R17 ERA - PEOPLE (2 of 2)

Many of the displayed throughout this web page were taken by Ken Garrett using nothing more than a Kodak Brownie camera. The officers were good enough to look the other way as it was forbidden to own a camera.  Some photos, (not identified at this time) were taken by News World. All photos courtesy of Ken Garrett unless shown otherwise).
Algonquin's officers appear to be having a jovial moment at the expense of the Canadian soldier. That's Lt. Cdr Desmond Piers in the center-top section of the photo.

A very young Ken Garrett (left) poses with a shipmate from a Fairmile which pulled up alongside Algonquin in 1944.

Stand easy - having a coffee in the After Petty Officers mess. (Photo courtesy of Clifford Brown)

PO Writer Pope is getting "the gears" from a couple of messmates.  (Photo courtesy of Clifford Brown)

What's the pooch doing in the people section? Well....the dog had to go somewhere. This was Algonquin's mascot "Mongie" and the boys managed to get the mongrel drunk while in Scapa Flow. The crew almost lost the canine in Portsmouth after "D" day. Mongie was on shore leave, arrived a little late as the ship left the dock. His fanatic barking recalled ALGONQUIN to dockside to pick him up, accompanied by the cheering of shipmates.  The two men  responsible for acquiring Mongie, were Leading Seaman Broome and Leading Seaman Day. He was a wonderful pet, enjoyed by all the crew.

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