KWT-37 Additional Photos

kwt37_kwo37s.jpg KWO-37. This table represents a complete KWT-37. Click on any of the drawers to display a more detailed photo. (All photos in this table by Jerry Proc) 
kwt37_xmiting_unit_s.jpg KWT-37 Transmitting Unit
kwt37_xmiting_unit_s.jpg KWT-37 Transmitting Unit
kwt37_xmiting_unit_s.jpg KWT-37 Transmitting Unit
kwt37_kwx3_s.jpg  KWX-3 Timer Switch and Power Supply.

Bottom view of the KWT-37 transmitting unit chassis.

Closeup of meter on the KWO-37 unit. It is identical to the meter found in the KWR-37.
Closeup of clock in KWX-3
This stencil on the chassis cover for the transmitting unit indicates speed setting boards are on the other side. 
These PCB's determine speed settings. The placement of these boards can be seen at the right middle side of the transmitting unit chassis photo. 
All photos in this table by Jerry Proc

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Sept 26/08