by George MacFarlane, Victoria, B.C.


[Aboard HMCS IROQUOIS; First Korean Tour; 1952]

On the night we left Pearl Harbour on our way to Korea via Guam, UFO's were visible during the middle and morning watches. Telling someone that you had seen UFO's was the last thing that anyone wanted to admit in those days. You were apt to be accused of fabrication or of unsound mind. I sense that the public mood has changed and that a report of a UFO sighting is now accepted.

I recall around 0100, a number of white lights in small formations suddenly appeared to the south, near the horizon. Some of them suddenly appeared came closer. They always appeared stationery, yet moved as fast as a cursor on a computer screen when in motion. The navigational radar screen was clear. The air search radar, specifically designed for this type of job, was down for major maintenance. The number and position of the lights changed occasionally. There were about thirty visible at one time, most in formation of two to six, all to the south extending to the horizon.

ufo2.gif Suddenly, one was stationed close to the port bow about 500 feet altitude. It was oval shaped and completely luminous except for a line of about a dozen large black windows along the whole side which were visible. I searched with binoculars but could see nothing in the windows. It was estimated that the object was approximately two hundred feet in diameter. Using that scale, the windows would be fifteen feet square. The bright white light surrounding the object, although startling, did not prevent the use of binoculars. This UFO remained stationery for some minutes and then, without making a sound, it was gone. The lights continued to be concentrated on the horizon and by 0300, no more could be seen. It was a very weird experience to say the least. Has anyone else seen UFO's while at sea?

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