Some Nootka crew members ashore in Korea, 1952. (Photo by Don Stitt, Nootka's photographer. Submitted by Don Dawson)

Korea 1952: Making fun of HMCS Iroquois. (Photo by Don Stitt, Nootka's photographer. Submitted by Don Dawson)

There nothing like a friendly game of boxing to let off a little steam and make money on wagers. Such was the scene aboard Nootka in Korea, 1952. (Photo by Don Stitt, Nootka's photographer. Submitted by Don Dawson)

North Korean prisoners aboard Nootka in 1952.(Photo by Don Stitt, Nootka's photographer. Submitted by Don Dawson)

The chief cook from Nootka hands out cup cakes to Korean children in 1952. (Photo by Don Stitt, Nootka's photographer. Submitted by Don Dawson)

The after lower, starboard side (15 mess).  Left to right: Larry Griffen,  Knobby Clark, Hugh Leigh, Henri Charrest, Denis Tully. Taken sometime in late 1958 or early 1959. (Photo by Gary Pollock)
Gary Pollock at 'Y' mount, outboard of ALGONQUIN, Ireland Island, Bermuda, summer 1958. (Photo via Gary Pollock)

Gary Pollock on the forward starboard Boffin mount. In background is the  breakwater at Ireland Island, Bermuda, summer 1958. (Photo via Gary Pollock)

Hugh Leigh beside  'A' mount, alongside at Ireland Island, Bermuda, summer 1958. (Photo via Gary Pollock)

This photo was taken in 1956 by William H. Pugsley, author of "Return to Sea".

Rear row (L-R): Bill Rose; George Carrick; Leo Samson; Ron Parks; Dan Fowler.
Front row(L-R): Stan Mason (deceased); Charlie "Fingers" King; Mike Donovan

(Photo submitted by Michael Donovan )

Quarter master LSFC2 John Cardy (left) on the brow of the Nootka  with Bosuns Mate  AB Jerry Conway  and the Princess  of Windsor. The ship visited that city as part of her Great Lakes tour in 1963. The young lady is an ambassador representing the City of Windsor. (Photo courtesy  John Cardy)

Robert Patry (1929-2006) as seen on May 29, 1951. Retired in 1987 as marketing director for CNCP Communications. Submitted by his son  Rob Patry <rwillpat(at)sympatico.ca> To honour his father and the other men who served on the ship,  Rob had his left arm tattooed with the ship's badge as well as her motto: "Tikegh mamook solleks":

Art Ferri in Hamilton Bermuda in 1948.

(First name?) Gilmour taken 30 May 1948 at Hamilton, Bermuda. (Photo by Art Ferri)

Two Army personnel present a puppy to Leading Seaman John Knowler (L) and Able Seaman Edward Legere (R) aboard HMCS Nootka in Kure Japan, 1951. (From the scrapbook of Norma Knowler)  


1) Art Ferri <clone(at)ncf.ca>
2) Michael Donovan <m_donovan(at)sympatico.ca>
3) Dave Knowler <thetrav(at)live.com>

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Jan 20/14