Detailed purpose of position: ?

The following equipment was used in this position:

Coordinate Quantity Model  Description Comments
1, 1A 1 AN/WLR-1B ECM receiver Need photo
1B 1 C3118/WLR WLR antenna control  Need info
  1 EECO 869-6 Time Display Unit. Remote Time Display. Unit Input either parallel or serial time  code. Electronic Engineering Company of California. Circa 1965.
  1 R-175A NB Recorder Need info
  ? Audio Selector Model unknown
  2 ? ELINT Panel Assy Model unknown

The NSA Damage Assessment report indicated what equipment was destroyed and what was damaged. This is the actual view of  the equipment at coordinates 1 and 1A. There doesn't see to be any info on coordinate 1B in the report. Legend Crosshatch = destroyed; Grid = damaged.

This image shows the layout of the equipment in each rack for co-ordinates  1 and 1A.

If anyone can provide further details, please contact: jerry.proc@sympatico.ca

Contributors or Credits:

 1) NSA Damage Assessment Report PAges 21 to 24 https://www.nsa.gov/news-features/declassified-documents/uss-pueblo/

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May 16/18