 until it was paid off. Would like to communicate with old shipmates. Many years after Cayuga I sailed on other interesting ships such as Foundation Vigilent (3rd officer) and also sailed as first officer on Bluenose II. However have always treasured my time as OD seaman FC  on Cayuga

Wallace Zinck
P.O. Box 756
Nova Scotia B0J 1J0


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