This is the first day cover to commemorate the 100th anniversary of commercial radio broadcasting in Canada. The advent of radio fundamentally changed the way Canadians consumed news, music and entertainment. May 20, 2020, marks the 100th anniversary of the first scheduled radio broadcast in Canada.

Transmitted by station XWA in Montreal to a Royal Society of Canada gathering at Ottawa's Chateau Laurier, the broadcast featured a live performance by soprano Dorothy Lutton. Radio was embraced quickly and wholeheartedly by Canadians. By the end of the decade, tens of thousands of Canadians were tuning in .(Canada Post image)

This is the stamp which appears on the first day cover. Depicted here is the Canadian Marconi 'C' receiver.  one of a type that could  be found in many Canadian homes when radio was in its infancy.  Issued on May 20, 2020, .(Canada Post image)

Issue Date May 20, 2020
Stamp Designer Soapbox Design
Stamp Value Permanent TM (domestic rate)
Quantity Produced 130,000
Dimensions 34 mm x 29 mm
Canada Post Product # 414140111

Contributors or References:

1) Canada Post

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