Additional Photos

1962: The humble entrance to Alert Radio Station.
alert_ars_ron_ reyno1.jpg
1962: A young Ron Reyno (25 years old) working Alert Radio Station as a disc jockey using very basic studio equipment. The tape recorders were used for broadcasting music. Note the "No Swearing At Any Time " sign on the wall and the Johnny Mathis LP jacket near the turntable. 
1962: The Hammarlund SP-600 receiver on top of the console  was used for the reception of the CBC Short-Wave News Service, then simulcast over Alert Radio. ARS was fitted with two turntables.
1962: Everyone who was a disk jockey at Alert Radio Station received a Certificate of Recognition of some type. This is the early 1960's version of that certificate. The station's call sign of CHAR was yet to be assigned. 
All images in this table courtesy of Ron Reyno.

Credits and References:

1) Ron Reyno VE3RYN <ronmar40(at)>

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May 9/08