Ladner - Low Level Aerial Photos
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ladner_a15948-105_1957s.jpg September 13, 1957: This photo, taken from an altitude of 16,940 feet, also shows the adjacent camp area in the upper left corner. The Operations Building is circled in red. Although some antenna masts can been seen within the boundary of the runway triangle, there is insufficient detail to determine the antenna types in use. North is at the top of the photo. (NAPL photo A15948-105)
ladner_lowlevel_vrr2633_378_s.jpg April 1, 1965: This is the north-east runway juncture. The Operations building can just be seen at the lower left corner. Directly north of the building, is a nine antenna rhombic array. An attempt was made to render the array but there are only enough masts visible to show two antennas. North is at the top of the photo.  (NAPL photo VRR2633-378)

April 1: 1965: The Operations Building.  (Part of NAPL photo VRR2633-376)

April 1: 1965: When the airport was closed permanently in 1949 and Ladner was established, it was necessary to mark the runways as 'unserviceable" in order to prevent any aircraft from making a landing there even if it was an emergency. (Part of NAPL photo VRR2633-378)

Contributors and Credits:

1) National Air Photo Library

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Apr 17/08