November 1942  - June 1950


This damaged lifeboat illustrates just some of the damage that Iroquois sustained when she encountered a severe storm in October 1944 which ultimately took the life the ship's First Lieutenant, Lt. Cdr "Tony" Coughlin. (Photo courtesy Tom Ingham)

Iroquois sailing through the Straits of Gibraltar. (From the collection  of Andrew McDill) 
All of the Canadian Tribals that were in service were captured in this rare photo taken by Joe Winnik in Greenock Scotland on or about June 1, 1945. From the jetty outwards are HAIDA, HURON and IROQUOIS. RCN records show HAIDA and HURON arriving in Greenock on May 24th 1945 and IROQUOIS arriving on May 30th. This accounts for the order in the photo. In this trio, IROQUOIS was the Senior Ship.

The three Tribals were assembled in Greenock so that all three ships could sail home together. The Tribals left their berth on the 4th of June 1945 and arrived in Halifax on the 10th of June 1945. (Photo submitted by Tom Ingham)

With whistle blasts and sirens, Iroquois (along with Haida and Huron), are welcomed into Halifax Harbour on June 10, 1945. (Photo submitted by Tom Ingham)

Contribtors and Credits:

1) Andrew McDill <andrewmcdill(at)gmail.com>

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Apr 11/13