R17 ERA - ACTION Set 2
A photo taken from HMS Nabob. The aircraft carrier's larger motor boat is transferring Nabob crew to Algonquin  - 200 in all. (Photo courtesy of Clifford Brown)

The big merchant ship is the Hilary command ship. It was the control center for all ships operating in the Juno Beach sector. (Photo courtesy of Clifford Brown)


Algonquin is on station providing an anti-submarine screen for the Fleet.  Note the battleship and carrier in the horizon. The ships were on their way to attack the German battleship Tirpitz. (Photo courtesy of Clifford Brown)

Algonquin's whaler has been dispatched to pick up a pilot who was forced to crash land his plane in the vicinity of the ship because the aircraft had damaged landing gear. The pilot was returning to his carrier after taking part in the bombing of Tirpitz in Alten Fiord in northern Norway. (Photo courtesy of Clifford Brown)
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