CN-36U Marine Radio Telephone


Model: CN36U
Common Name: ?
Power Out: ?
Mode: AM radiotelephone only 
Frequency range: Low HF band
Frequency control: Crystal control only 
Channels available: 8
Vintage: 1950's
Type: 119-995U
Spec: 112-991
Primary Power : 110 VDC @4 amps
Dimensions: W: 14.5" x  H: 19.25" x  D: 8.5"
Weight : ?
Number of transmitter  tubes: 6 
Number of receiver tubes: ?

 With cover on.
With cover off. This particular radiotelephone has been modified so its not quite representative of a stock model. The big lamp is just a dummy load which has been mounted internally and did not come that way from Canadian Marconi. The receiver has also been stripped out along with the most crystal sockets.
All photos in this table by  Pierre Lewis

Contributors and Credits:

1) Pierre Lewis <leware(at)>

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May 17/12