[This is a transcript of one of NOOTKA's actual sailing orders provided by Gary Pollock. Any irregularities have been preserved during the transcription].

                          DAILY ORDERS MONDAY 20 JANUARY 1958

                                 SHIP SAILS AT 1500

DRESS:             For QM's and Bosun's mates No. 2's with Greatcoats.
                          Duty Communicator No. 2's. Duty Jeep Driver No. 2's
                         Optional clean winter Jacket. Remainder No.5's
                         Optional winter jackets.

ROUTINE:        Squadron Routine one (Daily Harbour) until 14:00
                          approx. thence Special Pipes



The following is a brief summary of the forthcoming programme:- After sailing from Halifax the ships will exercise in the BERMUDA area from 22 January to the 24 January en route to the PUERTO RICA area. Further exercises follow and the fleet anchors in the SIR FRANCIS DRAKE channel (JAMAICA) by the first of February departing again on the third of February. After more exercises with the U.S.N. the
ships refuel at MAYPORT, FLORIDA on the 9 of February and sail again on completion to MAYPORT on the 15 February. This visit is for recreation painting and cleaning . NOOTKA sails with BONAVENTURE from MAYPORT on 21 February and then acts a plane guard for BONAVENTURE. The two ships visit CHARLESTON From 26 February until 3 March. (Note: Other ships visit other ports) The fleet will then work its way northward, exercising on the way, visiting BERMUDA PM 7 MArch to AM Monday 10 March. On sailing the fleet will exercise with the British Home Fleet arriving in Halifax on the 14 March.


REAR ADMIRAL PULLEN in SIOUX will be accompanying the Fleet in the first part of the programme, which will entail competitive drills and evolutions with other ships of the squadron. We will put up a good effort but it will entail a concentrated effort by EVERYBODY. NOOTKA HAS GOT TO BE FIRST. In this connection the attention of Leading Hands and above is drawn to the leaflet on Evolutions now being distributed.

                                                                                 (C.E. COLES)
                                                                                  LCDR R.C.N.
                                                                                  EXECUTIVE OFFICER


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