SHIP: ZH1 Destroyer (formerly Dutch Ship "Gerard Callenburgh")



TONNAGE: 1,628 Tons

ARMAMENT: 5 - 4.7", 4 - 37mm, 4-20mm, 8 Torpedoes

DATE SUNK: June 9, 1944

TIME: Engaged enemy at 0127, damaged and run aground at 0517.

POSITION: 48 55? N/04 22? W

LOCATION: Off the coast of Ile de Bas.

HAIDA's MISSION: Tunnel Mission (Provide protective screen for Allied mining operations).

ACTION: Four German ships were reported heading toward Normandy in an effort to harass the Allied invasion forces. HMCS HAIDA, along with other members of the 10th Destroyer Flotilla, HMCS HURON, the British ships HMS ASHANTI, HMS ESKIMO, HMS JAVALIN, as well as two Polish Destroyers - the BLYSKAWICA and PIORUN were sent to intercept the German force. After a long and confusing engagement, ZH1 was sunk, Z24 and T24 were heavily damaged by HAIDA and HURON but escaped and Z32 was run aground.

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