
The first two Tribals ordered by the RCN were laid down as Iroquois and Athabaskan but Iroquois was delayed by bombing while on the stocks. Athabaskan was therefore renamed Iroquois and launched as the lead ship while the original Iroquois was launched as Athabaskan. Changing a ship's name is one of the worst omens in sailor folklore.
HMCS Iroquois (left) just prior to the launching ceremonies at the Vickers-Armstrong Shipyard, Newcastle-on-Tyne, England on September 23, 1941. She was launched by Mrs. Vincent Massey.  (Photographer unknown.  National Archives of Canada photo PA-139973 provided by Jim Dowell).
HMCS Athabaskan (right) was launched on November 15, 1941 by Lady Tweedsmuir. (Photographer unknown.  National Archives of Canada photo PA-139972 provided by Jim Dowell).
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Feb 7/02