

(Photo courtesy of Reidar Olsen, Norway. E-mail: trolok45(at)c2i.net )
Fernlesegeraet was a remote lamp indicator panel for the Enigma. All the lamps had to be removed in order to use this accessory.

By positioning the panel out-of-view,  the plain text decode would not be seen by the operator working the keyboard and afforded an additional level of security. That was it's primary role. It theory it could also be used as a "convenience", by allowing the operator recording the lights to sit down at a table instead of hovering over the shoulder of the keyboard operator.

When Enigma was supplied with Fernlesegeraet, the machine was fitted with a wider case and the indicator was stored on the right side of the case. This example is held by the Norwegian Armed Forces Museum in Oslo, Norway .

This photo of Fernlesegeraet shows the connector detail. The cable could be oriented so that it exited to the right or to the left. (Photo courtesy John Alexander, G7GCK Leicester, England. E-mail: See Museum Info section).

This Enigma M4 has the Schreibmax "writer" accessory installed. It's a printer with a type wheel of 26 letters and it eliminated the requirement of having a separate operator copy the lamps during decodes.  On the "button" side of the frame are contacts which plug into the lamp sockets. All the lamps would have to be removed in order to use the Schreibmax. To the right of the Enigma is the AC power supply for the writer. This example is held by the Norwegian Armed Forces Museum in Oslo, Norway. (Photo courtesy of Reidar Olsen, Norway. E-mail: trolok45(at)c2i.net )
The Schreibmax consists of two units: the printer itself that is mounted on top of the Enigma machine, and an external power supply unit.  Example is held by the National Cryptologic Museum. (Photo by Ralph Simpson)

This artifact is on display at the National Cryptologic Museum. (Photo by Jerry Proc).
The "UHR" (clock) was a mechanical device used by the German Armed Forces in WWII to further increase the security of the Enigma. When the clock plugs were substituted for the original ones in the Enigma plugboard, the electrical current was directed through the clock. By simply turning the large knob on the clock, the Enigma operator could select 40 different plugging arrangements without having to rearrange the plugs. It also effected letter transpositions more complex than simple pair swaps.


Collector Paul Reuvers suggests that these AC power supplies were probably built by the Swiss Army during WWII for use with the Enigma-K (a.k.a. the Swiss-K Enigma). That's probably the reason why there are no identification plates on the case, why the lock is different and why it does not share the same "look" as Enigma. The same is true for the Enigma-K case itself. It was built by the Swiss themselves.

This is an Enigma power supply (s/n 230) that could power up to four Enigma machines, perhaps in a Comm Center environment.   The primary side supports voltages of  110, 125, 145, 220 and  250 volt AC.  (Photo via E-bay). 

Another example of an Enigma AC power supply. (Photo by Paul Reuvers)
Enigma battery box replica (right) shown next to an actual battery box. (Photo via E-bay)

An original Enigma 4.5 volt battery. (Photo via E-bay)
An exact replica of the Enigma carbon/zinc battery. This replica has  the same dimensions (101 x 70 x 75 mm) as the original , the same printing, colour of paper and an original "Approved" mark. It can be opened up and fitted with three 'AA' batteries. (Photo via E-bay)
Metal Enigma case. (E-bay photo) 

Above and below: Case for a single Enigma rotor with cover on and off. (Photos via E-bay)

Contributors and Credits:

1) Paul Reuvers <enigma(at)xat.nl>
2) Ralph Simpson <ralphenator(at)gmail.com>
3) http://www.cryptomuseum.com/crypto/enigma/schreibmax/index.htm

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Apr 7/12