

As of July 2008, the Iroquois Association voted to disband. 

If you would like to be listed on this page, please contact Jerry Proc, e-mail: and supply any information, comments or a story about your years of service aboard Iroquois.

In addition, Records of Service can be obtained from Library and Archives Canada at the following address:

Personnel Records Unit
Library and Archives Canada
395 Wellington Street
Ottawa, ON
K1A 0N3

All the necessary instructions are listed on the web page.
Toll free 1-866-578-7777 (Canada and U.S.A)
Fax:     (613) 947-8456

Bell, Doug   - Able Seaman Stoker

Would like to hear from any former shipmates.

E-mail <>
Phone:  (705)254-8119
Black, James

Served in HMCS Iroquois 217 on her second tour of duty to Korea. Was a Sparker in the radio shack and was there until the signing of the armistice then peacekeeping until we shipped out for home. I can be contacted at: Country Couple <ctrcpl(at)>

Boon,  Dick

I joined the R.C.N. at Donnacona in Montreal in December 1951. Did my OD training in Cornwallis from Dec 30/51 to May 9/52. Went for more training in Quebec until Nov.26/52  then to Stad for another course. Ended up as an OSLR. Then I was drafted to the IROQUOIS Mar.9/53 as a ABLR and off to Korea. Drafted from  IROQUOIS May16/54 then into the PRESTONIAN the same day.Served until June 18/55.

Other ships I served in:

Maggie Apr '57 to June '57
Sioux Aug '57 Nov '57
Crusader Dec'57 to July '58
Iroquois Oct '58 toMar '59.
Kootenay Nov '63 to May '66
Preserver first time Oct '69 to '72 then '74 to '77.

Non-sea drafts:
Donnacona Nov '55 toFeb '57
D'Iberville July '60 toJuly '61
Hochelaga July '61 toAug '62
Stad '62 to Nov '63 TG3 Course WS
Shelburne Sept '66 toDec '69
Then back to sea on Preserver
Retired P2WS3 1977

Yours Aye.
Dick (Dan"ll) Boon
e-mail: "The Boons" <diboon(at)>
Bourne, Carl    16872H 

bourne_1953.jpgI served on the Iroquois three years  - 1954, 1955, 1956.

I enlisted when I was 17 years old and was one of the fortunate crew who circled the globe on the Iroquois. We sailed from Halifax through the Panama Canal to Los Angeles then to Hawaii.  Our gun trials with the US Navy kept us in Hawaii for five weeks. We then sailed on to Korea. I was a cook and a baker who tried to transfer in to the supply branch. The supply branch was completely closed. I did my cooks training in Esquimalt B.C. and my bakers training in Halifax N.S.

Petty Officer Latham was the baker that taught me my baking skills. When he went on holidays I ran the bakery in Stadacona, Halifax.  After our tour of duty in Korea we returned home to Halifax through the Suez Canal.
I  joined the RCN in Toronto, Ontario and  now reside in Courtenay, B.C.  The photo of me was taken in the winter of 1953.

E-mail:   getwithit(at) 

Burton, Lester Eugene 13751-H

Served in HMCS Iroquois from 1952-1954. I was aboard during the Korean attack that killed the three men on 'B' gun.  When it happened I was one of the crew manning the 'A' gun on the deck below.  After the strike, air support was called in  to take out the shore battery that had fired on Iroquois. The moment is still clear.
We were on deck and we heard rounds splashing behind us.  We went to look to see what it was then seen two   more. By then, the captain ordered "FULL SPEED AHEAD!"  Just after he said it,   'B' gun was hit. The captain was nearly in tears because he was good friends with those men. Everyone on board was very saddened by the loss.

 I am now living in South Brook, NL and still have many memories  from that time.  If any former shipmates would like to contact me, please send e-mail to my grandson Tim Burton . E-mail:

Clark, John
Leading Stoker HMCS IROQUOIS 1943 1946
E-mail:  <johnbhclark(at)>


Cochrane, Adam
Bearded and hooded against the Atlantic cold is Able Seaman Adam Cochrane of North Vancouver. Here, he is wearing earphones while manning an anti-aircraft gun aboard HMCS Iroquois. (From the Vancouver Sun Newspaper, 9 November 1943. Submitted by Judy  Vanderhorst). 
Cormier  T. (Tom) (48680-H)

I joined the RCN at Halifax NS on the 9th of September 1960. Was there till September 11th. Arrived at Cornwallis for basic training from September 12th till January 5, 1961. Was at Cornwallis from January 6th, 1961 till July 15th for my Radioman’s training. Arrived at HMCS Iroquois on July 16th as OSRMS till February 12th 1962. From February 13th 1962 till September 20th, 1962 on board HMCS Iroquois as ABRM1. Just before HMCS Iroquois paid off, was transferred to HMCS Columbia. On HMCS Columbia from September 21, 1962 till January 1, 1963. Transferred to HMCS Stadacona from January 2, 1963 till May 7th, 1963 waiting for Radioman 2’s course. May 8th till June 9th 1963 on Radioman 2’s course.  Had signed up for another 5 years but asked to be released and was transferred to HMCS Stadacona from June 10th to June 21, 1963.
Discharged June 21, 1963.

Was the Radioman on duty when the communication came from J. F. K and NATO regarding the Cuban Missile Crisis in October 1962.

N. T. (Tom) Cormier (48680-H)         E-mail: tom.ntcormier(at)
163 Glassco Ave N.
Hamilton, ON
L8H 6A1
Ph: 905-545-2574, Cell: 905-308-1609,  Fax: 905-538-9181

Curtis, Ed

curtis_ed_photo.jpg I joined the RCN just before my 18th birthday and served between  Nov. '50 and  Nov '55. Was a member of the Iroquois crew on her first trip to Korea in 1952.  Spending five years in the navy,  I served on five different ships - Iroquois, Swansea, Toronto, Quebec and Trinity. 

It seems such a long time ago, and I suppose it is. It's great to look back on those times  - Iroquois/Korea, Swansea/Queens Coronation, Toronto/UNTD training in the Caribbean, Quebec/South American cruise and Trinity/ summer on the Great Lakes. Good memories all round. But my time aboard the Iroquois was most memorable with names, dates and events still vivid in my mind. Shipmates that are fondly remembered include Harry Simms, Bob Sellick, Keith (Jigger) Mott, Mack King, Paul Freeman, Jack Kimber, Ross Barr. A great bunch of guys.

Ed. Curtis,  9 Ireland Place,  Guelph Ont., N1E 7C2 Canada

Deedo, Britt  V16341

deedo.jpg I joined the RCNVR at HMCS Griffin in Port Arthur, Ont. (now Thunder Bay) in February 1941 as a Ships Cook.  Upon being transferred to HMCS Naden, my role was that of an Officers Cook. On the West Coast, I served in HMCS Naden, Sans Peur and Royal Roads. After serving in the Iroquois from October 1942 until May 1944, I joined HMCS Uganda in Charlestown, South Carolina  in July 1944. 

Upon reaching Halifax in November 1944, the politicians decided Uganda should have a volunteer crew to go to the Pacific Theatre.  I maintained that when I joined the RCNVR  in 1941 I would volunteer to serve anywhere in the world for the duration of hostilities and if that wasn't good enough it was too bad.  I was drafted off and finished the war in Halifax in HMCS Peregrine and Stadacona.  I was discharged in HMCS Griffin in November 1945.

Britt Deedo

Dowell, James

windsor_trio.jpg I served on G89 from April 1944 to December 1945, as a signalman. The Chief Yeoman of Signals was "Tug" Wilson and the Leading Sig. was George Heaven. Signalman George Shepard, one of my shipmates, was part of the Iroquois landing party on Ile de Yeu. He passed away in 1998. Today, I hold amateur radio call sign VE3PZP.

The three lads in the photo were known as the  "The Windsor, Ont. Trio". I received this photo from TedLemon, Stoker, G89 (deceased), who is in the middle. I am on the right, and I do not recall the name of the leftmost person

We posed for this picture just before we went ashore in Copenhagen, Denmark. All of this was in conjunction with escorting the Prinz Eugen and Nuremburg to Kiel,Germany . We never actually dropped anchor in Kiel. Because the Kiel Canal was bombed so badly, we had to take the long way around to Wilhelmshaven, Germany, where we tied up at a jetty for a few days. By this time the war was declared over and we witnessed the surrender of crews from German U-boats.

My oldest brother went down with the St. Croix on Sept. 22, l943. The Dowell brothers set a record for having five from the same family enlisted in the RCNVR, during WW2. The Navy brass would not allow two of us to serve on the same ship. This is in contrast to having  the two Edwards brothers on the Iroquois. In fact, my youngest brother was assigned to a shore base in St. John`s NFLD.  Needless to say he wasn`t too happy with this  "do not ship" order.

James Dowell 
E-mail:  jpbd(at)
Ottawa, Ont.

Doyle, Ted
Able Seaman & Radar Operator
Mar '44 -Oct '45


I initially became involved with the Navy as a member of a University Naval Training Division in Kingston in 1942.  In the Spring of 1943, we were shipped off to HMCS Cornwallis for training.  At that time, I decided to skip university and go to war so I enlisted in the RCNVR.  Since it was assumed that I had “basic” training, following short stints in Cornwallis and Stadacona, I was assigned to HMCS St. Francis, one of the WW 1 received from the USA for bases in Newfoundland.  After standing watch as lookout on the wing of the bridge as well as in the crows nest at the top of the mast for a few months, the radar shack began to look extremely inviting.  As a consequence, I applied for a radar course which I took in Ste. Hyacinthe.  Following “graduation”, I was assigned to the Iroquois in May 1944 as she was completing re-fit in Halifax.  We left for the UK shortly thereafter.  I stayed with her throughout the interesting times that followed until my discharge in October 1945.

 Immediately following V E Day, the pressure was on everyone to “sign up” for the war in the Pacific.  The enticement was an immediate 30 day leave upon returning to Canada.  Many “bought the deal” but there were quite a few others who, while willing to ship out for the East immediately, did not feel that it was necessary to re-volunteer.  I was one of these.

 As a result, when we arrived home to Halifax the “re-volunteers” left on leave (and were subsequently discharged while on leave).  Meanwhile, the stubborn ones spent a quiet summer and fall de-commissioning ship until our discharges came through in October ’45.

 The “re-volunteers” missed a terrific V J Day party laid on by former Iroquois Captain K. F. Adams (who had replaced Captain Hibbard in February ‘45).  Captain Adams became Captain D of HMCS Stadacona upon our return and vowed there would be no repeat of the May riots during his watch.  There weren’t!!! 

E-mail: "TJ Doyle" <tjdoyle(at)>
2 Beveridge Drive, Toronto, M3A 1N9

Friars, Jim 

Joined  Brunswicker ... 8/50 to 9/50 ; Cornwallis......... ... 9/50 to 1/51
Ontario.................1/51 to 9/51; Stadacona...............9/51 to 2/52
Iroquois................2/52 to 3/53; Swansea.................3/53 to 11/53
Toronto.................11/53 to 2/54; Maggie..................2/54 to 3/55
Stadacona...............3/55 to discharge

Of the 5 ships I served in, the Iroquois is the one I always think of first. 

Henderson, Harry

He was from Ontario but had been born in Scotland

Hickman, Bob

hickman_bob.jpg Served on Iroquois part of 1961/62. I was in the Navy 1955/65 10 years and attended the very first Iroquois reunion. Aboard  Iroquois, I was LSSN2, sonar. After that I was drafted to Stadacona for my 3's and P2's. I also served on Micmac and Sioux , If any of my old comrades out there recognize my name or picture I would be honoured to hear from you. I check the site frequently for names or faces I might recognize. My photo was taken in Cornwallis when I was in New Entry training, 1955 Gatineau 5.

Yours in Comradeship
Bob Hickman
E-mail : bobjanet.hickman(at)

Hillyard, Jim  V65563 A/B

I joined Iroquois in April 1944 as a radar operator until our return to Halifax in 1945.

I recall, with admiration, our ship and its record during my time on board - also the high esteem that Jimmy Hibbard held with everyone for his experience before he became the C. O. of  Iroquois. He had the courage that we needed in order to be successful in our channel exploits.

E-mail: <jchillyard(at)>

Ingham, Tom

RR#2 Turner Rd.,
St. Catharines, Ontario
L3B 5N5
E-mail: tingham2(at)

Jordan, Linden

I joined the Navy at 17 years old for 3 year hitch. Drafted to Iroquois as sonar rate from basic training in Cornwallis in May of 1962 until September 1962. Great ship, great crew. Remember Gene Lister from Shipmates List and some names of others of that time are familiar. Went from Iroquois to Haida, then the Sioux and Terra Nova. Discharge at Stadacona in January 1965. Many great memories.

Linden Jordan
Email: lennyjay(at)

King, Mac

Served in Iroquois 1942-1945 and Korea in 1952.  Was in the navy for 21 years.

160 Melrose Ave,
Halifax   NS.
B3N 2E7

Lavalley,  Frank
I served on Iroquois in 1961 and 1962 as LSET2. Was part of the decommissioning crew.

Through better good luck than good management, I took about 20+ minutes of standard 8mm movie
until the camera vanished. If anyone is interested, they can e-mail  me and I will send them a CD copy. Not great quality, but great memories.

Frank Lavalley
E-mail:  <franklavalley(at)>

Lister, Gene

I was 19 years old when I was assigned to Iroquois in Aug '61, and served on her until  she was paid off in Oct
'62. She was a great ship, and I have many fond memories. I loved it when it was rough, had a lot of port
calls on the American east coast, the Caribbean and Bermuda. Most memorable were the visits to Jamaica
and Trinidad-Tobago for their independence celebrations.  In 1964 I transferred to the RCAF, and flew for more
than 30 years, but wouldn't trade my time in the Navy for anything!

Gene Lister
5356 Rte 127
Bocabec NB E5B 3J3
E-mail: glister(at)

Little, Donald Lister


Grampa passed away September 5, 2002 . As I started looking through his old things,  I began remembering some of the stories he told me about serving in the war and would like to find somebody that knew him while he served on the Iroquois.

Donald Lister Little served on the Andre Dupre before being transferred to the HMCS Iroquois in 1943 serving as a gunner until 1945.  Donnie was from McAam NB, and worked for the CPR both before and after WWII.  I know a few stories but would be very interested to hear some more.  If you knew my Grandfather please email me your story.

Thank you,
Tabatha Little
e-mail: tabatha.little(at)

Mann, Clement C.W.

It was perchance that I searched the Internet after chatting with my dad, Clement C.W. Mann
regarding the Iroquois, his beloved ship. My dad joined the ship pre-commissioning and was one of the
last to leave her at the end of the war. He is 91 now and often speaks of the friends, comrades, and life during this time with fondness. I would gladly proxy for him and make sure all contacts are relayed.

CPO Clem Mann
 808 Mann Avenue
Victoria, BC
(250) 479-1273

Mathes, Claus   47572-H (aka Matt. Leftmost person in photo)

I joined the service on October 18, 1960 at “HMCS York” in Toronto. Went through training at “HMCS Cornwallis” from November 20, 1960 until March 28, 1961. After two weeks at “HMCS Stadacona” I was transferred and served aboard “HMCS Iroquois” (217) from March 17, 1961 until she paid off in late 1962. I served as a Wardroom Steward and Captain Steward and crewed as a loader on ‘B’ gun during that time.

On September 20, 1962 I was transferred to “HMCS Chaudiere” (235), served on her for one month as a Wardroom Steward during her shock trials in Key West, Florida. On October 22, 1962 I was transferred to “HMCS Columbia” (260), served on her as Captain Steward and Wardroom Steward until November 16, 1964. The remainder of my time was served out in Montreal at “HMCS Hochelaga” working in the Officers Mess. I left the service on November 22, 1968.

If there is anyone who can recall LSSW Herman Walker that also served aboard the Iroquois during my time please get in touch.

Claus Mathes
Email: claus(at)

Nelthorpe, Colin V33453

nelthorpe_colin.jpg Served on Iroquois as a gunner 1943-1945.  Contact info unknown as of 2017. 

Roberts, LesRank AB  Serial # V53680    1924 -

Served in HMCS Iroquois from June 1, 1944 until June 10, 1945  Discharged from the Navy Oct 23, 1945. While we were patrolling off Norway in April 1945, I remember when a German U-Boat fired a torpedo under our stern. The following is a quote from my journal:

"April 4th/45 -  Four destroyers sailed from Scapa Flow this morning including Onslow,  Zest,  Zealous and our ship the Iroquois.  The object of our mission was a quick hit and run raid on a German convoy off Southern Norway almost to the Skagerrak.  The attack was to be made between 12 midnight and 1200 hours, after which we were to be met by planes and a light  Cruiser “The Dido” to be escorted back to Scapa.  Strict orders were given to Captain D of Onslow that if spotted the raid was off, as it would be greater a risk that the spoils would be.  However a Junker JU88 observation plane spotted us and radioed our position into Norway.  As a result U-Boats, E boats and shore Batteries were waiting for us when we struck.

As we ran into attack a terrific barrage of flak raked the ships but damage was slight.  Torpedoes were fired and all guns opened up and were hitting at the convoy.  Iroquois was credited with a big tanker sunk, Onslow two torpedo hits and others with minor hits.  E boats chased us through a mine field and fired a torpedo under our stern.  Escort finally met us and took us back to Scapa on what was termed a very successful mission.  Experience gained and ships sunk" .

I can be reached at e-mail address:  Julie Roberts  <jules49(at)>

Scott,  Everett  "Scottie"   -  Able Seaman

I served aboard the Iroquois during the Korean conflict. Now live in Barrington, Nova Scotia, where I enjoy my  hobbies of building canoes, skiffs and punts.  Would like to hear from any of my former shipmates.

Please e-mail via my daughter Laurie Brannen -

Setter, John W

setter081.jpg  Served during WWII as a wireless operator. May his spirit be with us eternally.  Photo submitted by Kerry Setter <kitsetter(at)>

Smart, James (Jimmy)

Currently living in Niagara Falls, Canada
Served aboard HMCS Iroquois in Korea in 1952
Served aboard HMCS Haida on her second tour of Korea in 1953-54
Other postings HMCS LaHulloise 1953, HMCS Magnificent 1955
"Spent 4 years at sea and loved every day."
Can be reached by e-mail :   jsmart(at)

Snider, Ken

snider_ken.jpg I was a crew member of HMCS Iroquois from March 1954 to February 1956 as an OS/AB RP. This was the ship's third tour of duty to Korea and included a trip Around the World, so I really joined the Navy to see the World. I served for 20 years and in 1972 was drafted to commission the 280 Iroquois at Sorel when I decided to take my release.

Joining the Navy was the best decision I could have made and as I joined one month after I turned 16. I always said I really grew up in the Navy. I also served as an RP at Shearwater, Maggie (took Army to Suez then decommission at Plymouth).  Commissioned Restigouche. Was Commodore's Coxin at Hamilton, transferred to LT Branch, then to Cap De La Madeline, LT 4'S Course, then lucked into a Draft to the Hydrofoil and computerized equipment training which changed my career and life's work. God bless the Navy.

Would really like to hear from ex Shipmates.
Best regards..Ken
email: "Ken & Wendy Snider" <kwsnider(at)>

Stewart, Glen

Glen in 1960.

Saint John, N.B.
E-mail: "glen" <legion(at)>



Other  ships I served in:    Magnificent, Aug. to Dec 56;   Fort Erie, Oct 57 to Jan 58;  Buckingham,  May  58 to May 62;  Resolute, May 63 to Feb 64;  Bonaventure, June 64 to Dec 64; Nipigon, May 66 to Sept 67; Malard, three months;   Skeena June 68 to May 70. Releases at Stadacona,   Oct 20/70. Stopovers at  Stad, .  Shearwater, Hochelaga, Point Edward, Cape Breton.. Joined Oct 55.


e-mail:  rstilsone751(at)

Swabey, Pete

I served  in the RCN 1960 to 1963 aboard Gatineau,  Iroquois and Lauzon and specifically in HMCS Iroqouis in 1961 - 62. Was on board for her decommissioning cruise. If any old friends remember me I would love to hear from them, nickname Kipper or Swabs for obvious reasons. Particular names come to mind eg Ron Roberge, Hughie Smale, Jerry Shavers, Ron Kain, Wayne Bradford, Gordon Russell, Mike Hartley, 'Swan' Burnell, Brian Crum, Dave Field, Al Johnson to name but a few.

Sleaford, Linconshire, NG34 7GEI ,  England
e-mail: peterswabey(at)

Trapnell, Brian -  Served in Iroquois DDE 217 during the Korean war and was an LSCR2 in the  radio shack. I was on her when the peace was signed.

Whitney, Ken

I served in the Iroquois on peace time patrol from June 1954 until April/May 1955. While on leave, I was transferred to Stadacona for change of trade to Physical Training Instructor (PTI).  I passed the qualifying four months, then was drafted to Cornwallis to undergo my PTI Course.  While on the Iroquois we had the good fortune to circle the world.

Whyte, Ronald

I was a member of  IROQUOIS on her first trip to Korea in 1952 as an electrician.  Still remember  some P.O.'s  of the mess: Bob Legue, Gerry Waugh, Carlson, Roski, Fitzpatrick, Green. Our C.P.O.was named Thicket
and our Div. Officer was Lt.McConneghy. We messed right beside some seamen and across from the communicators. Some of the seamen I remember were Russel Moses, Wally Burton , P.O. Payne. It is hard to believe how long ago that trip was. After I looked at this web page it brought back a lot of old memories.

E-mail:  ronald.whyte(at)

Zoschke, Paul

Served in Iroquois January 1 1957 to August  8 1957 as OSCRS, then as OSCV1 from August 9 1957 to February 23 1958. After short stay on the Haida, I transfered back  to Iroquois from October  17 1958 to Deccember 31 1959 as ABCV1. My last tour of duty spanned January 1 1960 to June 21 1961 as ABSG1.

Would like to hear from any of my former shipmates. Respond to:
 Daniel Zoschke <danzosky(at)>


Prior to the incorporation of the now disbanded  Canadian Tribal Destroyer Association (CTDA),  any convening of Iroquois veterans was held in the name of an Iroquois Reunion. After 1996, the Iroquois veterans were represented under a Tribal Reunion.

Click to enlarge. (All photos courtesy Tom Ingham unless otherwise noted)

1st Reunion -  HMCS York Naval Reserve . Toronto, Ontario. 1990. Here the attendees march past HMCS HAIDA.
reunion_91s.jpg UP SPIRITS at the 2nd Iroquois Reunion held in  Halifax, N.S.  Aug, 1991. (L-R) Andy Yule (Whitby, Ont.); Tom Ingham (Welland, Ont); Al Mc Riner (Toronto, Ont), John Clark (Barrie Ont);  Mac King (Halifax, N.S.); Ted Lemon (London, Ont). "Snuffy" Miller  is kneeling. All are stokers.  Does anyone have a  photo of all attendees?
reunion_93s.jpg 3rd Reunion - Victoria,  British Columbia. 1993
reunion_95s.jpg 4th Reunion  - Peterborough, Ontario. 1995. 
5th Reunion  - Lord Nelson Hotel Halifax, N.S. July 5, 1997. (L to R) Art Kyle, E.R.A; Tom and Margaret Ingham; Carrie and Tom Oliver (HMCS Micmac). This is the only known photo.
reunion_99s.jpg 6th Reunion  - Saint John, New Brunswick.  July 1999.
reunion_01s.jpg 7th Reunion  - Calgary, Alberta. July 2001.
8th Reunion -  Burlington, Ontario. August 2003.

Some G89 crew is in the upper photo. From L-R, Ed Pecarski , unidentified, Jim Hamilton, Robbie Robertson, Jim Dowell, Art Kyle, Tom Ingham. Seated: unidentified.

Some 217 crew is the lower photo. (Both photos by Jerry Proc)


Reunion 2006, Halifax: (L-R) Britt Deedo with wife Lillian (South Africa), Mack King (Halifax) and Tom Ingham (Halifax) 
Reunion 2006, Halifax: (L-R) Jim Dowell, (Ottawa), Mack King and Tom Ingham.
Reunion, 2006 Halifax: Jim Dowell talking with Britt Deedo.
Reunion July 3-6 2008, Halifax.(L-R) John Clarke (Ottawa), Brit Deedo (South Africa) and Tom Ingham (Welland, Ont). Fourty six vets signed up for the Reunion but only three from wartime G-89 could make it. The remainder of the Iroquois contingent represented the Korean War era.

The 2008 reunion, held at Dalhousie University between July 3-6, 2008,  was to be the last for both the Canadian Tribal Destroyer Association and the Iroquois Associations. Both groups were disbanded at that time.

Contributors and Credits:

1) Judy  Vanderhorst <icjoy(at)>

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