
August 28/03

* HAIDA departs Port Weller and clears Lock 1 around 10:00 . Due to favourable conditions on Lake Ontario, the tug is able to tow at 8 knots so HAIDA arrives at the Burlington Bay lift bridge around 13:45, much earlier than expected.

* After clearing the lift bridge the ship is berthed temporarily at Pier 26.

August 29

* A volunteer team spends the entire day polishing brass, touch-up painting and dressing the ship for presentation the following day.

August 30

* HAIDA departs Pier 26 shortly before noon and begins a westerly sweep of Hamilton Harbour in company with Maritime Coastal Defence Vessels ( MCDV) HMCS Shawinigan 704 and HMCS Glace Bay 701. By 12:40 she is on station and waiting for the opening ceremonies.

* Around 13:10, the formal ceremonies began with a parade of former HAIDA crew. Mr. Hubert Skye, Elder, Six Nations of the Grand River Territory opened HAIDA's welcoming with a prayer in his native Cayugan language. O Canada was performed by the Hamilton Children's Choir followed by opening remarks from Mr. Ryan Paquette, Master of Ceremonies. His Worship, Robert Wade, Mayor of Hamilton extended his warmest greetings from the City of Hamilton on this great occassion. A short video, made exclusively for this occasion, was then aired to the crowd.

Next, The Honourable Sheila Copps delivered an address on behalf of the Government of Canada. Vice-Admiral R.D. Buck, Chief of the Maritime Staff and representing the Department of National Defence, reiterated HAIDA's achievements while she was in service. Mr. Jim Wilson, President Haida Association and Mr. Graham Scott, President, Friends of HAIDA gave short presentations about the ship and their respective organizations. There was a flypast of several World War II aircraft and HAIDA responded with a ceremonial gun salute.  Mr. Bunji Taylor, a HAIDA veteran recited the Ship's Prayer which was followed by a moment of remembrance.  After a rendition of Happy Birthday, HAIDA's cake was cut with a ceremonial sword loaned by HMCS Star. Mr. Paquette closed the ceremony and a recessional followed by the Naval Reserve Band of HMCS Star.

* HAIDA was then towed to her permanent berthing at HMCS STAR and arrived at Pier 9 around 16:00.

HAIDA clears Lock 1 on the Welland Canal. (Photo by J. Bowser)
HAIDA is only a few hundred yards away from the entrance to the Burlington Bay canal. Due to favourable conditions she was towed at 8 knots thus shortening her trip time. (Photo by Jerry Proc)
Even though the ship was moving very slowing through the canal, a photo opportunity only lasted seconds. (Photo by Jerry Proc)

HAIDA is being positioned into her temporary berth at Pier 26 in Hamilton. Her bow is pointed approximately north. She stayed here for two nights until her grand entrance on Aug 30. (Photo by Jerry Proc)
HAIDA veterans prepare to parade into the main tent. (Photo by Tracy Kiser)

The Canso Flying Boat makes a low pass over HAIDA just prior to the main ceremony. (Photo by Roman  Wojtow)
HAIDA has just finished touring Hamilton Harbour along with her two escorts HMCS Shawinigan 704 (center) and HMCS Glace Bay 701 (right). Now she is on station awaiting the ceremonies. (Photo by Ted Coombs)

Mr. Hubert Skye, Elder, Six Nations of the Grand River Territory opens HAIDA's welcoming with an opening prayer in his native Cayugan language. (Photo by Jerry Proc)


During the program there were flypasts by aircraft from the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum. Making an appearance were the B-25 Mitchell (left) and the Lancaster, one of only two flying examples left in the world.  Prior to the ceremonies, a Canso Flying Boat "buzzed" the ship from a safe altitude..  (Photo by Raymond Bear)

HAIDA acknowledges with an 11 gun salute. (Photo by Jerry Proc)
The last item of the ceremony was to sing Happy Birthday to HAIDA and cut the 60th birthday cake.  From L-R, Mr. Ryan Paquette, Master of Ceremonies next to the podium; Jim Wilson (beret), President, HAIDA Association; the Hon. Sheila Copps, Minister of Canadian Heritage and MP for Hamilton East; Mr. Hubert Skye (red garb);  Bunji Taylor, a HAIDA veteran takes his turn at dividing the cake; His Worship Robert Wade, Mayor of Hamilton (dark blue suit). James DeWolf, ( black blazor) son of the late V-Adm Harry DeWolf looks on.  (Photo by Jerry Proc)
HAIDA veteran Jack Hannam of Sidney, B.C. receives a kiss from Sheila Copps while some of his former shipmates look on with great delight. (Photo by Tracy Kiser)
She's almost there.  The tugs are completing the last of the manoeuvers to position HAIDA next to the jetty and her permanent home at HMCS Star. (Photo by Jerry Proc)

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