ft; in
ft; in
ft; in
in kts
AFRIDI * 2,244 T 377 ; 0 36 ; 6 13 ; 0 44,720 T 34.9 T Original 226
ARUNTA 1,927 S 377 ; 6 36 ; 6 9 ; 0 S 44,000 D 34 D Six 4.7 in (3x2)
Two 4 in (1x2)
Four 2pdr (1x4)
Six 20mm (6x1)
ASHANTI * 2,020 T 377 ; 0 36; 6 13 ; 0 F 45,031 T 37.3T Original 190
1,990 T 377 ; 0 37 ; 6 15 ; 0 F 44,000 D 30 T Six 4.7 in (3x2)
Two 4 in (1x2)
Four 2pdr (1x4)
12 -20mm (6x2)
1,927 T 377 ; 0 37 ; 6 13 ; 0 F 44,000 D 36 D Eight 4 in (4x2)
Four 40mm(4x1)
Four 20mm (2x2)
BATAAN 1,970 S 
2,675 F
377 ; 0 36 ; 6 15 ; 0 F 44,000 D 34 D Six 4.7in (3x2)
Two 4in (1x2)
Four 2pdr (1x4)
Six 40mm (6x1)
BEDOUIN * 2,035 T 377 ; 0 36 ; 6 13 ; 0 F 44,522 T 37.4 T Original 213
CAYUGA 1,927 S
2,745 F
377 ; 0 37 ; 6 13 ; 0 44,000 D 36.5 D Eight 4in (4x2)
Ten 20mm (4x2),
2x1);One DCC
COSSACK * 2,030 T 377 ; 0 36 ; 6 13 ; 0 F 44,430 T 36.2 T Original 219
ESKIMO * 1,987 T 377 ; 0 36 ; 6 13 ; 0 F 45,450 T 36.2 T Original 190
GURKHA * 1,999 T 377 ; 0 36 ; 6 13 ; 0 F 45,210 T 36.3 T Original 190
HAIDA 1,927 S 377 ; 0 37 ; 6 9 ; 0 S 44,000 D 36 D Six 4.7 (3x2)
Two 4 in (1x2)
Four 2pdr (1x4)
12 20mm (6x2)
HURON 1,990 T 377 ; 0 37 ; 6 11 ; 9 S 44,000 D 30.4 T Six 4.7in (3x2)
Two 4in (1x2)
Four 2pdr (1x4)
Six 20mm (6x1)
IROQUOIS 1,927 S 377 ; 0 37 ; 6 9 ; 0 S 44,000 D 36 D Six 4.7 (3x2)
Two 4 in (1x2)
Four 2pdr (1x4)
Six : 20mm (6x1)
MAORI * 2,006 T 377 ; 0 36 ; 6 13 ; 0 F 46,006 T 35.9 T Original 190
MASHONA * 1,990 T 377 ; 0 36 ; 6 13 ; 0 F 45,437 T 35.3 T Original 190
MATABELE * 1,964 T 377 ; 0 36 ; 6  13 ; 0 F 44,299 T 35.9 T Original 190
MICMAC 1,927 S
2,745 F
377 ; 0 37 ; 6 9 ; 0 S 44,000 D 36.25 D Six 4.7 in (3x2)
Two 4 in (1x2)
Four 2pdr (1x4)
Twelve 20mm (6x2)
MOHAWK 2,017 T 377 ; 0 36 ; 6 13 ; 0 F 44,078T 36.2 T Original 190
NOOTKA 1,927 S
2,745 F
377 ; 0 37 ; 6 9 ; 0 S 44,000 D 31.5 F Six 4.7 in (3x2)
Two 4 in (1x2)
Four 40mm (2x2)
Eight 20mm (4x2)
NUBIAN * 2,034 T 377 ; 0 36 ; 6 13 ; 0 F 44,426 T 35.8 T Original 190
PUNJABI * 1,990 T 377 ; 0 36 ; 6 13 ; 0 F 44,549 T 35.9 T Original  190
SIKH* 2,015T 377 ; 0 36 ; 6 13 ; 0 F 44,448 T 36.2 T Original 190
SOMALI * 2,014 T 377 ; 0 36 ; 6 13 ; 0 F 44,207 T 36.4 T Original  190
TARTAR * 2,205 T 377 ; 0 36 ; 6 13 ; 0 F 44,077 T 35.9 T Original  219
2,745 F
377 ; 6 36 ; 6 9 ; 0 S 44,000 D 34 D Six 4.7 in (3x2)
Two 4 in (1x2)
Four 2pdr (1x4)
Six 20mm (6x1)
ZULU * 2,050 T 377 ; 0 36 ; 6 13 ; 0 F 44,176 T 37 T Original  190


1) LEGEND: D = Designed ; F = Full Load ; S = Standard ; T = Trials

2) The original sixteen ships marked with an asterisk (*) had a standard displacement of 1,959 tons and a full load displacement of 2,519 tons.

3) All twenty seven ships had a waterline length of 364 feet 8 inches and a length of 355 feet 6 inches between perpendiculars.

4) All ships had three Admiralty 3-drum boilers at 300lb/ and all were engined with two shaft, Parsons, geared turbines.

5) The original 16 ships had gun armament of eight 4.7in (4x2), four 2pdr (1x4) and eight 0.5 inch machine guns (2x4). All ships carried four 21 inch TT (1x4) torpedo tubes and most carried one-depth charge chute and two depth charge throwers. Any variation is recorded in the armament column.

6) Few authorities agree on the precise figures given for a particular ship at any particular time. The accuracy of those quoted here seems to tbe the most proven.

7) Eight of the ships were Canadian, sixteen were British and three were Australian:

AUSTRALIA: Arunta, Battan and Warramunga.

BRITAIN: Afridi, Ashanti, Bedouin, Cossack, Eskimo, Gurkha, Maori, Mashona, Matabelle, Mohawk, Nubian, Punjabi, Sikh, Somali, Tartar and Zulu.

CANADA: Athabaskan I and II, Cayuga, Huron, Haida, Iroquois, Micmac and Nootka.

8) The cost to build the British Tribals varied between 512,000 and 515,000 pounds.

9) Table courtesy of "The TRIBALS - Biography of a Destroyer Class " by Martin Brice.

10) The Tribals built for the RN used coal burning stoves to heat the Messdecks, Wardroom and other areas. As a result, an 800 ton coal bunker was incorporated into the design. At least eight smoke stacks (Charlie Noble’s)  can be seen down the starboard side according to one of the drawings for HMS Ashanti.

The book "A Blue Water Navy", page 151 describes the requested changes made by the RCN to the British Tribal design.

"The RCN Tribals, when finally emerged from British shipyards were designated Improved Tribals as a result of modifications Canada requested based on war experience, including additional and better positioning  of anti-aircraft weapons, improved communications systems, articization and updated living spaces.  Because of these modifications, especially the widening of the beam , HMCS Iroquois had more than her share of teething troubles experienced by most newly commissioned warships."

From the modifications received and a beam one foot broader than original design, the Canadian Tribals had several hundred tons greater displacement than their RN counterparts.

Contributors and Credits:

1) Ron Barrie <ronbarrie(at)>

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Feb 14/14