CRT size: 17 inches
Tube count: 19
Vintage: 1958 to 1959.
Power: 117 VAC 1,9 amps
Also refer to:

Model 102T17 . Note the rabbit ear antenna sitting atop the set. It was very common to use a rabbit ear antenna in an urban environment where the signal strength was strong. This particular set was made in 1958. 
Model 102T17  - Eureka..., it works! It's impossible to go back to watching b/w television after being exposed to colour since the mid 1950s, Some stations simulcast in both digital and NTSC formats. Here, the set  shown is receiving off the air programming from CTV  Halifax, on channel 10 . Global Halifax transmits on channel 20. but that's a UHF channel and out of range for this set. 
Model 102T17 controls.
All model 102T17 photos in this table courtesy Kevin Christopher. 

Model 102T17  - Basic servicing information was usually provided on the back panel of a TV, 
All model 102T17 photos in this table courtesy Kevin Christopher. 

Model 102T17 overall view of the chassis. Some manufacturers used a vertically oriented chassis while others used a horizontal one.. 
Model 102T17 focusing on the standard two tube tuner in the upper left. 
Model 102T17 showing the CRT deflection coils and the ion trap magnets. Ions emitted by the filament in the CRT were deflected by the magnets .to prevent them from burning the phosphor on the CRT face, 
Model 102T17 with high voltage compartment exposed. In most TVs, this box contained the horizontal output stage, the damper tube and the high voltage rectifier. Depending on the size of the CRT, the HV rectifier provided anywhere from 12 to 20 kilovolts to the second anode of the CRT. Servicmen had to be very aware of this potential shoick hazard when servicing this or any other set. 
All photos in this table by Kevin Christopher

Contributors or References:

1) Kevin Christopher [kevinivc(at)]

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Sept 9 /22