Detailed purpose of position: ?

* Analysis of intercepted speech using a Sonagraph
* Need more info)

The following equipment was used in this position:

Co-ordinate Quantity Model Number Description Comments
6 1 CV-62/U AFSK to RTTY Converter 
1 R-390A/URR Receiver; 2 to 32 MHz
1 6061A Sonagraph Speech spectrum analyzer, c. 1970. Need info 

Co-ordinate Quantity Model Number Description Comments
6A 1 CV-62/U AFSK to RTTY Converter 
1 R-390A/URR Receiver; 2 to 32 MHz
1 HP-890 Power Supply Need specs
1 TT-192A/UG Baudot Tape Punch Part of Model 28 family
1 G30-40F Power Supply Need specs

Co-ordinate Quantity Model Number Description Comments
6B 1 Step Attenuator Panel 
1 HP-3200B VHF Oscillator  10 to 500 MHz
1 ? Teletype Control Panel
1 AN/UGC-20 Teletype  Mod  28KSR Page printer
1 ? Teletype Patch Panel
1 ? RP Patch Panel.

Co-ordinates Quantity Model Number Description Comments
6C 1 HP 8616A (Same case style as 8614A) Signal Generator 1800 to 4500 MHz
1 HP 8614A Signal Generator  800 to 2400 MHz
1 EECO 869-6 Remote Time Display. Unit Input either parallel or serial time  code. Electronic Engineering Company of California. 
Circa 1965.
1 HP-342AR Noise Figure Meter Operates between 30 and 200 MHz
1 TT-1876/UG ? Need info
1 AN/UGC-20 Teletype  Mod el
Page Printer

The NSA Damage Assessment report indicated what equipment was destroyed and what was damaged. This is the actual view of  the equipment at coordinates 6, 6A 6B and 6C.  Legend Crosshatch = destroyed; Grid = damaged.

This image shows the layout of the equipment in each rack for co-ordinates  6, and 6A. .Co-oredinates 6B and 6C here.

If anyone can provide  further details , please contact: jerry.proc@sympatico.ca

Contributors or Credits:

 1) NSA Damage Assessment Report Pages 21 to 24 https://www.nsa.gov/news-features/declassified-documents/uss-pueblo/assets/files/damage-assessments/
2) 6061A  http://collection.sciencemuseum.org.uk/objects/co34112/kay-sona-graph-6061a-speech-spectrum-analyzer-c
3) TT-192A/UG image http://www.baudot.net/teletype/M28-X.htm
4) AN/UGC-20 image via Nick England   http://www.virhistory.com/navy/tty/ksr/ugc20-1949.JPG
5) HP 8614A image courtesy http://hpmemoryproject.org/wb_pages/wall_b_page_10b.htm
6) HP 8616A info http://hpmemoryproject.org/wb_pages/wall_b_page_10b.htm
7) HP 3200B info http://hpmemoryproject.org/wb_pages/wall_b_page_10b.htm
8) 342 image http://www.hparchive.com/Catalogs/HP-Catalog-1961.pdf\
9) CV 62   http://radionerds.com/images/1/1b/TM_11-487A-3.pdf
10) Nick England <nick(at)navy-radio.com>

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May 14/18