This board has been provided in order to assist surviving HAIDA crew to locate each other. It is not intended to represent a complete crew listing. All submissions are accepted on a voluntary basis in order to protect privacy. If you would like to be listed, please contact :   Listings for former surviving shipmates without Internet access are also accepted. To stay current, please advise if you change your e-mail or postal mailing address. I am also replacing the @ symbol in e-mail address with the (at) designation in order to help thwart SPAM-bots. You will have to substitute the @ symbol if sending mail to anyone.

Records of Service for both surviving and deceased crew can be obtained from Library and Archives Canada at the following address:

Personnel Records Unit
Library and Archives Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0N3
Toll free 1-866-578-7777 (Canada and U.S.A)

As a independent project, HAIDA archivist Neil Bell is compiling all the names of former crew who served aboard HAIDA even if they are deceased. At this time some 2,000 names have been collected out of a possible 2500 to 3000 who served during the twenty  years that HAIDA was in commission with the RCN. If you know of someone who should be added to the master crew list, please direct your input to Neil Bell at:


Abramovitch,  Jack

My grandfather, Jack Abramovitch, served in HAIDA for the duration of WWII where he manned the Pom Poms.  He is alive and currently living at the veterans hospital in Montreal Quebec. He does not have E-mail but any of his former shipmates can contact him though me.

Jay Abramovitch <jabramovitch(at)>

Albert, Boyd

I served in HAIDA as a 17 year old OSEM in 1958/59 (my first ship). Was totally impressed with the old girl in spite of the cockroaches and hamocks. One of the KIMBER boys was the Chief Stoker. I worked and steamed #1 boiler room for Roy Macvitte (hope that's spelled correctly). Still remember the Captain's pet name was "Hardover Husher" and for a good reason.

Made the Med. trip - Malta, Gib, Italy, and Toulon France where I saw HMCS Huron in drydock after her unfortunate collision with a French destroyer (so many memories). Served on a great number of ships over the next 30+years.  I retired in 1988 as a CPO2 but Haida will always be my favorite. Am originally an inlander but retired in Nova Scotia where I live life in Eastern Passage. Cheers to all surviving and past Haida crew. We were lucky to be given this unique experience. CPO2 B.T. Albert (Retired)

E-mail: <boydalbert(at)>

AnctilCamille  32132-H

I served on the Haida , from Sept 1955 to approximately May 1957 as a SONAR operator. Since it was my first posting,  I learned most of my seamanship on the high seas, on an open deck. It was quite an experience  that I cherish to this date. If I could go back  in time,  the Haida would be on top of my list.  This is where I found  true friends and we still remain in contact to this day, although it's sad to say that some of them have moved on to higher ground. Feel free to contact me at: c_anctil2(at)

Yours truly,
Leading seaman  Camille  Anctil

Angle, Walter H.  5887-H

Served on the Haida as Able Seaman and A.B.R.C.S. from April 1948 to August 1948. Also served in Micmac, Nootka and the Worrior. I can be contacted through my son Terry at:   terry angle <detroitfan38(at)>

Austin, Gerald "Jerry" Blake 14350-H

Sailed on board H.M.C.S. Haida 1956--1957. Promoted to Petty Officer 2nd. Class onboard the ship in Quebec City in 1956. One of the best ships that I had the Honour to sail on.
Ailsa Craig, Ontario  Canada   NOM1AO
E-mail: gbaustin(at)

Barber, Andy  (The Beak)  - LSCV1

Served on the Haida from October 1953 to August 31, 1955 which included the secound tour of Korea. Currently living  in Mississauga Ont. Was discharged from H.M.C.S. Donnacona in Montreal in September 1956.

E-mail: andrew.barber(at)

Barnhouse, Pat

Just realized that despite all the interaction I have had with Jerry Proc over various artifacts and equipments
associated with Haida, I have never stated my connection to the ship.  I was the Electrical Officer from December 1959 till June 1961. My naval service was from 1952 to 1989.
Ottawa, Ont.
E-mail: pat.barnhouse(at)

Barrette , Roger

Roger served as Stoker aboard HAIDA from 1952-53 under Commander Dunn Lanthier.
Bennett, Clifford John  V23544

Served aboard HAIDA in 1944 as a Sparker. Now living in Victoria.B.C. Would like to hear from former shipmates I can be concted via Bill Bouchard, my son-in-law.

E-mail: Bill Bouchard <bbouchard(at)>

Berry,  Joseph Roger

LSEM1 (Leading Seaman Engineering Mechanic Trade Group 1)
August, 1953 to January, 1955.
Brantford, Ontario

Bisson, Gérard (9161-H)

These photos are a beautiful remainder of the time when I sailed the Haida in 1951-52.
Laval, Québec, Canada
E-mail: bissong(at)

Blackburn, Colin A. 37916-H

Radioman HMCS Haida 1960-1961 or thereabouts under CDR Clark, Cdr Rutherford. I served on the Haida as a radioman, my first ship after Comm School. " Not me chief! I'm Comm School" was an often heard saying.
My action stations position was actually Radio Four, but most often worked out of the main radio room, with Patterson, Dan Whitley, PO1 Al Goodwin,  P2 Peter Foote, Jack 'Snake' Wells (Lcdr) Art Rossi, Ronnie Yashchuk, Ron Stebner, Murray Stanley my eventual CO at CFS Aldergrove early 80's.  Haida was an adventure.Cock-of-the-Walk etc. a great ship.

e-mail:  acblack(at)
Warrant Officer (Retd),  Abbotsford B.C.

Bottoms, Robert J.  (#4646  RCN 1941 to 1948)

When tribals returned to Canada in 1945,  I was member of maintenance crew for Haida, Iroquois and Huron at HMC Dockyard, Halifax.
E-mail:  barlihob(at)

Boucher, John

Served aboard the Haida from Jul 53 to Jan 56 as a P2AA and would love to do it again. I'm now living in Ottawa and hope to hear from some of you guys.
Ottawa Ont.
E-mail: address obsolete

Boulton, Kenneth

I seved on Haida from Dec 1954 to October '56 as a Signalman. Had good times and had good friends.Was
drafted aboard Micmac Oct 1956 to January 1957. Am retired and living in Chatham Ont.
Contact me via e-mail:   landbms(at)
 Thank you. Ken Boulton

Bronson, Roger

I was posted to Haida in July 62, following completion of my FC2 course in Stadacona. I was posted off in October 63 following a great summer up the Lakes.I continued my naval career till 1986, then retired to work for 10 more years on the new frigates. Will never forget Haida, including the Cuban Missile Crises episode.She is a great ship.I visited her  in the summer of 1980, and hope to see her again this year.

E-mail: roger.bronson(at)

Burnett, William (Bill) F. 43503H

I served  in Haida from June 1960 to April 1962..Joined as an OSWS, but left Haida in 1962 as an ABRP1..My last ship was Algonquin 1982-84 as CPO2... Combat Coordinator then to Ottawa to the CFP Project in 1984 and retired in 1990 (30 1/2) years.... Since 1984 my wife and I live in Kemptville south of Ottawa..

E mail:

          Butters, Jack
Chief ERA, 1941-1966
Dartmouth, N.S.

Cain, David,

Sailed on HAIDA 1956 57. Was part of engine room crew.

David Cain <dcain0024(at)>

Caldwell, Boyd, 12578-H

I am proud to have served aboard Haida on her second trip to Korea under the command of Captain Charles, a gentleman and scholar who later became Commandant, Royal Roads College. I was an LSRC (radar controller) and prior to joining Haida I had taken a standard divers course plus a six week familiarization course in self contained gear.  I believe the branch thereafter become "Clearance Diver".  After my discharge in 1956, I joined  Trans Canada Pipelines until I recently retired.

Carrigan, Harry 54334-H

I was drafted to Haida right out of Cornwallis in March of 1962, just as the ship was getting ready to go into refit. The crew was starting to change around. My trade was Weapons Underwater. The TAS trade had just split up into Sonar and Weapons Under Water. When the refit was completed, we carried out six-weeks of work-ups  during winter. After New Year's 1963, we sailed south to paint ship.  Came back to Slackers to get ready for the Great Lakes cruise and to pay off the ship. Left Halifax sometime around late April and returned to Slackers in August. While in Toronto, we had an open house and thousands came aboard ship. We also did some day cruises out of Hamilton. I left HAIDA in October 1963 and was drafted to LANARK where I did another Great Lakes cruise in the summer of 1964.

Today, I am the Sgt-At-Arms  for the City Of Halifax.
Harry Carrigan <carrigh(at)>

Casey, Roger 33961-H

I served in HAIDA from1955 to 1957. Would like to hear from some of my former shipmates.
Roger Vernon Casey <caseyjean(at)>

Cawley, Willard E. [Spud]    1960-1961 A.B.E.M.[TG2]  43070-H  Upper Deck Stoker

Slung my" MIC" starboard side,forward-lower messdeck conveniently over the "fanny" right next to the forward "scuttle" a choice location.I was onboard during a hurricane when we came close to losing Her. Our Captain,who was much respected by the crew [came up through the ranks] did a fine job of pulling us through,unfortunately the same could not be said for the two fishing trawlers that shared this experience with us,unable to assist,the Jimmy & Sisters and the Marjorie Beryl sank with the loss of all crew,we limped back to Halifax,only to be directed to Sorel, PQ.for major damage repairs.If my memory holds true, we experienced waves of over eighty feet.God Bless Haida !

Chapman, John R.

I served in HAIDA during the second trip to Korea 1953-54. Was a Pay Writer but served on board as an Administrative Writer since we were going to be the Senior Canadian ship in the Far East at the time and the call by the Supply Officer at the time LCDR MCKINNON required an extra writer. Eventually I completed 25 years with the RCN and 8 years afterwards with the naval reserve here in Calgary.

Shipmate John
E-mail: suenjohn(at)

Charboneau,  William  44517 H

I enlisted at 17 years old and went for basic training at Cornwallis in the  St.Croix division. There I was selected for Queens Guard for the royal visit. After that, it was back to Stadacona for training in radar gunnery. Next, I  was assigned to HMCS HAIDA for service . There, I was assigned to the  3/50 mount. It was a nice  job.  I really  enjoyed it. In HAIDA,  I  also became cabin boy for a sub lieutenant but I can't remember his name . Our Captain at this time was John Husher. While he was in command, we did a lot of Newfoundland patrols and even painted ship in Bermuda.  I still  remember the cockroaches especially in our foot lockers even after fumigation. Aboard ship, we slept in in hammocks. I also remember those night watches as the port or starboard lookout in the North Atlantic.  It's nice to reminisce.


Charlton,  Bob

Served in HAIDA from August 5, 1959  to  October 27, 1961

Chartrand, Roland

Served 1943- 44 as AB gunner on the 'B' gun. Would like to hear from former shipmates.
Please contact me via email:

Chisholm , Colin 47272 H

I served in HAIDA from July 1962 to October 1963.

ABSN Colin Chisholm
E-mail:  colin.wendy(at)

Corkery, Don

Served on the Haida 1952-53 in Radio 4
Maniwaki, QC

Crooker, Ken

I served on "HAIDA" in 1953 and 1954 during which there was a Korean tour. I was a "killick" FC in 4 mess. I remember a few names and would like to hear about more. (Les Brown, Ron Moll, Don Perkins,  - Vail {help guys} etc.)  The seamen "killicks" coxswained the "African Queen" as well as the Landing Craft provided by the US. Ron and I were 2nd. Officer of the Watch during the trip home through the Suez and did quite a lot of navigating, thoroughly supervised by the O.O.W. We left for Korea just before Christmas and we observed it San Diego. I hold very many fond memories of HAIDA.

E-mail: kensue(at)

Crowshaw, Sam

I served on the Haida from March 1955 to November 1956.  I was an RP rate and was the Navigator’s Yeoman.  Have fond memories of my time in the Haida and the friends I made..

Sam Crowshaw  e-mail: sam(at)

Dale, Don 5467-H

My first ship as a newly trained "Sparker" was in Haida in 1947. Don't remember much about it except things like the ramming of "Micmac" by the "Yarmouth County" off Halifax. We didn't do anything very exciting while I was aboard.
Cobble Hill, BC Canada

Dawson, Richard

Was on the Haida in 1960-61

30 Robert Scott Drive, Lantz NS, B2S 2A3

Dixon,  Harold B
I commissioned the HMCS Haida in NewCasle on Tyne England (ca 1943) Was one of the radio operators and came back with the Haida to Halifax Nova Scotia. I would enjoy communications from other crew members.  I am still a radio operator and my call sign is N9H0H. Look forward to hearing from you.
Minooka, IL 60447  USA
e-mail: N9H0H@JUNO.COM

Dorrington, Robert A. (44204-H)

My tour of duty aboard HMCS Haida ran from 1961-1962 attached to 3 Mess lower.  I served as an AB having just joined in 1959.  Haida was my second ship after Trade Group 1 course in Engineering.  I retired to Vancouver Island in 1984 as a Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class.   She was a good ship with a great crew.


Dougherty, William (Bill)

I was was an LSRT3 on the Haida from winter of 1957 to the spring of 1959.Had a lot of good buddies on the Haida .She was and still is a great ship.

St.Andrews, N.B; E5B2P2

Drage, Peter

I served in HAIDA as an ABLR? in the RCN(R) for 5 weeks or so in the Summer of 1954(?) - just before she went to Korea again. I believe the experience influenced me to later join the RCN for a 26 year career.
R.R. 1, New Germany, NS,  B0R  1E0

Dubuc, Pierre (Pete)  35822-H

Served aboard HAIDA  January 1958 to August 1960 as A.B.E.M. stoker mechanic. I also remember the entire
cruise . Was the best time of my life. I was also a jeep driver ashore. I sailed aboard the Magnificient in 1956. Now
retired from the Montreal Police Dept .Would love to hear from you.
Phone:  (450) 584-2083

Dumaresq, Selwyn (Buzz)

Served in HMCS Haida first trip to Korea 1952-53 in communications - Radio One. Then to HMCS Magnificent before going to Albro Lake. Left RCN in 1955 to become an air traffic controller with Transport Canada. I am a member of HMCS Haida Association and Friends of HMCS Haida. Now live in Nepean, Ontario.

Dunn, Duncan R  51217H, C2RT4.

I joined the RCNVR in 1943 as a Stoker, V64085). In 1946 I switched to the RCN and served 5 more years before coming ashore in 1951 and moving to Toronto. During that period, I served in Haida in 1950 and was drafted to HMCS Nootka, Aug 29, 1950.

In Toronto, I worked for AVRO Canada until the big lay off in 1959. Moved to California in 1961 where I now live. I am now retired and would love to hear from any shipmates or any naval personnel. I can be reached by email at <>

Wishing you all the best.

Durant, Fred

I served aboard the Haida as a vict. storesman in 1955 and 1956 but the exact dates slip my memory. Our skipper during most of my time was Cmdr. Vic Browne who I understand is now deceased. I have many pleasant memories of my time onboard on our Mediterranean and Carribean cruises. We were on one excersise with the U.S. Navy off Virginia called "New Broom Five". That was  a lesson on U.S. firepower however there accuracy left much to be desired.

Some of the names of shipmates I can recall are Paul Marsh , John Greatwich, Earl Bartlett, Murray Yelland, Woods P.O. Joe Paris, Owens, Curly Hunter exec., Lcdr. Salmon Eng., Hoot Gibson, Lt. Mckenna L.S. from Antigonish, and a P.J.A.Traves Slt. There are many other faces in old photos which I cannot put names to. I would be pleased to hear from anyone who remembers me after 50 years. As an example of the passing time we were in Havana when Batista was leader prior to Castro.

Sincerely, Fred Durant.
E-mail: freddurant990(at)

Earle,  Edwin B. (Ted)  LSEM1 12000H

Served between 1951 and 1953. Would like to hear from former shipmates.
My phone number is 416 698-3007.
E-mail via :  "claire brickus" <>

Eldridge, Gary

I was the last posted navigator of Haida before she left Halifax for her final destination in Toronto. She had paided off before that trip. The person who made that trip as navigator I do not know but he/she was not posted by NDHQ officially. I hope I appear in her final
record as her last RCN navigator, a small but important note in history for me.

Duncan, BC

Elliott,  John E. ABQM/LSQM

I was the coxswains writer on HAIDA's first trip to Korea. Looking forward to getting reaquainted with some long lost crew.
Aye, John E. Elliott

Estabrooks, Tom

I served on the Haida from Sept. 1952, until Oct. 1953 (first Korean trip). At the time I was an ABRP. (retd in 1972 as a C2RP4). Lived in 5 mess.  Would like to hear from any former ship mates. Would like to get in touch with some of the RP's:  Claridge, Cheetham, Aspden, O'Brien, Geary, Reid.

Tom Estabrooks, 20 Farquharson St., Dartmouth NS, B2W 1T3
(902) 434-5537
E-mail: tom.estabrooks(at)

Frewer, Phil

Entire 1st Commission,  Lieut (N), RCNVR
Tsawwassen, Delta,

Garant, Bob (54556-H)

Member of the last crew as an ABFC for a year before Haida was paid off at Shearwater in '63. Tour included a trip to Bermuda to paint ship, and a trip up the lakes for reserve training. Highlight was vist to Sarnia which coincided with Naval Vets Reunion. Best riding ship I ever served in!
Ottawa, ON

Gaudet, Jerry

I served on the Haida in 1947 directly out of gunnery school from Stad.

Germa, Jack - LSRP3   31968H

Served on the Haida from 1958-1959. Served during Bonnie's Big Storm.  Was a Navigator's Yeoman last six months on board.  Drafted to St. Croix commissioning crew. Was Leading Seaman in Stadacona at J.M.W.S. Discharged Feb 1961.

Contact info: Jack Germa, 4662 Kingston Rd #121
Scarborough ON M1E 4Y7
(416) 724-0703
Alternately, you can reach me via e-mail <>

Gilbert, Edward,

I was drafted to Haida in January 1957 and served in her until June of 1960. She was a great ship with a great crew. Served under Captains Beck and Husher.

Edward Gilbert" <etgilbert(at)>

Gould-Thorpe, Jack -   Able Seaman QR 2  H-4371

7034 Bayers Road
Halifax, NS
B3L 2B9.

I can be contated via:

Gourlie, Ernest (V35479)

I was an AB Asdic Operator duing HAIDA's first commission (1943-44). Would like to hear from other shipmates who served during this period. Please write:

13390 W. Cambridge Ave., Goodyear , Arizona 85338

Graham, Lt Cdr John U. (Retired)

I served in Haida  January 9th, 1958 to July 19th, 1959.  Cdr. Harry Beck and Cdr.John Husher were the C.O's. I served as the Electrical Officer then left to take the Weapon's Officer's Course. After that I was transferred to HMCS Fraser. The Haida was my wife Ruth's first introduction to the Navy.  My son John David Graham was christened aboard Haida. Many good friends were made while serving in Haida, some ending up on the west coast continuing the friendship.

I can be contacted via -email:  <jackiega(at)>

Graydon, Maurice

805 222nd St. #805
Maple Ridge, BC  V2X859   (604) 463-4135

Served aboard HAIDA during WWII. Would like to hear from former shipmates. Call direct or contact me via   Maureen P. Morlang <gold4myself2002(at)>

Greatwich, John  (6989-H)

Served on her twice. The first time as OSCKS.  Newfie Taylor the duty drunk was employed in the bakery. All he was capable of when sober was to open a can of fruit with a meat cleaver and dish it out.  It was no fun being in the forward loser mess deck with that slob. The pay off came when he took my number one uniform to wear at defalter for being drunk once again. It was because of him I transferred to the Victualling Stores Branch and missing out on Korea.  Was drafted back and served as an AB AND LS Victualling Storeman.
Toronto, Ontario

Hamilton, Gerry B.  (V-844)  R.C.N.V.R. A/Ldg. Signalman

I served on board the Haida during her second commission from Dec. '44 to Aug. '45.Have many fond memories of the ship and her crew. The trip to Trondheim and the reception by the Norwegians. The convoy to Polyarnoe and the near torpedoing in the Kola Inlet. The race down through the Minches on our departure from Scapa Flow. Am now  a retired mining engineer,living in Taber, Alberta.

G.B.Hamilton; 10 Signature Court; TABER, AB;  T1G 2G8

Hanselman, Gerald

Served on the Haida in 1952 and 1953 on her first tour to Korea as a cook in the main galley and officers galley. I would love to hear from fellow crew members who served during that time. Currently live at 67 North Park Street, Suite 406. Brantford, Ontario. Phone # 519-753-2819 or E-mail me c/o of my daughter: Please make reference to the Haida in the subject line of any e-mail sent to her address.

Harding, Ralph  29209-H

I served on this ship as a cook from 1954 to February 1956. Was injured as a result of a fall.


Hawkins, Ross C. Hawkins (15803-H).

I joined HMCS STAR in 1951 and made two trips to Korea. My home address is 54 Mohawk Road West, Apartment 105, Hamilton Onario L9C1V7.  I was a stoker on the Haida.  I would like to contact any others that
served on the Haida at this time. You can contact me at (905) 389-9068

Hayes, Bill

Served in HAIDA from Fall of 1960 to Spring of 1962 as an ABEM. Fondly recall stints at several duties: watchkeeping as fireman, engine room temps, gear room and evaps. Also time as CERA's messman and E/O's writer. Tot time on the stern in good weather was a fine experience; the "storm" is also recalled, as is a real fine bunch of lads as shipmates. Hello to you all. Remember the kit muster on the jetty at Irelands Island and the lad who mustered with only a shaving kit? Contraband stowage in the overhead at E/O's cabin was still alive and well. Great times.

Bill Hayes <>

Hayward, Ed

I joined Haida 27th July 1961 from the best coast as P2ER4, rated P1ER4 in August 1961 back dated to June 1st and left the old girl 25th June 1963 to go back west. Would sure like to know the name of my stoker in reg. boiler, when waiting to pick up the range officer at the gunnery range in the Virgin Islands, when all the fires went out in the boiler.

I nearly soiled my pants twice, both times in boiler rooms, the first time on Haida. We were off the beach of Calubra, a gunnery range in the Virgin Islands. I went down on the first dog watch. We were stopped waiting to pick up the range officer. After a bit, the engine telegraph moved, the phone rang, and the engine room told me that the bridge had informed them that the captain was going to take the ship through a very narrow channel between two islands, so be on our toes.

A few minutes later, the pressure in the boiler started to drop and I put more fires on and increased the fuel oil pressure and rang for more on the second boiler. All the fires went out and the boiler started to pulsate!  My P2 water tender went up the ladder and disappeared. I looked at my stoker. If he made a move for the ladder, I would have went over top of him, but the look on his face said, nothing for the PO knows what is going on. Little did he know that I did not have a clue.

But in the blink of an eye, I remembered a conversation with Clay Sterling on HMCS Fraser about water in the oil fuel that he had on one of the Tribals several years before. I knew what to do - shut all the oil valves and the stoker bleed one on his side for a few seconds and then I would open one on my side. I told the stoker to get the torch ready.After a few minutes I noticed the oil was starting to flash off the brick work and soon we had fire. I added more burners until I had the pressure back where it should be. I looked at the water level and could not see it. Ran up the ladder to get a closer look and stuck a pencil behind it. Never having done it before, I did not know what I was looking for/ Peered at the gauge and made the decision that it was over the top, and prayed that I was right. I was wrong, the tubes could overheat, rupture and kill us both.

It turned out, that the dunderhead in No. 1 boiler had got water in his fuel oil and opened the cross connection.  Because he was sucking off a tall shipside tank forward and I was sucking off a bilge tank aft, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to realize what would happen.

C2ER A.E. Hayward
E-mail: edh1936(at)

Hembroff, Bill , STO 1, (EW) V91693,

Served aboard second commission.  Stayed on after the war until April of 1946.  Retired as an
UD Stoker.  Trained new recruits.  Now living in Saskatoon Saskatchewan.  (306) 933-4089
E-mail: whah(at)

Holloway, Walter John “Kip”, ABMA1 10906-H

Served in Haida in 1950-51. It was my first ship. Also served in St Laurent, Lauzon and Crescent. Retired from the RCN as a Lieutenant in 1968, at the time of Unification. I can be reached via my son:
Ian Holloway <ihollowa(at)>

Hughes, William.A.  Rear Admiral (Retd).

I served aboard Haida as an A/Sub Lieut. in the summer of 1948.We had being serving in RN Cruisers and HQ
wanted us to see life in small ships.Lived in a small mess down below the Q.D.Not good at high speed.


Jackson, Henry "Hank"

My father "Hank" Henry Jackson served on the Haida. When I was much younger he had the opportunity to take me out with him on Lake Ontario for probably one of her last cruises before being docked in Toronto. It's something I will always remember. Hank is retired and and living in Warkworth,Ontario. He can be contacted through my e-mail address.

Thanks, Wayne Jackson

James, Robert (Bob)   LSEM

I served in Haida from 1957 to 1961, at which time I took my discharge. In 1959 I had the privilege of serving on the Royal Guard at the presentation of her colours by Her Majesty, There were 100 of us on the "old guard".
As I recall it was a very warm day and we watched the shine melt off our boots ! The ceremony was televised across the country and was commanded by, the-later-to-be Rear Admiral Landymore. Her Majesty gave each one of us a personally signed letter of appreciation, which I donated to Haida after she became part of Parks Canada.

Currently living in Saint John NB. All the best Robert S. James
e-mail:  <bob.james(at)>    Phone 506-634-8306.

Johns, Edward (Ted) (6571-H)

I served aboard Haida as an OS and AB seaman from January 1948 to March 1949 and again from May to June 1949 when I was posted to Shearwater to qualify as a Meteorological Observer.  I left the Navy to the Air Force in 1952 and retired as a Major in 1978.
Cheers, Ted
e-mail: navair521(at)

Johnston, James Arthur Joseph 50807H

Served as a Stewart 1946-48. I don't have e-mail but you can contact me via my daughter. E-mail:  christinej56(at)

Penetang Ontario

Jordan, Linden

Served aboard Haida as a sonar rate for just over a year, from 1962 until she was paid off in 1963. I try to make a pilgrimage to visit every summer. I have taken my children, and my next visit I will be taking my grandson. My whole family knows Haida's history. She will never be forgotten.
Strathroy, Ontario
E-mail: ljordan(at)

Jubinville, Gary  52336-H

Served on Haida 1961-1962  ABFC1
 E-mail  <gjubinville1(at)>

Keefer, Roy    35686-H

Served on the Haida from September 1957 to July 1958 under Cdr.Beck and then Cdr. Husher.
 Action station was the "B" gun deck as a loader. Also as a jeep driver later on. My quarters were on the upper starboard side Sailed to the Baltic, Caribbean and Bermuda.

During a return trip from the Baltic Sea we hit a huge storm with 60 ft + seas. The ship was sent to dry-dock for repairs,upon return to Halifax. If anyone recalls this storm I would like to hear from you.

I can be contacted at the following  e-mail address:  rrobinson(at)

Keene, Harold R.  11384-H.

I served onboard Haida during her first trip to Korea 52/53 and was a Ldg/Tel. I was known as "Herk"
Spent a year & a half at Albro Lake Radio Station before joining the Haida. I recall PomPom, our mascott and also the Chinese laundryman we took onboard for a while. Also recall Dave Walling and I gathering up more than a hundred Christmas greetings from crew members that we sent (via morse) as SLTs (Ship Letter Telegrams) to their families back home at Christmas '52 just before we dry-docked in Kure, Japan for some minor repairs. I'm now living at 43 Clearbrook Trail, Bracebridge, ON, P1L 0A3
E-Mail: hrkeene(at)

Kembel, Theodore "Richard"

If you could, could you add him to your website as a survivor, he is living like he's half his age in Kelowna BC Canada. He was Lead Seaman of the S Gun from the commission of the Haida to 1944, September I believe.

You can reach him by his email at dick(underscore)kembel(at)shaw(dot)ca

Kenyon , Gerald  29984H

I was a former wooden Hooky aboard HMCS Haida from 1956 to 1959 and was a TAS rate (sonar). Slung my hammock in the forward after upper mess. I noticed Earl Sellers name in this listing. We both served under Captain Beck.

E-mail : gkenyon106(at)

King, Edward Alexander  V54571

Stoker -   First Commissioining. Would like to hear from any of my shipmates. Please use my daughter's e-mail address: "deanna deane" <deane60(at)> to contact me.

Kinrade, Merlan 25938-H

 Served as an  L.S.Q.R,  1954-55. At sea, gunnery control and steersman. On shore, was Captain's Jeep driver.I do not have Internet access but I can be reached at: 46 Kinross St.,  Caledonia,  Ont. N3W 1J9 Phone: 905 765 5131

Klashinsky, Bernie

I went on board Haida on the 4th of January 1962 and marched off on the 11th of October, 1962 when the ship was paid off at Shearwater.Was an ABEM (stoker) when I first joined, and left as an Leading Seaman.I always have fond memories of the old days, slinging a "mick", sharing our food with the cockroaches, etc.  As the old saying went, "they were crappy ships, but they were also happy ships".

Bernie Klashinsky
Served 20th Nov 1958 to 24th Dec 1994
Ex CERA, ex Lieutenant
E-mail: b.and.h.klashinsky(at)

Ladouceur, Chesley V.

I was a crew member of Haida (ABFC1)from 1960-1962. I have many very fond  memories of my time aboard. I visited the ship in Toronto in 1975, but hope to do it again one day soon.
71 Toner Road,
Braeside ON  K0A 1G0

Lamoureux, John

I graduated from Comm. School in 1952 . class of P.O. Potter Drafted directly to HMCS Haida as OSCRS . Went to Plymouth England Hit Jetty Zero(I believe) astern, when we returned(Correct me if I'm wrong). Spent sometime in Dartmouth drydock. Went to Korea first trip 1952-53. Captain Dunn Lantier.Communication Officer was Lt Alan Lowe. Petty Officer Walker. I do not remember the names of all my fellow sparkers. Ldg Sm Walling, Keene. I worked mostly on broadcast band and Crypto. I remember some of my shipmates  Dumaresq, John Callahan. Wish someone out there would fill in in some of the missing names of our radio room crew. I do remember some signalman crew members. Don Horner, Vermette, Tidley, McMillan.Anyone out there who can update me on any of the above , I would greatly aprreciate. Keep up the great work on a terrific web site!!
E-mail: jclam(at)

LaRose, Larry Rodney

I served aboard  Haida during the command of Commander Clark and later Commander Rutherford.Was an Able Seaman at the time and manned Radio #4. During this time we exercised in the Atlantic and served as plane guard for HMCS Bonaventure.
Vernon, British Columbia

La Fave, John 33169-H.

I sailed in Haida from November 55 through to June 57. I was a OSLMS. First trip was Charlestown. Was on
board for Havana Cuba, Quebec City and Sorell. 'L' School for RT's 2/3 then posted to Esquimalt. Served in Stettler, Saskatchewan (commissioning crew), then Columbia, St. Croix, Saskatchewan again and then as Coxswain on Restigouche 82-85. Patrol Frigate Program NDHQ, 85 -87. Command Chief Pacific coast 88-89, my opposite number was Terry Shergold. Back to NDHQ -DMCS as a Life Cycle Manager for the Phalanx
weapons system for the Gulf War. I retired as a CPO1 in November 1992, 37.5 beautiful years.

I of course spent time in HMCS Aldergrove, primarily the transmission site at Matsqui, BC. Returned to Halifax for my LT 4's course and a special SPG-48 course as well as other memorable adventures connected to
the Chief's course and Command Chief visits.

E-mail: johnlafave2(at)

Lemay, Marcel G.  (29411-H)

I sailed briefly on the Haida just before going to refit in 1956. You  have done an outstanding job in restoring the radio rooms. My part of ship was in Radio 4 where I spent countless hours listening for radar signal on the DF set while monitoring HF for Russian transmissions.
Westbank BC

Lingley, Ed

I served in Haida from 1961 to 1962 after completing my Fire Control TG 2 course in 1961 as an Able Seaman. Prior to this, my only ship had been HMCS Cape Scott as an OS/ABLM so this was a major learning curve and experience for me.

I learned seamanship, boat handling and tolerance from some hard-nosed but kindhearted Killicks. At first I didn't have a "slinging spot for my Mic" so I slept on a camp cot between the Ammunition Hoist in the After Upper by the hatch going to the Stokers Mess. Sometimes they accidentally stepped on me when going to their Mess. When I got promoted to LS, I got a sling spot and a boot locker. Although I was only on the Haida for one year, I believe that it provided me with a great background for shaping my naval career until I retired in 1984. Will always remember the Haida and the great people that I served with in her.

P1FC Ed Lingley CD1 (Retired)
E-mail: <edlingley(at)>

Lusty, Bill

I don't have e-mail but you can contact me via my son Philip:  lusty7631(at)
(Editor's note: Bill  was known as "Bill Alcock" for much of those days during his service aboard HAIDA)

Apt 502
350 10th St E.
Owen Sound, Ont.
N4K 6P8

MacDonald, Victor

I was Sick Bay Petty Officer and was part of the original crew until her return to Halifax for refit. A special hello to Jack Hannam, George Mannix and Andy Gillespie.


Mace, Ronald T.

I served as Engineering Officer in Haida, in 1961 and 1962 under three Commanding Officers - Gordie Clark, "Sparky" Rutherford, and Bill Atkinson. This aging but fast 44,000 SHP ship required a hard working
professional crew to keep her operational. Her crew was exceptional and she never missed an ETD. She is remembered, with pride, for both her dedicated crew and deserved reputation as a happy ship.

E-mail: ronmace <>

MacKenzie, Ken

I served aboard as Radar operator in 1943-44.Was in all action in English Channel and Bay of Biscay under
Commander De Wolfe. Great ship and crew, fond memories.

Fort Myers, Fla. (and Bobcaygeon Ont.)
E-mail: kmackenzie(at) (Nov.1st. to April 30th)
           kmackenzie(at) ( May 1 to Oct 31)

MacKinnon, Patrick,  Lt(N) ret'd.

Served in Haida as storesman in Jan and Feb.1950 at good old  Jetty"O" while passing through from LaHulloise
to Huron.

Victoria, BC.
E-mail: mensa(at)

MacNeil, Steve

I served on the Haida in the Korean war 1952-53 as a L/S Anti-Aircraft gunnery rate.  My action station was the forward 63 director which controlled twin 4-inch mountings in AA control. Commanding Officer was Dunn Lantier.
Cherryville, British Columbia
E-mail: Anita_MacNeil(at)

MacTavish, Stewart "Scotty"  Edward RCNVR

I signed on the Haida in Plymouth in 1944 until Sept. 44. Then to Huron till Sept 45. Great ships.

MacVittie, Roy 10481-H

I served in Haida as ABEM from March 1952 to October 1953 and P1ER from January 1958 to October 1963. Now living in Saint Albert, Alberta. Tel. 780-458-8817

Madden, Michael V-23675,  2nd Class Petty Officer

Was part of the first commissioning crew. Now living at Skakum Rd,. Prescott Ont . Would like to hear from anyone who served with me. Phone number is (613) 925-1629.

Malard  André , OS Fire Control (dibby-dab) 1960-1961 : “I sailed to Bermuda a few times in winter (for paint jobs mostly – so they said), did NATO exercises in the Arctic (cold and wet but beautiful), lived through the Cuban Missile Crisis, went to a refit in Sorel QC amongst others, and had the chance to do it with an excellent crew and a happy group of friends. My closest one was Dietmar Sholtes – he introduced me to the “world of electronics” of which I made a career. Thanks Dietmar.

I struggled with the wheel a lot, as everyone else did - what good work-outs they were, but at 19 years old it was more fun than pain. Survived a few bad storms and managed to get some sleep in my mick through it all. Ahhh to be 19 again and sailing Haida….

I later showed my son the ship while tied up in Toronto and he could not believe the conditions we had to live in, hammock and all. He was most impressed with the forward 4 inch guns when I sat him down on the hot seat, in front of the joystick. I felt the same way in my own times, in that same situation. I still feel the blast they made and still smell the Cordite. We never hit the target much then !”

André Malard

Malone, Edward (Ted) 32976-H

I was on Haida as an ABTD1 and was assigned as Rigger from June 56 to Sept 56 when I received a pierhead draft to Algonquin.


Malott, Fred

I served on the Haida as an ABQM, from 1957 to 1959. I also served on/at HMCS Labrador, HMCS Bonaventure, HMCS Crescent, HMCS Saguenay, HMCS Provider, HMCS Diberville ( Quebec City), and the HMCS Hunter (Windsor).

21303 Harbour Road,  RR#1, Wheatley, ON N0P 2P0
(519) 825-4952

E-mail via: "Ron Kirst" <>

Martyn, Robert

I have recently met an original Haida crew member. Robert Martyn, V86369, was a former AB gunners mate on "A" gun . Today, he is a resident of Caribou Lodge, a senior citizens home in Williams Lake, B.C. As far as I know he has not been in touch with any of his shipmates since the war. If you are aware of anyone who would like to correspond with Robert contact me:

I will pass on all messages.  Thanks ex-RCN AB Mike O'Neill , HMCS Saguenay'60-'63 .

May, Dennis C. (CD MEd)

I joined Haida as an AB in 1961, left her in 1962, as killick.
Halifax, N.S.
E-mail: dcmay(at)

McBride, Graham

Served in Haida, second trip to Korea as LSRP 2

15 Laurel Lane, Halifax, N.S.
B3M 2P7

McBurney James (Jim) Harold 47275-H

Joined Haida in 1962 and later transferred to HMCS Thunder in 1963 as an OSRP. HAIDA was my first ship and the best.  I was young, broke, paid $90 a month and had the best time of my life.  I still miss my hammock!  That experience turned me into a “lifer” and I went on to take a commission and retired as a LCdr in 1997.

What a great tribute to the crew, you should be very proud of your work.

Jim McBurney

McCarthy, Vince

Served on the ship 1952 - 1953 during the Korean war. Looking for ex-shipmates during that period of time. I am a member of the Haida Association.
London, Ontario

McDonald,  "Bigmac"

Haida Crew 1960/61 - I remember the hurricane, Cuban Crisis and sailing to Bermuda to standby. Also names like Rossi (Italian stud), Yaschuk (he shoot he scores), Delaney, Harding, Larose, Gornuk, Swan (ducktail hair) and spilling my soup going to the forward lower mess and having sour milk while somebody got out of his mick over the table. I slept on a bootlocker in the corner by the coats, that open air bridge and guarding Pri-Tac in the North Atlantic while trying to doze off behind the dark out curtain were some of the many things I recall. I now
live in Cloverdale B.C. ABSG1 McDonald 43475-H

E-mail: mcdoam42(at)

McLean, Graham Ross.

I served on HMSC Haida during the Korean war era (1952-53). I hope she stays put in Toronto where I reside. Many, many memories up on deck of that beautiful lady!
Email : victor.mclean(at)

Mcmanaman, Carl

Served on Haida in 1960 to 1963. She was beautiful!
Edmonton, Alberta
E-mail: duke11(at)

Merritt, Harry R.C .(LSRC2  15785-H)

Served on HMCS Haida in 1955 in radar gunnery control. Now resides in Hamilton, Ontario. Anxiously awaiting HAIDA's arrival. I can be reached though my son's e-mail address:  brianmerritt(at)

Merritt, Justin  Hagerty

I am one of the original crew members who served aboard Haida from 1943-1945 as a torpedo rate and  currently live Victoria Mines, Nova Scotia. Would dearly like from my former shipmates. I don't have Internet access but I can be reached through my son-in-law  Capt. Randy Polak in Calgary. His e-mail is:
polakr(at)  and the phone number is 403-547-2155.

Mitchell, J.A. 37085-H  (ABRM1)

I served from the fall of 1961 to summer of 1962.
E-mail -

Moilliet, David

Served as ship's officer in Haida from 60 to 62 under John Husher (who had just returned from bearing the BC Totem to Whaley); Gordie Clark; and "Sparky" Rutherford.  A happy ship with great memories.
Ottawa, Ont.

abem1 john monksiwas on haida 1952 memory bad now, ,inow reside in courtenay area of vancouver island  all the best

Monksiwas, John ABEM1

Served in on Haida 1952. Now reside in Courtenay area of Vancouver island. All the best.
E-mail: <jmonks1(at)>

Montford,  Leonard 16685HX

I was an electrician's mate and made berth in the forward starboard after upper mess deck.
I served on board HMCS Haida during her last tour in Korea. It was a memorable, wonderful and educational experience but not one I would want to repeat. I made a few friendships that lasted briefly after our return but quickly became detached when I took discharge after my five years. I guess my most memorable friend was the shipwright who taught me how never to be seasick with nothing more than a cube of dry bread.

It seems like such a long time ago. We were in Korea when HMCS Iroquois took a shell in her PO's mess just aft of B Gun costing many lives and inflicting many injuries. I'm sure everyone has a couple of memories they feel are worth mention and I would like to retell one. My station was lookout on the Starboard Bridge Sponson one night when a train was spotted coming down the coast. This was always a matter of some excitement. I was able to hear Lt. Morton who was the duty gunnery Officer at B gun. I didn't know him well but I understand he was highly respected and admired by his men. I assume the excitement got to him at the same time on this occasion. To my knowledge Lt. Morton's diction was exemplary but on this occasion when he came to give the command - "Illuminate with rockets" it didn't come out quite like that.  What I heard was "Iwwuminate, Iwwuminate, Iwwuminate Wif Wockets. For a long time after Lt. Morton was referred to as "Wockets Morton" I don't reiterate this tale with any disrespect but only to illustrate the way things were. Excitement was not limited to the lower decks.

There was another time when we were called to action stations and our big guns let go a fusilade which I am sure would have caused any observer to believe we were a Battleship. Apparently after we had been shelling the shore for a while someone spotted a flash indicating the enemy might be sending a projectile in our direction. I didn't hear it but I'm told our Captain, Commander Dunn Lantier was so incensed he shouted, "They're shooting at us? with an obviously questioning tone as though to say where do they get the nerve. His response was to let them know what he thought of that with our fire power. I'm guessing it worked because i saw no more flashes.

I wonder if any of my shipmates remember the flying fish feeds, the crabmeat feeds or the baseball game on Pyongyang?  I'd love to hear from them and hear what little snippets they have to relate from their lives on board that beautiful lady, HMCS Haida.

Please feel free to contact me at:  shopwise(at)

Moret, Joe

I served on the Haida 56/57 as an Ordinary Seaman. Would like to hear from some of my former shipmates.
My address is: #2,   660  24 st. N.E., Salmon Arm B.C., V1E1W1, Phone:  250-833-0680

No email address at the present time.
Best regards,

Morrison, Scotty

Served in Haida in 1947, and again in 1949.

Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia.Canada

Moulton, Doug

I served briefly under the command of CDR.V.Browne in '55 as ship's Admin.Writer.  I have visited the Haida
in Toronto a number of years ago and was then impressed with the quality of upkeep and authenticity. It's an honour to have served on such a noble fighting ship. Should anyone recognize my name, I would be pleased to hear from them.

E-mail: Unknown at this time.

Newans, George  (Blackie) 14373-H

Served as the Ship's Baker from May 1958 until July 1959.Still alive and enjoying my retirement. Would like to hear from some of my shipmates.

George Newans <gnewans(at)>

O'Hara, Dennis

Served from January 1959 to approx. mid 1961 as ABSN1
Salt Spring Island, B.C.

E-mail: windspirit(at)

Ovens, John OSCR1 36135-H

Was drafted to Haida (my first ship) January 7th 1957 and served on her until 26th March 1958.  Was billeted in the after lower mess deck (12/14)  Sparkers and Sigs. Again I served from 9th March 61 until 17th April 1962, and was then in the forward lower mess deck # 5 mess. Got out in 1965 after 10 years and moved to the West Coast where I  enrolled again in Feb 66, and finally retired in July 87.


Parr, Westall H. Able Seaman 43164-H

I served from 1957 to 1960 aboard HMCS St. Laurent, then either the Athabaskan or the Algonquin and then the Haida. During that time, I did two NATO tours and served as a seaman radar plotter. Oddly enough, I never got to see either St. John or Bermuda.

Aboard HAIDA, I used to sling my hammock in the forward upper. Once, I was bounced out of a hammock and landed on top of some of those gear handles and did some serious damage to my back.  Because I had polio as a youth, my back was deemed not to be strong enough to go to sea again. As a result, I was offered a course as a paywriter and was told that I would never go to sea again. Instead, I opted for the medical discharge.

Patterson, Gerald

I was Stoker 1st Class on the Haida for the Murmansk run to Cola Bay and Tronheim, Norway.  If you were there send me a message.
Hamilton, Ontario
E-mail: (Gerald Patterson)

Patterson,  Stewart

Was an ABRM aboard HAIDA from 1960 to1962. I kicked around until I retired while stationed at HMCS Aldergrove.
E-mail:  <sp_mz(at)>

Pearse, Ray  LSEM 19959-H

Served on HMCS Haida Aug 58 - Aug 59. Would like to hear from my former shipmates.

Pederson, Hillery   Able Seaman V56470. Served in HAIDA July 13, 1945 to October 24, 1945. Now living in Guelph, Ontario. I can be reached through my daughter:  mrfowler(at)

Peters, JH (Pete)

First commission 1943-44.

PO Box 6814 Station A
Saint John, NB E2L 4S3
E-mail:  jhenpete(at)

Pittendrigh, Jim

I served in Haida as a Signalman from Jan. 1960 to Apr. 1962.  First ship right out of Cornwallis.  I remember the hammocks, mess deck dining and cockroaches and still managed to have good memories.  Also remember the open bridge and how cold it could get on watch. After Haida I was posted to the frigate Victoriaville, bunks, dining room and no cockroaches. Now live in Victoria, B.C.

e-mail: Jim Pittendrigh <jimpitt(at)>

Prentice, Les  19974-H LSCV-1.

I served on the Haida from approximately June 1957 to March 1959. Most memorable moments were cruising the French Riviera and the Med. Great ship. Great times!

e-mail: lprince1661(at)

Profit, John, K. 15525-H

I was on the Haida in 1961/62. Was an ABQM and a Diver
Capt. John K. Profit. E-mail   <capt(at)>

Proulx, Dan

Served on the Haida from 1960 to 1961. I was a ABSN1 and served under Commander Clark. Lots of fond memories. Does anyone know the whereabouts of Leading Seaman Morgan who served at the same time. Also does anyone know the whereabouts of OJT Morrison?
Kelowna, B.C.
E-mail: kathy&dan(at)

Rading,  Francis Jamie - 6582H..

I was a Ordinary Seaman and served on the Haida  from 28 May 1947 To August 30 1947. My current address is 22 Ashdale Crecent, North Bay On. P1A 4L8. My Email address is: frading(at)  . I would be very interested in locating other shipmates that served on board at that time.

Randall, Don

I served on the Haida for the first and part of the second commissions as a signalman.  My name and address are as follows -- Don M. Randall,  Unit 145 -9055 Ashwell Rd., Chilliwack, B,C. V2P 7S6


Reaume, Wayne, 27146-H.

Served in Haida as OSS, ABRP 2, part time Jeep driver, 1954 to 1955. Visited UK, Trondheim, Norway, Spain, Italy, France, New York, St. Lucia, Puerto Rico, Virgin Gorda, Haiti, Havana, under Captain Brown, LCdr Hunter, LT Cotaras, CPO MacDonald. Drafted to Shearwater and Naval Air Branch in 1955 for Observer's Mate training, and received Wings in October 1955. Served in Shearwater and Bonaventure until 1964, drafted to RCN Preparatory School, commissioned as Branch Officer April 1965.Subsequently served in and flew from Bonaventure, Assiniboine, Protecteur, Fraser, Athabaskan, Shearwater, Winnipeg ( As Instructor at RCAF Air Navigation School). Crewed in Avengers, Trackers, HO4Ss, SeaKings, Dakotas and Hercules. Promoted to LCdr 1977. Attended NATO Defence College, Rome, Italy 1979 and was posted to Fourth Allied Tactical Air force HQ, Heidelberg, Germany. Posted to NDHQ, Canadian Patrol Frigate (CPF) Project in 1985 as QA Audit Supervisor. Civilianized in 1988 and remained in CPF Project until 1996. Worked in MIL Engineering until 2001 when called to act as QA Manager in Joint Support Ship Project, Ottawa, in 2001 where I remain (as of November 2006).

I still vividly remember my times on Haida and fondly, and sometimes not so fondly, recall shipmates such as Pearly Quinn, Art Zohn, Lt Rafter, Lt Stroud, CPO Rae, Ken Boulton, Don Henderson, AB MacDonald, PO Getty, Governor Hill, PO Mantha, Cooney, PO Shedlowski, Jim Marrion, Doan, LS Armstrong, Joe Paris and many others from time to time. Also recall, with mixed emotions, Hurricane Hazel, Banyans in Virgin Gorda, Plane Guard duties behind Magnificent, good and bad shore runs, e.g. Trondheim versus Haiti, a cook who was a crack Bofors shot and the Phantom Flipper who haunted the forward upper and lower messdecks.

I also remember diving on Haida while I was attending the Avenue Rd. Staff School in Toronto in 1967. She was tied up in the harbour and neglected. My task was to check, re-position and replace, if necessary, the wooden plugs which had been driven into all her hull egress and ingress openings. I made numerous dives on her over the period and the harbour was about the dirtiest I have ever encountered. I hope I contributed, even in this small way, to keeping her in good enough shape to be ultimately and deservedly preserved as an example of not only a genuine fighting ship class but also as a genuine fighting ship. Sail on Haida and all who served and serve on her!

E-Mail: zoomy1(at) or Reaume.WJ(at)

Reneau, Frank

Frank served in the Haida around 1945, on the English Channel, Arctic Ocean and the North Atlantic under the command of Capt Welland. Today he lives in Kingsville, Ontario along with memorabilia from that era. Please call him at 519-733-2716. At  84 years (2006), he is a lively gent and is an active vet selling "Red Friday" shirts and Legion pins at the local flea market in town. He would love to hear from any of his old shipmates.

Richardson, Harry (Henry) 19096-H.

I was drafted to H.M.C.S. Haida from Electrical School in August of 1955. Worked Fire Control with my excellent mentor, PO Frank Kramer. Our Divisional Officer was LT. CDR. MacDonald. CPO Sainsberry was the Chief Electrician on board. We had a happy crew and I have mainly very fond memories of my 15 months on board. In November 1956, I was drafted to Micmac. She was tied up alongside Haida, so it was an easy transfer for me and my gear. Discharged P2EG3 November 1957, after 5 years of service. I now reside in Guelph  Ontario.
E-mail: <foxwood495(at)>

Ring, Gordon

Joined Haida Oct 1948 as Sto2. cleaning boilers with saws and brushes, then cleaning oil fuel tanks. Remember  some of the mess members, Bert Hull, Doug Wagar, Lou Trudel,  Frank Coady,  Jimmy Hayward, Emmet  Kenneday, Ambrose Wilkie, Doug Lovering, Pop Myers, Red Williamson, .Mike Smith. Glenn Wilberforce
Honourary Texans all and many Happy Memories

E-mail <>

Roberge, Barney C1VI4  4688H

Did a a brief stint in the fall of 1948 and then Korea, 30 Nov 1953 to 18 Nov 1954 under Capt. J.A. Charles.
I am sure impressed by pictures I've seen of "Haida" as she sits today.  Hi to old shipmates and if you ever come to Whitehorse, Yukon, check out the "98" Hotel.  I'll be happy to have a tot of Pussers with you!

E-mail:  <wyvern(at)>

Robinson, Ed

I served on Haida from about April 1960 until December 1962 ABWU1.  We were the Bonaventure's escort at that time.  It's been almost 40 years, so I remember the faces, but many names are gone.  Many wonderful times, but the one episode that sticks out the most was the Cuban Missile Crisis.  I still go down periodically, take a friend or two and give them the big tour down at Ontario Place.
Toronto, Ontario Canada (416) 657-4278

Rochette, Raymond   Service Number/No. Matricule: V3423

I served aboard this ship from 1944 to 1945
Would like to hear from any former shipmates.

354-3775 av. des Compagnons
Québec (QC) G1X 5C3
Téléphone: 418-657-4516

Can also be contracted by e-mail: <jacqueline.lamontagne(at)>

Rose, Earle M,  AB 12966H

I served as an Able Seaman on the HAIDA from 1954-1956.  Would like to hear from fellow shipmates.
Frankford Ont.
E-mail: bouncing now

Roter, Louis

Served in HAIDA 1943-1945 as an AB Seaman. I was present during the sinking of the Athabaskan and helped pick up survivors. Anyone wishing to contact me can do so through my son Norman at e-mail:

Russelo, Carl (Russ)  AB 30819-H
Amherstburg, Ontario.

Served on HAIDA from 1957-1959. The best ship with a good crew.We had good cruises during that time.

Sabourin,  Andrew M. (CD)

I was on HMCS Haida from 1962 to the end when she was sent up to Toronto.
Richmond B.C
E-mail: ams22(at)

Sahlgren, Ronald "Solly"   53602-H

I "paid off" the Haida in October 1963 and have in my possession a pewter decomissioning mug marking the occasion.  What a great ship and great shipmates. Would like to hear from anyone who served with me.

e-mail: <barb_adam56(at)>

Sanderson, William

CPO 1st class
6 years on Haida (3 commissions)
Trenton, Ontario
E-mail: wgs.navybeen(at)

Sauve, Maurice

I served aboard HAIDA as ABSW1 from April 1961 to August 1962 under Commander Rutherford. Later in 1962, I was reassigned as the Captain's Steward for a few months before being drafted to La Hulloise. Still remember the hurricane, the Cuban crisis and then sailing to Bermuda to standby. During the time I served, we participated in NATO exercises in the Atlantic and Arctic. Remember sleeping in the hammock and then rolling it up in the morning. All my good memories are stored on 8 mm film. HAIDA was a great Destroyer Escort to throw at  that hurricane. Commander Rutherford did superb work

Maurice Sauve [sauvemaurice(at)]

Schwartz, Art

Served in HAIDA from June 1960 - Jun 1962 under Cdrs Husher, Clark, Rutherford and Atkinson. Joined as A/SLt trainee and  left as salty (all of 21 years of age) upper deck watchkeeper. Learned more about the sea and sailors in two years in HAIDA than in the following twenty-eight years of naval service. HAIDA had good vibes.

E@-mail:  "Art Schwartz" <>

Sellars, Earl

Served on Haida from  1956-1959. My action station was on the Admiralty Fire Control Clock.   Good ship, good times, good memories.

Belleville, Ont,

Slaats, Al  ABNS  Haida 1952-53

Living in Leamington Ont. original home town. Remember  typhoon and R&R on N Korea island which
the bombardment from mainland ruined our softball game. Left rice paddy and whaler and cutter were high and dry the tide had gone out. Yanks came with amphibious and took us back to Haida


Small,  Sub-Lt.  Andrew "Andy"

Served on HMCS Haida in the 1960's until the ship was paid off.
I can be contacted via my son Macgregor Small  <small2216(at)>

Smart, James (Jimmy)

Currently living in Niagara Falls, Ontario Canada
Served aboard HMCS Haida on her second tour of Korea in 1953-54
Served aboard HMCS Iroquois in Korea in 1952
Other postings: HMCS LaHulloise 1953, HMCS Magnificent 1955
"Spent 4 years at sea and loved every day."
Can be reached by e-mail at:  jsmart(at)

Smith, Thomas J "Snuffy " LS-LR2

Joined Navy 1952-66; Served on HMCS Quebec 52-53;  HMCS Swansea 53-during the Queen's         Coronation; HMCS Iroquois 54-56; HMCS Sault Ste Marie 56; HMCS Haida 58-59;
HMCS New Waterford 64. While on the Haida, my action station was "B" gun.  Lots of fond memories.

E-mail: "Jean Smith" <>

South, John

Served on Haida from Oct. '60 to decommissioning 3 years later. I served as ABAW2 under Cdrs. Clark, Rutherford and Atkinson. Great ship. Now living in Victoria, BC, would be great to hear from some of the guys. By coincidence, 2 years ago, (1998) I met and married the sister of another former Haida crew member, Ben Richards..

Victoria, BC

Sparks, Art (V45036)

Served original commissioning until returning to Halifax. Still kicking as of  April, 2002.
5 Terra Nova Arm
Innisfil, Ontario L9S 1S1

Starr, Bill

Joined Haida in June 1960 as ABSW1. Served as Captain's Steward under Captain Husher. My stay was short - just from June to November but as it was my first ship. My service aboard  left lasting impressions, especially the leaks under the Squid mountings. My mic was slung under one.

I remember one incident which happened in the aft mess. One night, a hooky storesman whose name I can't remember, came back three sheets to the wind and turned on the little hot plate we had in the mess. He put a steak on it and went promptly to sleep in his mick. We all woke up to the smell of burnt meat and the odour  stayed with us and our rigs for a long time.

Bill <wstarr(at)>

Stevenson,  Steve  54429-H.

I served on HMCS Haida as an ABEM from 1962 until we decommissioned her in 1963 at Shearwater.
Highlights of my tour on the ship were many. The most eventful was receiving a telegram in October of 1962 at home in Hamilton, after just having started leave, to return the ship immediately as a result of the Cuban Missile Crisis. It was an unsettling voyage in that we were loaded to the gills with munitions and it seemed we were conducting damage control exercises 24 hours a day throughout the crisis. Although everyone remained relatively calm, we were all glad to hear it was over so we could resume normal operations. Another highlight was the tour
up the St. Lawrence to the lakes. I had the opportunity to sail around Lake Ontario for an hour with my family on board. It was enjoyed by all.

I previously served on her sister ship HMCS Huron, and after Haida served on the Frigate HMCS Lanark until the end of my service in 1964.

Stephen Stevenson   kelownasjme(at)

Stew, George E.

I joined the RCN at HMCS Chippewa (Winnipeg)  in January 1959 and following boot camp and comm school in HMCS Cornwallis,  was drafted to the Haida as a OSCV1 in late 1959. My first trip turned out to be a 40 day "cruise" in the Atlantic. I remember huddling behind the glass of the open bridge trying to communicate during a raging storm. I had my butt (justifiably) kicked by P.O. Puddifant. I was to clean and paint on the bridge and found several notches in the decorative wood at the front of the bridge. Being industrious I tried to sand them out. As it turned out, the notches put there by the skipper for trains taken out during the Korean war. I had my designation changed from "H" to "E" and was posted to the Sussexvale in Esquimalt in early 1960 and went on to serve on Ste. Therese, Jonquiere, Margaree and Malahat. I got out in 1969 as LSSG2. I visited the Haida in Toronto several years later and spotted my great coat in the caged off area in Mess Deck 1 with my name and number sewn in in red. I have great memories of my years in the navy and fond memories of a great ship, HMCS Haida.

George E. Stew (now retired and living in Gibsons, B.C.)
E-mail:  <geowets(at)>

Stewart, Jarvis

I have always been very proud to say that I was a crew member aboard Haida during wartime even if only for a short period of time.  After visiting Haida in Hamilton in 2004  I realized I should have done this long ago. I would like to mention that it was exactly 58 years from the time I walked down the Gangplank in Halifax on my way for Discharge until I walked up the Gangplank in Hamilton.  I can tell you it was quite emotional.

Would to hear from former shipmates.
Jarvis      E-mail:  <jarvis.stewart(at)>

Summerfield, George R.

I sailed on the Haida in 1952, I sas a L/S Stoker Mechanic, and as L/Cdr Lewis, the Engineer Officer required an Engineer Officer's Writer, volunteered for the job.  At the end of our England trip, L/Cdr Lewis sent me to Esquimalt, to be trained as his permanent Writer, but the ship's sailing date was changed, Haida sailed without me for the Korea Tour of Duty.
London, Ont. Canada.

Tainsh, Colin

Served in Haida as a Mid(S) under training with Al Dreiga Sept 56-June 57. Your web page brings back many fond memories.
Edmonton, Alberta.

Taylor,  Harry (Bunji) Ernest, Lt. Cmd. (Ret'd), R.C.N

Served in Haida in 1957. Now living in Ancaster Ontario.

Please contact me via my brother Roy G. Taylor.
e-mail: Roy Taylor <>

Thitchener, Cliff

Served aboard HMCS Haida in the first and second commisioning as stoker first class and lead hand. Later moved back to Winnipeg where I was married and had two daughters. Moved to Vancouver in 1965 and have lived here ever  since. I have a great attachment to this ship.
E-mail: cgthitch(at)
Surrey, B. C. Canada

Thomeson,  Jack. F  16480-H   1952/53

Able Seaman  loader gun  B deck. Fibbed about my age; they let me in and my first tour was on the Haida. Sailed from Halifax on 2nd commission. Remember the speed trials 34 knots. demagnified .Here we go to Japan [never new where it was]. How bout the Tidal wave that never happened? .Do you still see the trains coming in to the station in S. Korea from offshore?

Please reply J. Thomeson  5279 River Rd. V4K-1S8   Delta. B.C.

Thompson,  Keith "Osmo"

A.B.M.O. Keith Thompson 1955/60 "Maggie"  1956/57 (Suez crisis ) Haida 1958/59. Precious memories.
E-mail:  keith_thompson(at)rogers .com

Tofflemire, Bob

I served in Haida from July 1952 to Oct 1953 as an ABRP during her first tour of duty in Korea and lived in three mess (starboard aft side of forward upper). Would like to hear from old shipmates. Also served in the following ships: Wallaceburg, Huron, Toronto, Assiniboine, Crescent, Algonquin, Bonaventure, Annapolis and Athabaskan (282). I have the nominal list of Haida enlisted crew members for the Korean tour 1952 to 1953 and would gladly send a copy to old shipmates.

Bob Tofflemire, 11 Kincardine Dr, Dartmouth NS, B2X1H7
Phone 902-434-5193

Toivanen, Robert (Bob) CD,  LSFC2

Served aboard Haida from Sept. 1960 to Oct 1963. Fond memories of a great ship!!  I recognize many of the names of the former crew members and remember lots of capers.  I  remember the severe storm mentioned by others.  My Special Sea Duty station was on the wheel (shared with LSBN "Knobby" Walsh), where we spent
hours wrestling the wheel around.  Numerous times the ship would not answer the helm so revolutions were cranked on to regain steerage. Haida sustained damage - motor cutters and whaler were completely smashed, all inflatable life rafts were torn out of their mountings (including the ones mounted on the flag deck one level below the bridge).  Sick bay bulkhead was shoved in, all guard rails were torn off.  LOTS of FUN
for us young invincible hairies!  A GREAT crew!

Cheers from Sardis, B.C.
E-mail  <woodenhooky1(at)>

Turnbull, William (Bill)  OSHM

Served in the Haida from June 1960 to June 1962. It was the best 2 years of my Naval service.  I recognize a few names who I served with on Haida. They were memorable times which I will never forget. At the time I was 17 years old and was made Captain for the day on Christmas Day 1960, something forever etched in my memory. In 1984, I retired and joined the Test and Trial Department of Saint John Shipyard in Saint John, NB. Today, I live in Saint John.

CPO. W.Turnbull, CD, Rtd.

Udashkin, Sid,

I joined the RCNR as an OS at HMCS Donnacona in Montreal 12/11/51 and was placed on the active list. Then I joined HMCS Haida 22/3/52 until 4/7/53 when I transferred  to HMCS Stadacona for my OSAAS and  ABAAS training. I left Stadacona to join HMCS Quebec on 31/7/53 where I  remained until my Honourable Discharge on 20/11/56. Dunn Lanthier of Montreal (my hometown) was Captain at that time.

One of my very vivid memories which I had written about was on the shakedown cruise in the Atlantic before
leaving for Korea. The Exec Officer was in charge of the Bridge since the Captain had a bad flu. While approaching the jetty he refused any help from the tug and also reversed the props pretty quickly .We ended up hitting the jetty  pretty hard. I was in the quarterdeck party at that time and the CPO told us to get out of there but before we hit I had literally flown up to the Bofors deck where I could see Jetty 'Zero' timbers flying like matchsticks. Enough said. I don't think the Jimmy who was a Lt. Commander got any more promotions.

Here is my info:

Sid Udashkin
39105 Village 39
Camarillo,CA 93012-5666
Phone: 805 383 2299
Email: mandalay1bc(at)

Would like to hear from any other HAIDA crew.

VanAlstyne, William ("Van") 6454H, AB TAS.

I went aboard the Haida in the winter of 1947.  I was a crew member until the de-commissioning in the fall of 1950.  We commissioned the HMCS Huron and made her first trip to Korea in 1951.  The Haida was a great ship and brings back lots of wondersful memories.  My postal address is: Bill VanAlstyne, RR # 3, Bath, Ontario, K0H 1G0. If someone wants to e-mail me, they can do so at: and my friend Gilles
will pass on the message and I will respond accordingly. .
Bath, Ontario

Walker, John (Jack)

Served on the Haida from 1952 to 1953 on the first Korean trip.  I was 'B' Gun's crew in the upper mess, starboard side. Now  I live in Kelowna, BC and can be contacted through my son at <gbwalker(at)>.

West, Paul

ABEM1 . Serverd March 1959 to May 1961
P.O.Box 632 Beaverton Ont.
L0K 1A0

White, Dale  LSRC #1 mess 1952-1953

4 Donahugh Dr.
P.O. Box 731
Fonthill Ont.
L0S 1E0

E-mail via

Whiting, William E.

I joined the R.C.N.V.R. on the 13 June 1941 I retired as a C2BN4 onthe 13 June 1966.   I was was "COX'N" of the Haida in 1962-1963
Bedford, Nova Scotia.

Williams, Jack   16815-H,  Able Seaman

I served on the Haida from 1953/1955. We did the second tour of duty to Korea. I was in "3 Mess". There were two other crew members by the surname of Williams. I would like to hear from anyone who served on the HAIDA during that period.
Mississauga Ont.
E-mail:  margrat(at)

Wills, Gary

I sailed on Haida in 1962 until she paid off .
Dryden, Ontario
E-mail:  gswillis(at)

Willson, Robert A. (Cdr - Ret'd 1985)

HAIDA's Navigation Officer, 1957
Toronto, Ont.
E-mail: rawillson(at)

Wright, Gerald  ABSN

I served on the HAIDA from October 1962 to December 1963 and pay'ed off the ship at HMCS Shearwater. Would like to hear from other shipmates.
Gerald Wright
299 Dain Ave.
Welland, Ontario
You can also get a hold of me at my daughters email address: berlie1(at)

Wright,  Kenneth Lloyd 51698 ABVS

Served in HMCS Haida from 25 July 1949 to 27 February 1950. This was his  first ship after his RCN enrolment at HMCS Naden in 29 February 1948. Ken later completed 30 years RCN service and passed on many of his memories with a great degree of humour and affection for his many shipmates, ending his service on HMCS Bonaventure.

Yaschuk, Ronald J. (Yapper)

Drafted to HMCS HAIDA from Comm School in 1961 OSRM1.  Some of the names are familiar to me, however, not many shipmates are listed. Al Goodwin, Jack Wells, Jim Puddifant (deceased), Jim Rigby, Dan Whitley, Aurthur Rossi, Peter Foote, Ron Stebner.  I must dig out my Ship's Company picture to identify a few more. Lots of stories could be told but not enough space here. Communications Reunions are few and far between now and we are all getting older.  I retired after 32 years and signed a contract with SJSL to build the new Frigates.  Was a Q.A. (Quality Assurance) Inspector of communications until the program wound down. HMCS HAIDA was a great experience.
Quispamsis, N.B.
E-mail: ronlynn(at)

Zoschke, Paul Ambrose

Served onboard the Haida as a ABCV1 from March 28 1958 to September 1 1958 after being transferred from HMCS Iroquois and then was transferred back to the Iroquois on October 17 1958 after a short stay at Stadacona.

You can contact me at:  pzosk(at)

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