DDH 283

283badge.gifHMCS ALGONQUIN was the first of her class to undergo modernization under the TRUMP programme at the Davie Shipyard , Lauzon Quebec. In June of 1993, she was tested as the flagship to the Commander of NATO's Standing Naval Force Atlantic in the Adriatic Sea, where the squadron was operating in support of the United Nations resolution involving the blockade of (former) Yugoslavia. ALGONQUIN's current home port is Esquimalt, British Columbia (1998).

HMCS Algonquin passing Fisgard Light and entering Esquimalt Harbour, British Columbia, Canada. She has completed her TRUMP conversion in this photo.

Please refer to IROQUIS 280 for additional information regarding weaponary and performance data.



Laid down: 1st September 1969
Launched: 23rd April 1971
Commissioned: 3rd November 1973
Modernized: 26th October 1987 to 11th November 1991 (TRUMP)
Builder: Davie Shipbuilding and Repairs, Lauzon Quebec; Canada
Speed: 30 knots
Displacement: 5100 tons, full load
Crew: 14 officers; 230 enlisted (pre-TRUMP); 290 total (post-TRUMP)
Length (feet): 426 overall; 398 between perpendiculars
Beam: 50 feet
Draught: 15.5 feet
Radio call sign: CZJX

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