If anyone has answers to the mystery questions which appear in this document, contact : jerry.proc@sympatico.ca
# 5 Close-up view of the Pusher electronics shelter within the 50 metre diameter clearing. Those radials are the antenna coax conduits. Since they are exactly 15° apart as measured, that indicates there are 24 antennae in both the inner and outer circles. The offset of the electronics shelter is clearly illustrated here. Note that the vegetation has already grown back in from around the 12 to 3 o'clock positions by 1983. (Part of National Air Photo Library Image A26358-65) |
#6 After Inuvik was closed down, the inner circle of the Pusher antenna was put to some other use as shown in this 2006 satellite photo. It is believed that the large structure to the left of the Pusher equipment shelter is a natural gas pumping station. (Image courtesy Google Maps) |
#7. A high resolution scan of this area reveals nothing more than some random masts around the area marked with an X. What was in this area? Eric Earle believes that the vee shaped road led to the GRD 501 hut. It is known that the GRD 501 antennas were located to the NE and ENE of the Ops building. The maximum distance from the GRD hut to the antenna is believed to be 1,000 feet. If anyone can confirm, please contact : jerry.proc@sympatico.ca (Part of National Air Photo Library Image A26358-65) |
Contributors and References:1) Google Maps http://maps.google.com
2) National Air Photo Library
3) Eric Earl, KG4OZO <eearle52(at)comcast.net>
Nov 4/07