
Iroquois was returning from Murmanask, patrolling on the aft starboard quarter of the return convoy, when ERA Edwards (having celebrated his birthday perhaps too enthusiastically) inadvertently walked off the stern.  Y-gun crew alerted the bridge and the crew obtained permission to drop back and pick him up.  Fortunately, we rescued him - none the worse for his swim, keeping in mind that Iroquois was still above the Arctic Circle.  When hauled aboard he was completely sober.  Eventually, Edwards was charged with illegally leaving the ship. (Photo and copy via Ted Doyle)
Iroquois is at Polyarnoe in 1945, located at the mouth of the river leading to Murmansk. (Photo via Ted Doyle)

(Newsclip  via Ted Doyle)

Radar Operators Tom Bracken and Colin "Nels" Nelsthorpe . (Photo via Ted Doyle)

(Newsclip  via Ted Doyle)

(Photo  via Ted Doyle)

The friendly barber is Sgm. J. Barnes of Powell River, BC. Hiis "victim" is AB Vic Hendrickson of Kenora. At the right is Signalman, Robert( Bob) Brown of Winnipeg Manitoba. (Photo via Ted Doyle)

The sailor on the left is Leading Stoker George Jarvis of Essex while the other crew member remains unidentified.(Photo via Ted Doyle)

Boiler room crew: ERA's Christie,  Gallicano and P/O Oates. (Photo submitted by Ted Doyle) 

This photo of the Iroquois hockey team was taken at the Shirley Street Arena,  Halifax in the winter of 1947-48.

Front row (L-R): "Little Steve"Stevenson-Sto1/C,  "Pee Wee" LaCroix-Sto1/C
                            Tom Young-Sto1/C, Unknown, William (Bill) Murphy 

Back Row (L-R): Unknown,  Bill Humphries-Sto1/C, Unknown, Unknown, 
                            Unknown.  (Can anyone identify the unknown people?)

At the time, Iroquois was a reserve fleet depot of sorts and there were a lot of ERA's aboard since  the fleet had a surplus of them. If they so wished, the navy could easily release them. Tom Young was the ERA's messman at the time while others were doing jobs around the fleet such as boiler cleaning etc. (Photo submission by Tom Young) 

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Aug 17/09