TR-15S Transmitter

Modes: CW/MCW/Radiotelephone
Frequency Range:  5 to 200 metres (60 MHz to 1500 KHz). According to the Marconi spec sheet. That's quire a range!
Power Output: 12 watts at 1,500 KHz;  7 watts at 60 MHz per spec sheet. Does not agree with frequency range. This is in error. The maximum operating frequency for the 6L6 tube in the RF output stage is 10 MHZ according to the 1956 Amateur Radio Handbook.
Frequency Control: Six crystal controlled frequencies or electron coupled oscillator.
Tube functions:

Oscillator/multiplier 1 x  6L6
Power amp - 1 x 6L6
Speech amplifier - 1 x  6N7
Modulator -  1 x  6N7


Transmitter Unit - 12 in Wide x 6.5 in Deep x 7 in High
Dynamotor Unit - 8 in Wide x 7 in Deep x 7.5 in High


Transmitter Unit - 13 pounds
Dynamotor Unit - 20 pounds.

1) The Canadian Marconi marketing brochure does not mention a  receiver. It is assumed that the TR-15S requires an external receiver.
2) The marketing brochure for this radio was found  at Library and Archives Canada in the RCMP file #RG12 Volume 113. In the 1930s, the Department of Transport handled the purchasing of equipment for the RCMP so that's .why the brochure was found there.

/tr-15s_01.jpg TR-15S from Canadian Marconi marketing brochure. In this version ,the transmitter has two meters . One meter monitors grid and plate current in the the final stage, while the other shows modulator/driver plate current. 
Shown (L-R) are: MG set, TR15S transmitter, microphone  and power supply , Click on image to enlarge. 
/tr15s_04_lid_up.jpg TR-15S with lid opened.

Contributors and Credits:

1) Marketing sheets from Canadian Marconi

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July 28/22