Nootka's badge. (Image courtesy RCN)


Azure, in base barry wavy of four Argent and Azure, a killer whale proper rising from the sea.


The significance of this badge is found in the fact that the Nootka Indians were daring hunters of whales. They would set out to sea in search of whale, in their comparatively small and distinctively shaped dugout boats after having prepared themselves by religions ceremonies which consisted of both physical and spiritual cleansing . The chase involved much hardship and danger and many feats of great bravery were enacted by the hunters, such as jumping on the back of a mortally wounded whale and dispatching it with spears and knives.

SHIP'S COLOURS: White and Royal Blue.

MOTTO: "Tikegh mamook solleks"  (Ready to fight)

BATTLE HONOURS: Korea 1951-52


A well worn Nootka jacket crest. (From the personal collection of Gary Pollock)

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Nov 17/02