Frequency range: 670 KHz to 20 MHz.
Indicating Method: Aural null
One document located at HMS Collingwood Museum indicates FH-1 had the following components: M9, E28, K7, N20 and S28X goniometer. The meaning of the codes is not known at this time as well as the receiver type.
It seems odd that the frame coil designator has not been specified. A note indicates "Berwick only". It is assumed that this means HMS Berwick. Perhaps the set  was "one of" and a prototype for the FH-2.

If anyone can add to this, please contact : jerry.proc@sympatico.ca

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Credits and Contributors:

1) http://rnmuseumradarandcommunications2006.org.uk/DF%20Outfits%20Late%201920%20to%20Early%201950.pdf

March 14/09