HMS AFRIDI'S acceptance trials took place on 29th April 1938 in a rising gale but all went well and she was accepted. After completing the usual formalities, she sailed from Portland, England on 27th May on her way to join the Mediterranean Fleet at Malta. In July, she left Malta to patrol the waters off the Mediterranean Spanish coast. AFRIDI like all other RN Vessels in these waters, had broad, red, white and blue bands painted on `B' mounting so that Spanish Republican and Nationalist aircraft could identify the neutral British.

By 18 September 1938, AFRIDI arrived at Istanbul, Turkey for a formal visit. The Czechoslovak crises were upon the world so the remainder of the Black Sea cruise was canceled. AFRIDI sailed for Alexandria, Egypt for a short stay then left to rejoin the 4th Destroyer Flotilla (4th D.F.) in Malta. On 23rd February 1939, AFRIDI steamed to Gibraltar where the Mediterranean and Home Fleets were gathering for combined exercises. With one hundred ships and thirteen Admirals taking part, many aspects of warfare could be tested. When war broke out, AFRIDI was ordered back to Alexandria in anticipation of convoy duty. Meanwhile, Italy took steps to prove her neutrality so the convoy escorts and blockade controls which were anticipated could no longer be justified. The 4th D.F. was ordered back to England . From now on, the flotilla virtually lost its identity and each Tribal was assigned individual duties by the Flag Officer under whose command she came.

From April 1940 onwards, AFRIDI participated in numerous sea campaigns off Norway in the company of her sister ships. On 2nd May 1940 at 0800, while escorting a convoy off the Norwegian coast, she and the other ships around her were attacked by German Ju87 and Ju88 bombers . The French destroyer BISON was hit and her forward magazine exploded. AFRIDI joined GRENADE (France) in rescuing survivors and in fighting off two more air attacks. Another Ju87 dive bombing attack developed at 1400. Since AFRIDI was the common target for two aircraft coming in from each side, evasive maneuvers were not possible. One bomb hit her No. 1 Boiler Room starting a severe fire at the after end of the messdecks. Another bomb hit the port side just forward of the bridge. IMPERIAL came alongside and GRIFFIN stood by to carry out rescue work. At 1445, AFRIDI went down bow-first. She took with her, 49 officers and men, 13 soldiers and over 30 BISON survivors. It was the second anniversary of her commissioning.

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