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Bondy, Chuck

I was H 22612 Stoker 2/c Charles (Chuck) Bondy. Served on Micmac 1946/1947. Duties were boiler room and motor boat stoker. I was all of 16 years when I joined in 1945 and was still wet behind the ears on discharge.
Was aboard for the STORM of 1947 and have a large print of a photo of us entering Havana Cuba in 1947. This was made by some enterprising Cuban and I bought it when he came down to the ship.

Was on watch in #1 boiler room when we were working as plane guard for Warrior and she had a plane stall on takeoff. The bridge rang down ' full speed ahead ' then ' full astern ' then " stop engines '. The Stoker P O , I can't remember his name, sent me up top to see what all the fuss was about. We picked up the plane's crew, but the plane was long gone.

Also remember taking Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt to Campobello for a memorial service for the late Franklin D. Roosevelt, former wartime U.S. President. A few other memories also come to mind, but of no great substance.
Was discharged shortly before the collision and returned to Windsor Ont. where I went back to school and took an apprenticeship as a sheet metal worker. Spent 42 years banging tin and retired in 1990.

Chuck Bondy <charlesbondy(at)>

Gossen, Tom

I was in Micmac in 1960-61 as an ABFC (Able-Seaman Fire Control). I slung my 'mick' in the forward after upper with the Sonarmen. Bennie Oxholm was the Weapons Officer, P1FC Gerry Lavery was GI and P1FC Ray Carpenter was Chief Firecontrolman. I left the ship in Saint John NB while she was in refit.

Thomas W. Gossen Cdr (Retd) RCN/CAF
E-mail: kaela(at)

Harris,  Wayne

I  was an ordinary seaman,  22 years old in 1961, when I first came onboard. Commander German was the Commanding Officer. He looked the part of a smart well dressed officer even down to wearing brown military gloves and a white scarf around his neck each time he took the ship to sea.

Micmac was having problems during sea trails and I recall the time when I was port lookout when the ship's power died and we came to a dead stop. We were just passing Chebucto Island. Steam was escaping from the engine room hatches on the main deck and it  looked like a big problem to me.

The sound of the phone surprised everyone on the open bridge including the CO. German answered it and I watched his face to see if we were in any danger. He hung up the phone and stared straight ahead for several seconds, then took off his cap and threw it upwards. He also ripped off both gloves and threw them. Walking off the bridge in total disgust he said, "take over # 1".

Someone had turned the wrong valve in the engine room and we lost all our steam. The ship sat silent adrift on the calm water with no power for 4 hours until a tug came out to tow us back to Jetty 4.

Yours truly,
Wayne Harris
E-mail: Wayne <navyguyatsea(at)>

Houston, Hank  ABCK and ABEM

I was a member of the MICMAC's crew from 19 53 to 1954 under Cdr. G, Wadds and 1954 to 1955 under Cdr. J. SMYTH.


Larsen, Ron O.  O.S.L.M  39824-H

Finding this web page brought fond memories of days so long ago. I served on the ship from June of 1959 until January of 1960. While I don't have any exciting stories to tell about my adventures in the service, I was ready willing and able to give my life for this great country of Canada.  I wish I could do it all over again.  It's great to look through this web page and kick over the old traces again.

Ron Larsen
e-mail: <beagler(at)>

Macdonald, Ian V83883

Ian McDonald served aboard the Micmac briefly from Jan 10/46 to Mar 27/46 as a Stoker 1. His records of service read:  York-Stoker 1- Apr. 17/44 to June 19/44. Cornwallis June 20/to July 28/44, Stadacona July 29/44 to Aug 23/44, Protector Aug 24/44 to July29/44, Scotian July30/44 to Dec 4/45, St Stephen Dec 5/45 to Jan 9/46, Micmac Jan10/46 to Mar 27/46, Stadacona Mar 28/46 to April 4/46, York April 5. Demobilized May 7/46.

Time with service was brief but Dad has some great memories and has truly enjoyed reading the web pages. We have all been honoured to wear Dad's uniforms at one time or another  in our younger years. I'm sure the tingle we felt was not just from the scratchy wool but the sense of pride  in our Dad .  Thanks once again for sharing the memories. Mary Allen (MacDonald).

E-mail: <glena(at)>

Maunder, John

I have nothing but fond memories as an ABLM1 aboard MICMAC in 1954/55. The picture of MICMAC entering Portsmouth is amongst my navy memorabilia with some 8mm film of  plane guard for MAGGIE and anti-submarine exercises. I have long lost contact with my shipmates and would enjoy hearing from anyone

John Maunder
e-mail:  <JohnMaunder(at)>

McClelland, Brian 44746-H

I joined the Micmac fresh out of basic training, (Saguenay 3/59 class) at HMCS Cornwallis, on the 15th of February 1960.  I was a 17 year old kid from a poor family in Edmonton Alberta.  I remember being excited, anxious, and altogether ready to face my future.  What I found was a place to call home with friends, mentors, companions, and both good and some not so good role models.

I started to become a man on the Micmac as an Ordinary Seaman and soon an Able Seaman. Later I became an  Engineering Mechanic. I saw little of the "upper decks" but soon learned that honesty and hard work levels the playing field for everyone. Funny, I remember our Captain responding to a "lower deck" complaint about recognition at a Christmas function that unfortunately he only really got to meet personnel with problems and not the majority of people serving under him. That was why the Christmas tradition of the officers serving the enlisted men was so important to him.  His name was Cdr. G. R. Smith. A lesson I never forgot as later in life I rose in the corporate world.

That was one of many memories; the fellow in our mess with the tattoo on his belly who made us all laugh and all  welcome. Our shipmate, AB Pitt lost overboard at sea because he did not think he needed to "tie down" when dumping garbage, Sign on Sundays in the Grand Banks off the coast of Newfoundland fishing in ways we could not do now. Getting seasick before we even left the jetty on my first cruise. So many memories from a most meaningful time in my life.

Thank you to the officers and crew of the Micmac from February 1960 - March 30 1961 and to the Royal Canadian Navy for taking in a young man without much direction in life and helping to shape him into a successful and productive father and citizen.


Brian McClelland
St. Albert, Alberta
E-mail: brianmcclelland(at)>

Morin, Normand

I was LSNS on the Micmac from August 19, 1953 to April 13. 1955 under Commander Wadds (Trigger).  I then went to HMCS Scotian and from  there as P2NS on HMCS Kootenay from March, 7 1959 to  June 27, 1960 under Commander Pickford.

E-mail: <morinor(at)>

Moore, Paddy 53837-H

Served aboard MICMAC from 1961 - 1964 until she was paid off.  A sad day to see her go.  Served aboard her in the First Canadian Escort Squardon during the Cold War - Cuban Missile Removal along with other Tribals (Cayuga - Micmac - Haida ) plus Algonquin and Sioux and a host of others.  It was a scary time and also the best time of my life.  The pride that we all had and took abroad I will never forget.

Paddy Moore
e-mail: Judy Moore [jmoore1952(at)]

Noble, Wally  16605 H

I'll always remember my time aboard Micmac as a Stoker Mech. I was part of her working crew while she was in Halifax getting ready to recommission in 1953. We went south for trials. Also remember how fast Micmac
was,  misaligned keel or not. She had two destroyer type boilers and 1 cruiser 9 fire boiler, all superheated. We did the mile one day at 34 knots. If the sea water was cooler, we would have done 35 knots. Our ship had a great crew with Cdr G.M Wadds as captain then, and Chief Wildewood as ERA - a very efficient ship we were told. I was aboard 2 years, and was sorry to be drafted to Granby then as diving tender in Dartmouth. They were great days to remember.

Wally Noble ex-RCN
 E-mail: noble9(at)

Parnell, Fred William

I would like to request that the name of Fred William Parnell who served aboard HMCS Micmac as a Stokers Mate 1st Class be added to you shipmates page, in remembrance.
He passed away on the 25th of July 2005. His family wished to have his name honored on the pages of those he might have served with in lasting memory. He joined the Navy on the 11th of April in 1944 and was demobilized from the Navy on the 2nd of April in 1946. He served on board the Micmac during his last year or so before leaving the Micmac and the Navy during his time served.

I am the fiance of Fred's first born granddaughter Tannas and have been asked by the family to have Fred remembered. My thanks for your help and assistance to Fred and his surviving family.

Richard McLaughlin
E-mail: <irongutz(at)>

Robinson (nee Gordon), Margaret

Loved the photo of Micmac entering Portsmouth Harbour, what a pity none of the guys told a few stories about their time in Pompey! I was a Wren at that time and met a lovely sailor off the Micmac, (what was his name???) anyway the crux of the story was that I was celebrating my 21st birthday in Pompey NAAFI club at the time. The crew of the Micmac had just finished exercises I think. My birthday was an excuse for everyone to really party, so the rum and blacks were coming in thick and fast, (I've never touched rum since). I had the mother and father of a hangover the next day, and would you believe this lovely sailor, (who I fell in love with of course )at the time, came to the "Wrennery" the next day to take me to the fun fair!!!! I suppose he's an old grandpa now living on his memories like the rest of us, oh halcyon days.

Margaret Robinson (nee Gordon)
Association of Wrens
Sydney Australia

Starr,  Bill

Served in Micmac from 16 May 1963 to 30 March  1964 as a Captain's Steward to Cdr Cutts.

I remember the time when we stayed out off north Scotland during a blow while the rest of the fleet ran for cover to Invergorden except for a French DD which suffered by having her fore turret torn off. As old as Micmac was, she behaved like a lady and rode the storm with ease. We also visited Ireland, Scotland, Portsmouth, Sweden,.etc on that trip.
 I would have liked to stay in Micmac but her life was sadly over and I was drafted to the Nipigon where I became a member of her commissioning crew. There I picked up my hook then became the skipper's steward until 1966. I also sailed the whaler as Coxswain for her at the RCNSA and also in Plymouth.

 I was then posted to Cornwallis where I stayed until March 1969 when it was time to reenlist but I could not accept what was happening with Armed Forces at that time. Was told that I would most probably be sent to C.F.B. Borden . The rest is history and I've lost contact with all my wingers from that time. As I get longer in the tooth , I think back to those days with nostalgia and remember the good times that we had (and some of the bad, which seem to fade from my mind).

Bill [wstarr(at)]

Trottier, Fred CPO. RCN. ret'd

 I joined the Navy in Aug.’45, was enlisted as a Stoker 2nd class  and retired as a Chief Petty officer 2nd class, 21 years later. Oddly enough, I  served in Micmac for a total of 33 months starting from July’46 to Aug.’47 as a Sto. 1st class, than from April’50 to Aug.’50 as a Petty Officer 2nd class, back aboard Micmac than as a Petty Officer 1st class in Sept. ’62 to March ’64. During this last stretch ( in Dec. ’63) I was promoted to Chief Petty Off. 2nd (C2ER) class until I was honorably released and retired in Aug. 1966.

On the day Micmac suffered such dreadful damages in July '47, I was not aboard  because I was a member of the engineering staff. At about 0800 on that very morning, I was assigned by my immediate superior to go ashore in order to pick Engineering stores, since we were leaving Halifax the following morning for all types of maneuvers for a period of one month in the Gaspé area. Actually I remember telling my shipmates that I was sorry that I had to go ashore since I would miss the best part of the day's events. For me, that was speed trials. In fact, I later learned that when she got rammed by "Yarmouth County" she was actually doing speed trials and travelling at 26 knots ( (I can not really confirm that statement) . About 13:15 that same day and expecting to unload my stores aboard Micmac,  I landed at the Jetty and went aboard Nootka to be  informed by the quartermaster (a good friend of mine) that the Micmac return to port was delayed. It  did not take long to hear the sad news.
 The Micmac finally arrived about 18:00hrs., it was indeed a very sad sight. We all know the rest of the story. I went aboard with about 6 other ratings of the crew that were ashore that day for various  reasons. I hate to describe here what my task was for the next couple of hours until I  was allowed to bunk for the night at Stadacona.

Respectfully yours.
Fred Trottier ,
C2ER RCN ret'd.
E-mail: "fred trottier" <trottier.f(at)>

Urquhart, Ian

I served in Micmac in 1964, her last cruise, as a P1ER. I remember the torpedo firing north of Scotland, and the visit to Stockholm being the most memorable. We were given a great bus tour of Stockholm followed by a formal dinner in the Gold Salon of Stockholm City Hall. Next day the Swedish navy held a dinner followed by a reception and dance accompanied by the naval band. Below is a photo I took of the dinner in City Hall.

Ian Urquhart  <iurquhart(at)>

 The Gold Salon of Stockholm City Hall. (Photo by Ian Urquhart)
Whaley, Don   45454-H

I sailed on the Micmac from 1961 to 1964 as a communicator,
Made two trips over seas and had a ball.
In my mess were Bill Polle, Glen Moxam /Toad/ and Bob Normayle.

Great bunch of guys.
My e-mail is: Don Whaley <don(at)>

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