
by John. B. Clark

After fiercely protecting their Canadian salt water fish stocks from 1939-1945, Tribal Class destroyer crews on H.M.C.Ships IROQUOIS, HAIDA and HURON felt a degree of entitlement to at least a sample of these bountiful stocks in June 1945 in celebration of the recent victory in Europe.

Nearing Newfoundland on their triumphant return to Canada, orders were handed down to the crews of each Tribal from the Senior Captain to make necessary arrangements to "persuade" the waters off the Grand Banks to furnish enough fish for a banquet for all hands."Persuasion" was gently arranged with appropriately set depth charges, one from each ship, and time allowed for response.

There was a positive reply and the Grand Banks offered up a generous sample which was quickly harvested by cutter crews and prepared in our epicurian galleys by the finest cooks we could muster that far out to sea. All preparation was of course monitored by Newfoundland experts to ensure only the highest quality standards were achieved.

The result was something else. Maritimers were ecstatic and smiles of satisfaction were witnessed even on "sparkers and bunting tossers" from places with such names as TORONTO. As the sun set over the horizon we thanked God and jumped in our "micks" with full stomachs to dream of tomorrow and HOME.

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