Throughout the Korean War the Royal Canadian Navy maintained a strong contingent in Pacific Waters. Here,  Rear-Admiral A.K. Scott-Moncrieff inspects personnel aboard Nootka, off Japan, on 6 May 1951. (Photo credit: NAC, Department of National Defence collection. Photo # PA-142436. Submitted by David Shirlaw)
 It is the Marsh brothers birthday in September 1952. The galley baked a cake for the occasion. Ron and Don Marsh are on either side of the cake while Don Ayers poses between the two in the back row.
 (Photo courtesy of Gerry Sullivan)

Gord (Lucky) Lusk on watch on Nootka's Flag Deck while enroute to Korea in 1952. (Photo courtesy of Jerry Sullivan)

Nootka`s communicators are shown ashore in Korea 1952. From left to right, the two Marsh twins Don and Ron, Gord (Lucky) Lusk,  Jamie, Art Griffith, and Joe Pacquette.  (Photo courtesy of Jerry Sullivan)

Sunday Divisions aboard Nootka while she was in  Korea in 1952. Also note the new type life jackets the crew   are wearing around their waists.  (Photo courtesy of Jerry Sullivan)

Starboard view looking forward circa 1951. Left to right, sailors Carmichael, Crockett and unidentified hand. (Photo courtesy of Jerry Sullivan)


Henry Crockett seen here on Nootka`s upper deck circa 1951,  was one of the ship's most memorable characters. Here, he is posing while wearing a US Army helmet. Crockett left the R.C.N. and went on to Merchant Navy, worked up to Ships Master, joined the Canadian Coast Guard and  worked with Admiral Storrs. Crockett commanded Cutters and an Icebreaker and because he was also an aeronautical pilot, he took command of the Coast Guard's first Hovercraft.  Crockett was also a hard hat diver but is now retired in Saint John, New Brunswick as a Harbour Pilot. (Photo and copy provided by Jerry Sullivan).

Left to right -  Jim Mcfaren, Allen Carmichael and Henry Crockett circa 1951. Apparently Mcfaren is deceased and was an Uncle to Mary Lusk, Gord Lusk`s Widow. (Photo and copy provided by Jerry Sullivan)

(L-R) Steve MacNeil and Don Mitchell. Don is now deceased. (Photo courtesy Rev. Hugh Mac Donald)

(L-R) Jim Hall and Steve MacNeil. (Photo courtesy Rev. Hugh Mac Donald)

(L-R) L/S Gordie Leblanc, "Spider" MacKinnon and A/B Ken MacLeod, ship's piper on Nootka's Korean tour of 1950. (Photo courtesy Steve MacNeil)

A/B Bill Anderson on Nootka's Korean tour of 1950. (Photo courtesy Steve MacNeil)


Below: Nootka's Electrical Department during  the Korean War, 1952

(L-R) John Gallagher, Pierre Ferrara, Art Gray, John Vincent, Jim Scrimgeor. (Photo courtesy Berth Gray, e-mail: bertha.gray(at)sympatico.ca)

(L-R) John (Gus) Vincent, John (Jock) Gallagher, Pierre Ferrara, Art Gray, Jim Scrimgeor. (Photo courtesy Berth Gray, e-mail: bertha.gray(at)sympatico.ca)

(L-R) Unidentified, Art Gray, John Gallagher, Don Buchan, Bill Deazley, Unidentified. (Photo courtesy Berth Gray, e-mail: bertha.gray(at)sympatico.ca)

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