3V SW-7 Receiver


Frequency Range: 14 to 3000 metres (100 kHZ to 21.4 MHz)
Type: Regenerative receiver
Specification: 46944
Tubes: 3; types unknown at this time.
Power source: Batteries (6 VDC and 90 VDC) or battery eliminator.
Circa: ?
Comment: 3V in the model number likely means 3 valve. SW-7 is likely the frequency range designator. Because the receiver lacks a bandswitch, it is believed that external plug-in coils determine the band of frequencies that can be received within the entire range.

If anyone can provide additional information, please contact:  jerry.proc@sympatico.ca

Front view.
3Vsw7_2_front_open .jpg
Front view with tube/coil cover removed.
Rear view. The terminal strip is marked (L-R): 2 OUT 1; 6V;  + 90V - ;GND ; 2 IN 1
Interior view - top.
Interior view - bottom.
Nameplate data.
Warning placard.
All photos in this table by David Rinehart .

Contributors and Credits:

1) David Rinehart <superdave1947(at)gmail.com>

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Jun 2/13