These four-unit multi-coloured housing units were used as PMQs by the Navy mainly for leading Seamen and below. The buildings were built on 'stilts' to enable air circulation beneath the structure thus avoiding the unnecessarily melting of the permafrost. Here you see the accumulation of snow up to the building's base, but the stilts are visible on the aluminum 'utilidor' (foreground, bottom) which supplied water and heat to all buildings in the 'serviced' area of the town. It also carried waste water and sewage away from the buildings for disposal. Petty Officers and above were assigned individual houses, which were also constructed on 'stilts' and connected to the 'utilidor'. This photo was taken in 1960, the year prior to the RCN's move from Aklavik. (From the collection of D.S.K. Blackmore submitted by Donna Loewen) |
1960 - Newly constructed PMQs. (Photo by Roger Lambert) |
Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church at 174 Mackenzie Road as it looked in August 1961. This church is shaped like an igloo thus making it one of Inuvik's three most well-known attractions. (Photo by Roger Lambert) |
Mackenzie Hotel at 185 Mackenzie Road circa 1961. (Photo by Roger Lambert) |
Tug pushing barges on the Mackenzie River. (Photo by Roger Lambert) |
Contributors and References:1) Donna Loewen <donnaern(at)
2) Ray White <legerwhite(at)>
3) David Smith <drdee(at)>
4) Roger C N Lambert <rcnlambert(at)>
Sept 4/10