by Tom Ingham

There is one incident that I can remember while we were crusing off the coast of France 1944-45 in the Bay of Biscay. I was catnapping in the sun on the catwalk on the port side of the ship by the funnel when I was awakened by a splash in the water. I sat up and and seen another splash. I looked over to shore on the starboard side and I saw two large German tanks running down the beach shooting at us. I got up and went into the shelter of the foc'sle on the starboard side. There were at least three or four guys watching the tanks. Rather than fire back, the ship took off at high speed. I have not heard of anyone speak of this incident, and I know that it happened and I know that I wasn't dreaming. In later years, I have often thought that since we had four torpedo tubes sitting amidships, if any of the shells had hit them, it would have gone down in history that a German tank had sunk a Canadian Tribal destroyer!
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