Detailed purpose of position: ?

The following equipment was used in this position:

Co-ordinate Quantity Model Description Comments
2 1 ? ATT Control Panel Model unknown
  1 1508 Visicorder Printer/recorder
  1 904720 Takeup unit for 1506 Nerd info
  1 T6GA-500 ? Need info
  3   SP Patch Panel Model unknown
  1 GMA 3 Type 3001 Amplifier SERV Unit Need info
  7 GVA·l  Amplifiers Need info
  1 HP-6204B Power Supply 40 Volt / 0.6 Amp / 12 W DC
  1 SA-4641 Sync Amplifier Need info
  1 PP-3114/WLR-l Used  for ELNIT  Need info
1508 VISICORDER: This  was an optical light beam recorder that used Kodak photosensitized paper rolls.  It employed miniature light beam galvanometers, one per channel, that plugged into a common magnet structure.  It was great for printing out long traces.  Besides being expensive, the paper was light sensitive, so your printouts could disappear if left out in bright light. The paper came in yellow Kodak boxes, approximately 3x3x7inches. The 1508 was somewhat fragile. In one case, the  optics became dismounted by the shock of rough Navy handling. (Image via E-bay)
1508 with attachment box.   The attachment unit provided channel signal conditioning and sensitivity controls.  Plug-in galvanometers used with the unit looked like a fat Parker ball-point pen cartridge with a small window on the side for the mirror.   These units were at the peak of galvanometer recording technology, with bandwidth up to the 20KHz range.
Co-ordinate Quantity  Model Description  Comments
2A 1 MK-442/WLR-l Used for ELINT Need info
  1 SG-333/WLR-l Used for ELINT  Need info
  1 S-99030 ? Need info
  1 ? Audio SBL panel Need info
  1 Fairchild 777 Oscilloscope  Bandwidth? 
  1 HP-6433 Power Supply 0-32VDC  0-10 amps

Co-ordinate Quantity  Model Description  Comments
2B 1 R-390A/URR Receiver 500 KHz to 32 MHz
  1 R-1151/GLQ Receiver Need info
  1 R-1307A/GR  Receiver 4 KHz to 812 KHz. Made by Rycom Instruments.
It was designed to provide accurate field strength
measurements of various transmitters. It is an all 
mode receiver that be used to listen to about 
anything one might find in the VLF range.

The NSA Damage Assessment report indicated what equipment was destroyed and what was damaged. This is the actual view of  the equipment at coordinates 2, 2A and 2B. Legend Crosshatch = destroyed; Grid = damaged.

This image shows the layout of the equipment in each rack for co-ordinates  2, 2A and 2B.

If anyone can provide further details , please contact: jerry.proc@sympatico.ca

Contributors or Credits:

 1) NSA Damage Assessment Report Pages 21 to 24 https://www.nsa.gov/news-features/declassified-documents/uss-pueblo/assets/files/damage-assessments/Cryptologic_Damage_Assessment_Vol_1.pdf
2) R390 image courtesy Wikipedia
3) R-1307A/GR image courtesy Radiomuseum.org.
4) R-1407 copy courtesy http://www.aa5tb.com/rycom.html
5) HP6204B power sypply specs https://testequipment.center/Products/Hewlett-Packard-6204B
6) HP 6433 power supply  http://lcweb2.loc.gov/master/mbrs/recording_preservation/manuals/HP%20Mode%206433B%20DC%20Power%20Supply.pdf
7) 1508 imfo via Chuck McGregor,  K7MCG <cbmcgr@gmail.com>

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July 4/20