The ships in this class were originally built as destroyer escorts (DDEs). From 1963 to 1968, all seven were extensively rebuilt as destroyer  helicopter  escorts (DDH's). This entailed the erection of a hanger and flight deck.  The stern was also rebuilt to accommodate Variable Depth Sonar.
ASSINIBOINE 234 9/5/1952 12/2/1954 6/8/1956 14/12/1988
FRASER 233 11/12/1951 19/2/1953 28/6/1957 5/10/1994
MARGAREE 230 12/9/1951 29/3/1956 5/10/1957 2/5/1992
OTTAWA 229 8/6/1951 29/4/1953 10/11/1956 31/7/1992
SAGUENAY 206 4/4/1951 30/7/1953 15/12/1956 26/6/1990
SKEENA 207 1/6/1951 19/8/1952 30/3/1957 1/11/1993
ST. LAURENT 205 24/11/1950 30/11/1951 29/10/1955 14/6/1974

1) In 1986, FRASER was fitted with the experimental Towed Array Sonar system (ETASS).
2) In 1986, FRASER was made the test bed for the NIXIE Torpedo Decoy System.
3) The Margaree had the Gunar system located forward when she was paid off.
4) Except for St. Laurent, all ships in the St. Laurent class were refitted under the DELEX program.

/205 class skeena 207.jpg
Here, Skeena 207 is representing the class as a DDH. Click on image to enlarge. (RCN photo via Aye Ready Aye)
The source of the radio antenna drawings  cannot be ascertained at this time. The information  contained within those drawings may not be  100% accurate. .
205 ottawa_ st laurent ant original side.jpg AS BUILT.  Page 1of  2.  This is a partial SIDE  view diagram of the radio antennas for  the 205 class, The configuration for Ottawa and St. Laurent are shown here , less the transmitting antennas. This is the original configuration. Click on image to enlarge.  (RCN Student Handout

Items of interest:
1) Decca means Decca Navigator
2) Loran would be Loran 'A'
3) The HF/DF set, namely the DAU, is being replaced with AN/SRD-501
4) AS-1018 is a UHF comms antenna
5) AN/SRA-17 is a low frequency antenna

AS BUILT.  Page 2 of 2.  This is a partial AFT view diagram of the radio antennas for  the 205 class, The original configuration for Ottawa and St. Laurent are shown here , less the transmitting antennas.  Click on image to enlarge. (RCN Student Handout
ottawa_st laurent improved 1 of 2.jpg IRE IMPROVEMENT  Page 1 of 2.  This is a partial side view diagram of the radio antennas for  the 205 class, The original configuration for Ottawa and St. Laurent are shown here , less the transmitting antennas. ASSINIBOINE was an exception for this configuration. Click on image to enlarge. (RCN Student Handout

Items of interest:
1) The addition of the AN/URN-20 TACAN. 


st laurent improvement 2 of 2 aft view.jpg IRE IMPROVEMENT  Page 2 of 2.  This is a partial AFT  view diagram of the radio antennas for  the 205 class, The original configuration for Ottawa and St. Laurent are shown here , less the transmitting antennas. ASSINIBOINE was an exception for this configuration. Click on image to enlarge. (RCN Student Handout

/205 class No 2 deck in 1973.jpg St Laurent class Communications Control Room  in 1973, It would  appear that the class was modified to have a  CCR instead of the radio arrangement found on build. Click on image to enlarge.  (Provided by Darren Scannell) 

One unique fitting was the piano in the Wardroom. Ships fitted with Wardroom pianos in the 1970s eventually had them removed in order to create more settee space in the Wardroom.

Fraser in 1998 as she awaits her fate at Bridgewater N.S. Click on  image to enlarge. (Photo by Jerry Proc)
Some of the information about  the electronics was referenced from Wikipedia.


1 × SPS-12 air search radar
1 × SPS-10B surface search radar
1 × Sperry Mk.2 navigation radar
1 × SQS-10 or ?11 hull mounted active search and attack sonar
1 × SQS-501 (Type 162) high frequency bottom profiling sonar
1 × SQS-502 (Type 170) high frequency Limbo mortar control sonar
1 × GUNAR (Mk.64 GFCS with 2 on-mount SPG-48 directors)
1 × UQC-1B "Gertrude" underwater telephone
12 x Telephone systems
30 x Remote Control Unit positions for  radio operation


1 × SPS-12 air search radar
1 × SPS-10B surface search radar
1 × Sperry Mk.2 navigation radar
1 × URN 20 TACAN radar
1 × SQS-10 or ?11 hull mounted active search and attack sonar
1 × SQS-501 (Type 162) high frequency bottom profiling sonar
1 × SQS-502 (Type 170) high frequency Limbo mortar control sonar
1 × SQS-504 VDS, medium frequency active search (except 233 after 1986)
1 × GUNAR (Mk.64 GFCS with 1 on-mount SPG-48 director)

1 × UQC-1B "Gertrude" underwater telephone
1 × DAU HF/DF (High Frequency Direction Finder)
1 × WLR 1C radar emission analyzer
1 × UPD 501 radar detection receiver
1 × SRD 501 HF/DF
KW-7 crypto machine
2 x VHF FM radiotelephones

See deck plains above for more details.


From the book "Cadillac of Destroyers" by Ken Macpherson and Ron Barrie, it  states that on-build, "the St. Laurent class was to have three radio rooms capable of transmitting and receiving on low, medium, very high and ultra-high frequencies. A fourth was equipped with direction-finding equipment. A specialized Message Centre was equipped with teletype and a cryptographic room with coding devices".

The problem now is the fact that the above deck drawing for the St. Laurent (dated 1973)  bears a revision history indicating  that  a KW-7 crypto machine and VHF radio were added.  These entries are dated for 28 August 1967.

205 class st laurent revision history.jpg
These are just two of the line items from the revision history which confirm the presence of a CCR in 1967.Two more VHF transmitter/receivers were  added -  1/8/66 and 8/2/74   (Submitted byDarren Scannell)

It is entirely possible that the CCR was introduced during the period when St. Laurent was being converted from a DDE to a DDH but there is no proof of this at this time. St. Laurent emerged from her DDH conversion on 4th  October 1963. Does anyone know the year when the CCR was introduced into the St Laurent class?  Reply to: jerry.proc@sympatico.ca . The CCR was  was introduced on-build to the Mackenzie and succeeding classes of ships.

margaree radio room.jpg
Part of the radio room aboard HMCS Margaree circa Slate 1950s. (Naval Museum of Alberta)

Sam Morris, a former RCN radio operator, provides this insight regarding secure voice communications in the RCN. “ I served in HMCS Saguenay from May 1976 to August 19‘77 where we trialed the CANEWS equipment slated for the DDH 280’s (Project Ogee).  . 

"We also had a secure voice unit fitted before proceeding south to the US Navy testing range. I believe the unit  was called NESTOR. It was temporary setup , and, to the best of my knowledge was removed when the trials completed".

From the above, it is surmised that the actual crypto device was the KY-28. The KY-28 was an analog, voice encryption device based on transistor circuitry and was the shipboard/airborne member of the NESTOR family of equipment.

Credits and References:

1) Cadillac of Destroyers by Ron Barrie and Ken Macpherson. Vanwell Publishing  1996.
2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HMCS_St._Laurent_(DDH_205)
3) Skeena    https://readyayeready.com/ships/shipview.php?id=1384
4) Ships of Canada's Naval Forces 1910 to 1993
5) Darren Scannell
6) Samuel Morris [dolphin19@bellaliant.net]

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Dec 14/23