by Britt Deedo


It was Easter Sunday, l943 and we were on patrol off the east coast of Ireland in the aftermath of a storm. There was thick fog, practically no breeze, and we were going along with a heavy swell.

I had the galley porthole open in me officers galley to get a breath of air. I had a two gallon pot of boiled potatoes at the sink draining them. The ship altered course to port, a huge swell filled the open porthole hitting me on me back of my shoulders and pinning me over the sink.

When I straightened up, I had a pot full of boiled potatoes in sea water. I glanced at my watch - 1145 hours. I drained off the salt water, mashed the potatoes, put them in serving bowls and sent them down to me Steward's pantry for the officer's wardroom. No one complained, probably  because they never knew!

(A true tale)

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