CP-34 Portable HF-SSB Transceiver

Type: HF transceiver.  Aka as the AN/PRC-514
Frequency range: 2 to 18 MHz.
Frequency control: 18 simplex or 9 semi-duplex crystal controlled channels. 
Power level:  10 or  20W PEP into a 50 ohm load.
Audio output: 500 mW
Sensitivity: 0.5 µV
Construction: All semiconductor (transistors, op-amps, etc).
Power supply is nine D cells with mains adapter or 12V gel cell adapter.
Antenna Tuning Unit: Has an integrated ATU with battery/tune meter.

AM, USB, (usual version)
AM  LSB (optional)
Stability:  Quoted at +/- 100 Hz from -30 to +60 C.
Physical: It measures 10x23x34cm and weighs in at 6.6Kg.

CP34 Service manual  #919-796400-001. Cover only. 
CP34 - Frequency placard. CP-44 is the synthesizer version of the radio
CP34 and its carrying case and handset. The built- in loudspeaker can be used as microphone, so the radio can be used without a headset or a handset. A whisper modulation option provides full modulation, even when the operator is forced to whisper.
All CP-34 photos in this table via E-bay

Contributors and Credits:

1)  Walter Isaacson <wi1940(at)telus.net>
2) http://www.greenradio.de/e_cp34.htm

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Aug 5/22