This is by no means a complete listing. Some of the gear may have been upgraded over the years.


harris_rf590s.jpg RF-590 receiver. In the RCN, these were designated as R-5095B/G. Click to enlarge. (Photo courtesy Chuck Rippel)

* First introduced by RF Harris in 1988.
* Known by the designator R-5095B/G in the RCN.
* Produced in quantity for the USN where it's known as the R-2368/URR.


Tuning Range: 10 KHz to 29.999999 MHz in 1 Hz steps
Memory : 100 channel capacity
Modes: CW, 2-ISB (optional), 4-ISB (optional), AM, FM, LSB, USB, FSK, Special Data Modes ( Link 11 etc).
Sensitivity: 100 kHz to 30 MHz for 10dB S+N ratio/N
                 CW: 0.15 uV (300 Hz bandwidth)
                 AM: 1.5 uV ( 6Khz bandwidth)
                 SSB: 0.35 uV
                 Note - below 100 kHz, sensitivity degrades 20 dB/decade
IF Bandwidths: CW- 0.3 and 1.0 kHz; AM - 3.2,  6.0 and 16 kHz;
                         FM Wideband 16 kHz; USB - 2.8 kHz, LSB 2.8 kHz
Power Requirements: 100, 120 , 200 or 240 VAC; 47-420 Hz; 75 watts
Dimensions: (Rackmount) 5.25 H x 19 in W x 20.5 in deep
Weight : 40 lbs
Manufacturer: RF Harris, Rochester, NY
RCN Stock Number: 5820-01-488-7806
Variant: The 590A variant has the same basics specifications as the RF-590 except crystal filters are installed and the USB/LSB passband is fixed to 2.8kHz. [4]


The versatile AN/WSC-3 (225 to 400 MHz) general purpose transceiver. Power Output: 30W AM; 100 watts FM. This radio is widely known as the Whiskey-3.  It's used in conjunction with the OE-82C/WSC-1 antenna pictured elsewhere in this document. It is not clear if the above unit is specifically the RT-5073, however it's made by E-Systems. Used with OE-82 antenna system. On Halifax Class ships, two OE-82 antennas are installed to provide a view of the satellite at all times. The antenna assembly is attached to a pedestal that permits it to rotate 360 degrees and to elevate from near horizontal to approximately 20 degrees beyond zenith (elevation angles from +2 to +110 degrees). The antenna tracks automatically in azimuth and manually in elevation. Frequency bands are 248-272 MHz for receive and 292-312 MHz for transmit. Polarization is right-hand circular for both transmit and receive. Antenna gain characteristics are nominally 12 dB in transmit and 11 dB in receive. Used with WSC-3 transceiver - not depicted in image(Photo courtesy Columbia Electronics) 
The 30-76 MHz six channel VRC 512 transceiver with AS-1729  antenna below. Power (low)- 300 mW; (high) 3 watts  Requires an external  12 VDC supply. (Photo courtesy IK0MOZ web page)

AS-1729 antenna breakdown. Its overall length is 10.5 feet (3.25 metres);  70 watts maximum power. (Graphic courtesy

The AS-1729/VRC is an omnidirectional antenna assembly built to MIL-A-55288C (CR) specifications. The antenna is vertically polarized and centerfed, operating in the 30-76 MHz range, with 10 frequency band segments. Band switching is automatic if the antenna is connected to a compatible transceiver with automatic antenna switching capabilities. The band switching may be exercised manually by operating the control located at the base of the matching unit if the antenna is connected to other receivers and transceivers. 

AS-1729 antenna bottom showing detail of the bandchanging switch. (Photo courtesy E-bay)


URC-200 radio used for helicopter communications on Halifax class frigates.  Shown with integral antenna. Used with external antenna on the Frigates. (Photo courtesy General Dynamics C4 Systems)

Frequency range: VHF: 115 MHz to 149.9950 MHz (AM)
                           VHF: 115 MHz to 173.9950 MHz (FM)
                           UHF: 225 MHz to 399.9950 MHz

Output power: FM high  = 10w; FM medium  = 5w FM low  = 0.1w
AM high power = 10w  at 80% modulation ; AM low power = 5w at 80% modulation.
Tuning increments: 25 kHz, 12.5 kHz, 5 and 8.33 kHz (opt.)
Operating modes: AM/FM Plain text voice
AM/FM Cipher text data with external COMSEC
Cipher test modulation: Data rates to 16 kb/sec.

Weight: 9 lbs. (less batteries)
Dimensions: 9.6”L x 10.4”W x 3.1”H
Manufacturer: General Dynamics, Scottsdale, Arizona


Mini-M telephone - sometimes referred to as the "Quality of Life" telephone by ship's crew. (Image courtesy Remote Satellite Systems). 

Key Specifications

* 4.8 Kbps voice
* 2.4 Kbps Group 3 FAX
* 2.4 Kbps data

* Dimensions a) Antenna and phone folded together for transport: H=57mm, W=260mm, D=260mm
                     b) Phone separate: H=44mm, W=235mm, D=190mm

* Weight: 2.4 kg including batteries

* Power requirements  Consumption typical: receive: 0.5W transmit: 12W

Credits and References:

2) RF590 photo:
3) Toronto Surplus and Scientific
4) VRC 512 photo
5) RF590 photo:
6) AS1729 Graphic
7) WSC-3  photo . Columbia Electronics.
8) General Dynamics URC200 product description:
9) Mini-M

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May 26/07