by Jerry Sullivan


In September of 1951 Micmac in company with Magnificent visited Naples for several days. Naples at that time was Home Port to the US Navy 5th Fleet (believe it is 5th). Magnificent went stern to a concrete jetty and starboard side to  a sea wall, with aid of a tug. When Maggie had secured her lines, MicMac who was standing by a short distance out, proceeded to moor to portside of Magnificent.

MicMac in command of Lt. Commander F.C. Frewer proceeded across  the mooring area, stopped, reversed his engines and turned backing into his mooring position, as Micmac backed in, Frewer dropped one possibly two of his anchors, Mic Mac`s stern came within 3 to 4 feet of  the wall and stopped. Lines went ashore, gangway went out, Micmac was moored and secured.

We learned a few days later that the maneuver was witnessed by the US Admiral Commanding the 5th, Fleet. He sent a signal to Commodore K. Adams and no doubt Frewer, that it was the finest display of ship handling he had ever seen.

Lt. Commander Frewer was very highly regarded by his crew in Micmac.

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