KYX-15 Net Control Device

The KYX-15 Net Control device is a battery operated transfer and storage device. It is used by net controllers to perform Advance Remote Keying operations. It can store up to 16 keys and can be filled by a KOI-18, KYK-13 or KYX-15. When connected to COMSEC equipment. it can perform remote keying (over the air) and control functions and other key operations.
Above and below: Device photos courtesy Combat Communications and Surveillance Museum.

Filling the COMSEC equipment. The interconnecting cable was affectionately known as the "donkey's dick" in the business.  (Graphic courtesy U.S. Army) 

KYX-15 functions. (Graphic courtesy U.S. Army) 

Reference: TM 11-5810-292-13&P. May 1989

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